Insidious Meme

Remote Viewing – Grand Canyon Mysteries

Remote Viewing - Grand Canyon Mysteries

Remote Viewing - Grand Canyon Mysteries

Remote Viewing - Grand Canyon Mysteries

Dazz Smith describes an energy event. We initially looked at his data, and I kind of went and even Dazz went, this doesn't describe the Grand Canyon. We thought we should be describing a river gradually eroding sandstone over here. Dude, not a chance. Have you ever seen the Grand Canyon?

Yeah, I've flown over it. Okay. But it's different seeing it on the level ground area. And then also I've fished those rivers with my dad in Arizona and that kind of thing. Right.

And the whole badlands area, you can tell that that was not the whole river just eroded this particular area story as bogus. Okay, so tell me about the so called thunderbolt theory, this cosmic plasma wave or electrical arc, and it's related to Valis Marinaras, correct? Yes. Okay, take me through that. I'm not really familiar with that.

I've read a little bit about it. Okay, so we have to look at two competing points of origin for the source of the energy that causes this event, and we can get to that in a second. But the event is described as basically an interplanetary electrical discharge that we would think of as lightning. And we know that there are great number of similarities, because when we see a lightning here on Earth, lightning actually, of course, erupts from the ground up. It doesn't come from the sky down.

It just happens so fast. We see it in reverse with the after image. Lightning causes a unique form of crystallization, and adherence, or coherence, is probably the best word for material that's in the Earth underneath the point of discharge. And these lightning strikes are in some sands and stuff will glue sand together in these fascinating forms down below the surface of the strike. And those things are extremely valuable.

They're about as valuable as meteorites to that particular collecting crowd. But the interesting thing about those is that we see the same form scaled up as well as in place at that scale in the Grand Canyon as in a lightning strike. So, in other words, yes, there's been erosion in the Grand Canyon, no question about it. But those areas of the formation of the oldest part of the Grand Canyon at its point of its furthest extent, show that erosion less on the downstream side than would be expected if erosion was the cause. And then when you go to that downstream side, you can see why the effects of the erosion are less.

And it's because the openness, so to speak, of the striations of the various different rocks and sands is a lot less porous to the elements than the stuff on the eastern side of the Grand Canyon, where there is some thought that that's where the energy event began. And this is also similar with lightning. So, in other words, when lightning strikes or picks up from the ground in sand, when they're able to take out these models that look a lot like the anthills where they pour aluminum in that kind of thing. It's just this weird way in which it all fuses. There's a run, so to speak, and, you know, in a lightning strike, that run is on the order of millimeters to centimeters.

But in the Grand Canyon, it's on the order of hundreds of miles, but the effect is the same. And so here's the thinking. The thinking is the Grand Canyon was formed as a plasma discharge event. And anybody who's ever done MiG or Tig welding that has had momentary lapse and the arc moved and came in contact with something that was metallic or came close enough, we'll know what I'm talking about in terms of a plasma discharge event. And what happens is this.

The sun is not a nuclear reactor. And even our understanding of nuclear forces is wrong. When we think of uranium and we split that atom, what we're actually doing is we're breaking electrical forces. Okay? So in the atom, you have the proton where all of the protons were all held together in the nucleus and they're all wanting to adhere to each other.

Then you have the electrons, which are all trying to fly around and leave. So there's an adhering force and a repelling force that are in balance in the core of the nucleus of an atom. And what we do with nuclear explosions or nuclear science is that we separate the electrical forces and we get some of those electrons and protons to disengage from each other. So there's no nuclear force. We're not actually shattering particles or anything.

We're just separating that force. An electrical force is extremely powerful. It is the most powerful force we have in our universe, insofar as we're able to determine at this point. Gravity is about it's a five level force, whereas electricity is the zero or one. It's the very top.

And so what goes on here is this.

Our sun is not nuclear

. It's basically a large mass of iron in the form of hematite and gold and silver and other heavy elements, including some gases that have been made heavy by compression. But there's no hydrogen, helium, nuclear reaction going on. It doesn't give off radiation in that sense.

It gives off light and heat and electromagnetic radiation, but not what we think of as nuclear radioactive decay in the same way that we have nuclear radioactive decay on particles here on Earth. So the sun is this iron ball that's going through an interstellar medium. And basically, because it's got gases in it, it sets up a state very similar to what we see with meg and Tig torches here on Earth. And I'm going to just draw you a little picture here and it'll sort of make some sense to you, and then we can explain what happened, regardless of what the source of this was. Okay, so we've got the sun as an iron ball here, and it's outgassing basically continuously with gases like argon and helium and hydrogen.

Yes. But they don't dominate. And so as it out gasses, you get an envelope of gas around it as that envelope and that sun is pushed through the interstellar media. It gets this effect of electricity, of ionization, of friction causing ionization, and the gas is ionized and then they ignite the same way you get the ignition on a tig torch when you get all your gases right and everything and your tungsten ball is all set, right? It builds up a charge and then it fires off.

Correct. And then it sustains it. Okay. That's the thing with the sun. It's a sustained electrical outpouring.

Basically what's going on and the reason it's sustained is because the sun has 72,000 miles/second speed going through the interstellar medium, which is not a vacuum. There's shit out there that peels around the sun, peels around the heliopause, causes that electrostatic effect. The gasses from the sun ignite in an ionized state. Okay, so we're living within a cell, an ionized cell of gas. We back here.

Let me get another color here. Okay, so us guys on planets are back here behind the sun. And it's only in this cone back here, the coma, that we have vacuum. And we live back here in vacuum. But out here along the edge, that's an ionized electrical energized atmosphere around the whole of the solar system.

That's what the Voyagers have run into. That's why they hear this electrical hiss the more they try and push through. And they have not escaped the solar system as much as the people in NASA are trying to say that that's not true. They haven't left the solar system. They have yet to penetrate that electrical area there.

So here we are floating around in the back here's, mars back over here. I'm going to need another color. Hang on. Okay, so we'll put Mars is red and we're green. So we have Mars over here and we have us guys right there.

And then the theory is on all of this for both Mars and Earth, what happened was this, that

our solar system picked up an exoplanet: Venus

. We know that they picked up an exoplanet because humans were living on Earth when this occurred and they wrote about it. The humans that were living on the Earth here at this time, it was after the gods had left, had Boogie gone out. Probably the gods left because they thought Earth was going to get roasted. They thought Earth was just toast and screw it, leave the slaves, we're getting out of here.

There's some heavy duty shit got to hit the solar system, but the humans that lived here survived it. And what they saw, they wrote down. These humans were on the Americas. They wrote down the story in Peru. They wrote down the story in the mountains of Ecuador, in the Central Americas, in Mexico.

They all recorded the same events in different languages from a different perspective, but it was the same discussion. And what happened was that our solar system behind the sun, which is trucking through space, it grabbed an exoplanet. Today we call that exoplanet Venus. Okay? So they saw Venus get snatched by our solar system as it's going through space.

Venus is unlike all the other planets, it spins the opposite direction, it's rotation and its orbit are the same and it's spinning the other way. Okay? So get this. So that means that Venus over here is spinning behind the sun, the opposite direction that all the other planets are. So it would be like having one electron going the wrong way in the electron shells around a particular atom that's going to set up an electrostatic situation there.

So what actually it was reported by the Mayans and the Priyankas and these people, was that lightning bolts went from Mars to Venus and Earth to Venus, and then Venus to the sun. And this makes sense as an electrical circuit.

So in our electrical world, our electrical universe here is our ground out here. This is where stuff grounds out into the interstellar media. But this barrier here is like an electrostatic shield. So stuff in here has to operate in isolation, very much like elements on a circuit board. And so we had to neutralize the tremendous amount of energy as Venus was captured and brought in.

So that's the generation of these huge plasma lightning bolts. Correct. They recorded this similar things on Mars, the Grand Canyon, and if they showed us what was really on Venus, we would probably see a Valis marinaras on Venus, or even much larger, because it was the one that was the return current between what they said was hammered. Right. And they actually said that there was like between Mars and Venus it was like blue lightning, and between Earth and Venus it was like green lightning.

The effects were different because of the nature of the plasma being discharged, the electricity being discharged, and then it was just white between this and Venus. And the sun did this lightning exchange for several months, whereas there were really only one or two events between Mars and Earth and Venus.

Okay? And thus, by the way, just from this evidence, we know that Planet X, all of this kind of stuff is bullshit because there's no mini solar system outside of our solar system that can get through this energetic barrier. So anything within our solar system, including all of the comets, is continually within our solar system circulating around in here. So we can't see Planet X out to the extent here, it doesn't exist in our solar system. So when you saw dad Smith's session on the Grand Canyon, you must have gone big light bulb, the whole deal, correct?

Yeah. Okay, so that makes more sense. Now let's also consider one other way out. Wacko woo woo. Kind of a potential cause, okay?

And that is that there's also recordings in petroglyphs in a number of different areas around the planet. Now, okay, so let me back up. A lot of petroglyphs all around the planet describe and draw these events that I just have just described. It was only in the Americas that they had the capacity, the stability to write it down in some form of language. But it was drawn in Polynesia, it was drawn in Melanesia, it was drawn in the caves in Algeria, it was drawn in Siberia.

It was drawn all around the planet. And it appears that all these petroglyphs were put down about the same period of time. That is to say, we can't tell because it's chiseled in rock and you can't carbon date rock, but it appears to be about X number of tens of thousands of years back. Now, the issue is though, that there are secret mystery school kind of stuff, as well as indigenous stories that describe the Grand Canyon as occurring at the same time that the Great War occurred and that the Earth was scorched and frozen at the same time. And so they describe basically what amounts to the Sahara up through Saudi Arabia, up into Turkey, up into India as being a giant battle zone which would fit with the vedas right, the baymanai, the big battles and so on.

They also describe Antarctica as being a battle zone. And then North America. And North America was like, screwed. It was like totally, totally wasted out. And what set that wasting off was a plasma calling.

They called it a calling forth. And so the indigenous people said that basically so and so the great God in the sky called forth a huge mass of energy from the middle of the Earth and it blew the Grand Canyon and all the people that lived in that region out into space. There is this other woo alternative. However, I like the idea of Venus coming along because they recorded this in a very tight area. Either way, just another column of what they tell us in terms of science and history is not true.


Then we get to the viewers going off on in my session I saw an array of hominids coneheads, hobbits, ETS and Anunnaki.

My analysis of that is many civilizations that have been here throughout the history of the Grand Canyon on this Earth. I would buy that. I would buy that there would be some level of that because of the forgotten lore that comes from sailors and the fact that there were signs all over North America of well traveled population. And we used to have all these stell.

We don't know what they're made out of, but there wasn't wood, there were cement or they were stone, and there were hundreds of the buggers. I know of a manifest. I read a manifest once for a ship's log where the guy was a sailing ship and he was a drogue, drought kind of a boat with a big cat rig and he was paid by the government here in the United States. This is precisely war. This would have been, I think it was like 1820 or something, and he was paid to be on the lookout.

The only reason it came to my attention was that he was paid to be on the lookout for pirates in the region of the Louisiana Delta. But his job, while he was doing his job, his job was to go along with his boat and his crew in this other boat and rip the steel out of the Mississippi Delta, put them on his boat and haul them back for disembarkation, for loading and embarkation to a port that is near where New Orleans is today. He got paid and he had in his manifest, he got paid X amount for each one of these things removed. And then he would always make this a lamentation no pirate scene today. That was good.

There was a documentary, a really well done documentary I saw on Netflix, I forget the name of it, about a huge legendary ship that was huge back in time. And they found this damn thing off the coast of Africa. Like, people went out and they found these incredible sculptures and golden things and all these relics and artifacts. What do you mean? Like General Hans treasure ships?

The giant treasure junks. Yeah. The treasure junks were an astounding engineering at their time. The command junk of the fleet, of the touring of the world fleet had nine masts. And the top two, or in the main two mast, were multiple tiers.

Something the Chinese just did not do on these massively, huge compliment. They were like 5000 soldiers. There were 4000 people that basically we would call Navy. So it was a huge expedition. Yeah.

Back to the Grand Canyon. And I have to consider all possibilities as a remote viewer. And one thing I'm pondering is, could it be that Bix Weir has such a well crafted theory about the Grand Canyon that his thoughts and theories and discussions and writings and postings have created enough mass in consciousness the viewer might actually pick up? And I'm not talking about the creation, I'm talking more about his gold, his Federal Reserve stuff. And that's always a possibility.

I mentioned that in the video, is you can create a mask. I've done it. I've created a fictional place and I put enough energy into it, draw it, sketched it, and made it a real place in consciousness. Give that out and viewers will view it. Well, that's kind of how, whatever other entities they are, work that cause you guys problems.

There have been instances that I'm aware of where remote viewers have run into other consciousnesses that are there. Okay? And we'll just call them entities for ease of discussion. But these entities create masks around the things they don't want you to see. And if you're lucky, enough to break through or strong enough to break through, then you discovered them, not the thing you're after.

And I think, personally, I don't think remote viewing works in the past. I don't think any past remote viewing. I can think of a couple of experiments that you could put some time, money and energy into that would prove me wrong or correct. But absent these kind of experiments, I don't think that any remote viewing in the past is valid. And so thus, it's like wild speculation, but it's sort of like you're correct.

There are layers of stuff there. So if everybody in the whole planet was given the standard American high school idea that there was water flowing through there that rotated it over a bazillion years, then that's probably what you would encounter when you did RV, right? Yeah. That has enough you're you're viewing the collective conscious. The collective what's the word I want?

Like zeitgeist layer or whatever, right? We all agree to that on a subject being by our agreement of the fiction of the thing. Right. And then there's other aspects of that too, and that is that our minds cannot fail. Okay?

So this is something I've never seen in any discussion of Ingo Swans writings or anybody else's. Russell Targ they never dealt with this idea. But our minds are unable as functioning computing reality digesting information processing units to fail. This is what leads us to delusion, because it will supply to us a delusion in order to not fail. So as a programmer, when I write a little routine, I have a binary option return success or return failure.

And so I can have routines fail, but in the process of learning to program in the serious level where I was doing optimization and this kind of thing, I thought about the nature of the mind and never can the mind be allowed to fail. And this is why we have mental illness, because the mind cannot just have a moment where, oh, it does not compute wrong. Correct. Make up something to adapt to you as a remote viewer have eliminated the idea of your mind coming back and saying, no, piss off. Okay?

Because you have set up conditions as a remote viewer, you've trained it to do this kind of stuff where it will provide you with a success. So get my screwy idea here, okay? My scary idea extends even further. My screwy idea is that you're actually contacting Bix's consciousness and sucking out what your mind needs to suck out in order for you to have a success. Well, do some experiments on that.

I'm sure that's part of it, yeah.

My teacher always told me, could you remote view of feather on the wind, but that's all the target was, a feather on the wind. Would you have the guts to just turn that in to work an hour and say, it's just this because you want it to be complex and you want to see. Here's the thing. Okay. So your technique is beautiful.

I tried it. I was shocked at the results on your little sample thing. I got a lot of the I won't betray that, but I got a lot of the elements there. And it's just that weird little snapshot thing that got me how you guys approach on this. Now then I got into physical trouble and you can't do that stuff where you're physically screwed up.

But I started thinking about it in my way of thinking, what you need to do is you need to have the ability to have a default case of no. Okay? So if I write a chunk of code, there's chunks of code that I can write that I know I should return success and others that I know I should return failure. And then others are unknown states. I don't know if they're likely to occur or if they would occur, what the result would be.

So if they do occur, I should have a default response to that. And so I would think you guys should have a default response of no harm, no foul kind of thing. Because if you put your mind under stress, it will eventually rebel over this. But get this. This is the same principle by which I dispute Freud and all of these other guys because the mind will infinitely chase itself and using the mind to examine itself, it just isn't going to work because the mind will always provide those fulfilling conditions that you need.

You want to piss off a remote viewer. The most pissed off I ever was with the group I was working with, one of the target tiers, we had weekly targets that we would work, and somebody put out a target that was null target. There is no target. They gave us an ID. Nothing passed to it.

And the question was, where did your mind go? What did you do? And I was so damn angry, I go, don't do that to me. I sit down for an hour and work my ass off and it's linked to nothing. And I made up a bunch of shit.

Just your ego is involved. Like, well, I got to get something. I'm having an off day here, but it's got to be something. Okay, all right. But see, that's not necessarily an invalid approach.

So there's this concept in military planning that says basically and it's critical thinking. It's actually derives from studied techniques and critical thinking. But it's basically saying, know your assumptions and then allow for the unknown. So what they were doing was somebody was attempting to allow for the unknown. That basically was saying, if we don't tell them to fixate on a target, what interesting thing are we likely to see just because they're out there casting around anyway?

Yeah, you cast your net out into consciousness. We call it free basing the matrix. It's like something will get your attention out there. Exactly. See, my problem with it is that you don't have an inbuilt null state or return failure that you can go to.

So what you should have had was responded in those circumstances, you should've had an option in your brain to say, this shouldn't make any sense. Let's go to our default null, that kind of a thing. And lacking that, and because of the way in which I think about time, I think of the future as being thick and coming towards us in all these various layers, and we're peeling off all of these various layers, and many of the layers of the things that are going to happen to us are inbuilt in our body, and they come in on our energy body. When all of our energy bodies connect in giant humanity, then we get a generalized future prediction that's in everybody's energy body that's likely to manifest within this certain period of time, but the past is sealed off. Okay.

The past is irreparable. You can't do anything to it. So my way of thinking in terms of how time works means that time travel into the past is impossible, and even consciousness going into the past is impossible. Yes, you can go back there, and, yes, you can bring some stuff, some levels of understanding, but you've already got those in your consciousness already. You're not actually in any way going into the past and pulling them up here.

On the other hand, going into the future means you're taking your consciousness here in this material body and literally actually shifting that consciousness forward in these various energetic layer bodies that we have. And if you're really good as you are, you're able to get at that layer that we all share, the boundary layer that we all share that forms the approaching future. Yeah, but that's my understanding. Yeah. That's exactly how I feel.

The future is a forming wave. It's a wave of variables that are going to coalesce into the now. Yes. Thanks for talking with me. Very interesting about the energy event in the Grand Canyon, and we'll talk more about the past.

I've got to go to a yoga class. Okay. And I got to get back to work. That really puts Dazzle, some of these sessions into better perspective for us. Yeah.

And he may indeed have picked up on that, but we do have that written down that these things occurred, and these guys standing up in the mountains in Peru saw it, and it scared the absolute shit out of them. That's.

Thank you, Cliff. All right. Appreciate it. Bye.