Vol.2 - ART IN EMBASSIES - by Mouthy Buddha - 02-10-2021

Vol.2 - ART IN EMBASSIES - by Mouthy Buddha - 02-10-2021

Hello, and welcome to the United States Embassy in Canberra. I'm John Berry, and this is my partner, Curtis Yee. And together, we're very honored to welcome you to our art and Embassy collection here in our home. Come on in.

Art and Embassies provides all the art for all the embassies around the world.

In 1953, a new office within the state Department was born the art and embassies program. The program recently commemorated its 50th anniversary, featuring special events and performances to showcase the important role that the program has played in furthering US. Diplomacy through the visual arts. Working to tell the story of what art and embassies means here at home and around the world, the program alleges to be a vessel for improving U. S.

Foreign relations by promoting cultural diplomacy through art exhibitions. An extension of this program was created in 1986. The foundation of art and preservation in embassies or fate. The foundation for art and Preservation in embassies is a private initiative that gathered together works to be shown in American embassies around the world. But when scraping away the claims of altruism, one finds the central motif of these programs is about one thing the ability to conduct tightly controlled shipments in and out of every US.

Embassy in the world without passing through conventional security channels. The groups associated with the program are among the wealthiest, most powerful in the world, some of whom indirectly or directly connected to illegal activity, including, but not limited to human trafficking.

The state department, for example, is not without scandal. Allegations that officials in the state department have interfered with criminal investigations even quashed some of those investigations. In 2013, a damning internal memo claimed the state department called off an investigation into allegations that US. Ambassador to Belgium Howard Gutman repeatedly traveled to overseas public parks in search of prostitutes, including minors. "I am angered and saddened by the baseless allegations that have appeared in the press, and to watch the four years I proudly served in Belgium smeared is devastating".

Ambassador of government in Belgium was ditching a security detail to engage prostitutes and to allegedly solicit sex with children. "We will not prejudge the outcome of an ongoing inquiry like that". As to be expected, the state department defended Gutman and was able to remove these allegations from the entirety of the report. The case against Gutman is just one in a series of supposed state department cover ups outlined in the memo. Other board members of faith include the Rockefeller family, the Estee Lauder family, meryl Streep, and democratic super lobbyist slash owner of pedophilia child abuse art, Tony Podesta.

In my view, the inclusion of these groups and individuals alone is enough to warrant a closer look at the intentions which reside behind these embassy programs. Today. Art and Embassies is run by Beth Dozeretz, famous for helping Bill Clinton pardon his fugitive hedge fund manager buddy Mark Rich. During this time, Dozarettes was on the same panel as her longtime associate John Podesta. Dozarettes is pictured here with the ineluctable James Alefantis.

All people. For Dozerettes to be brushing shoulders with it's, a man whose apparent connections to human trafficking are as compelling as they are abundant. Another notable figure on the program's payroll is the, quote, performance artist Marina Abramovic. If you're doing pain and understanding that you can control the pain and it can liberate yourself from the pain, then pain is okay. Among the pizza gate crowd, Marina is most well known for her leaked invitation to John Podesta, saying, quote, I am so looking forward to the spirit cooking dinner at my place.

According to Marina, although she claims she was being satirical here, one aspect of her spirit cooking, quote, ritual involved cutting with a, quote, knife deeply into your middle finger of your left hand and to eat the pain. Others have mirrored the defense that Marina is merely utilizing shock art to illustrate larger points about pain and suffering. But let's not forget, Marina is the same person who, in her memoir, claimed to have spoken with spirits who gave her premonitions. She claims to have predicted the attempted assassination of John Paul II and an earthquake in southern Italy. These do not sound like the machinations of a satirist, but the proclamations of a person who believes they are, for lack of a better word, a witch.

Yeah, there's. Here, Marina is spending intimate time with convicted pedophile and child trafficker john of God.

John of God was a cult leader who performed, quote, spiritual surgeries without a license. They were unbelievably brutal. The following video is available to purchase on vimeo. So it's not breaking any tos here, but it is disturbing. I think it's important to watch one of these operations with the context of knowing that this man, John of God, was a child trafficker.

What you're about to see, I feel, showcases the kinds of people we're dealing with.

I was so incredibly surprised by my reaction.

I don't know what happened, but I could see from so close up, the whole thing the hand, the knife and all this didn't bring any emotions in me. It was so normal. It was like removing dirt of something that was irritated from the good.

And you have to have faith. When you have a faith, there is no pain. Testimony from John of God's victims ranged from groping them to raping their children to allegedly running, quote, breeding farms where women existed for the sole purpose of making babies. And the journalist who broke this story was Sabrina Bittencourt.

Soon after this video, Sabrina was found dead in what local authorities ruled a suicide. But we both know she did not kill herself.

According to the Department of State, the artist Jeff Coons collaborated with Art and Embassies in 2012. You have a sense of transcendence taking place here, here with Popeye. It's transcendence the male energy and heats that spinach, and he transcends into this strength. And I think that's the art. The spinach is art.

Coon's previous wife was Hungarian porn star Cecilina. In 2015, Cecilina was interviewed by author and journalist Elaine Elkin. Ciciolina continually referenced how, quote, rich and powerful Coons was and how she feared for her life, saying, quote, my husband is going to kill me. He keeps threatening me. She continued, saying, quote, he wanted things that were sexually absurd.

I walked in on him nude on the bed while our child was playing with his genitals. I certainly saw other horrible things, but I can't tell you about them. In other words, my husband is mad as a hatter. So, just to clarify, according to Kuhn's then wife, this man has sexually molested his child and threatened to kill his wife. Keep this context in mind for what you're about to hear next.

Jeff serves on the board of Directors for the International Center of Missing and Exploited Children, with his own foundation, the Coons Family Institute, serving as the research arm for the organization. Coons also donated $50,000 to Correct the Record, a company owned by Democratic fixer David Brock, the same man who was James Alefantis's boyfriend. I'm going to create a moment here. David, self consciously. I want you to say the sentence, hillary Clinton handled her email practices at the State Department perfectly.

Yeah, she handled her email practice department perfectly. Yes, I agree with that. James Alefantis posted this image to his instagram. And as it turns out, this, quote, art was created by Jeff Coons. In fact, this is apparently Jeff's penis.

Certainly a good look for the Department of State, but one of the standouts of the art and Embassies program is Masterpiece International. Founded by David Epstein, this Manhattan based cargo shipping service specializes in fine art. Information on their site illustrates how they're able to bypass conventional security protocols, from handling the cargo to conducting both security and supervision. And by supplying one of their own 30 license to custom brokers at every step of the way, masterpiece International guarantees your shipments will remain unseen by prying eyes.

Both Diana and John D. Negroponte are board members of Fate. John's brother, nicholas Negroponte is the founder of the one laptop per child association. And in an unfortunate twist, Negroponte has publicly stated his lack of apology regarding a specific relationship he had with a man who has now become infamous.

You're one of us, one of the truth.

Negroponte accepted substantial funding from Jeffrey Epstein. Just five years after Epstein's conviction for sex trafficking minors, Negroponte told MIT Staff, quote, if you wind back the clock, I would still say take it. And so we've gone into two villages where there is no literacy, there are no street signs, the village doesn't have a name. We have half a million laptops today in the hands of children. We have about a quarter of a million in transit to those and other children.

And then there are another quarter of a million and more that are being ordered at this moment. How can someone in such a powerful position appear so unashamed about accepting lavish donations from a convicted child trafficking pedophile? If you still don't know how to answer that question, you haven't been listening.

This is the image depicted for the 2005 segment of the official Art and Embassy's website. By now, close followers of this topic should be fully aware of the implications the apparent symbols in this image convey. At what point do we stop doubting the potentiality of high level child trafficking and open our eyes to see it admittedly? When attempting to discuss the more conspiratorial aspects of this subject to close friends and family, I often get eye rolls and irrelevant concessions. I've come to realize that many of us are too scared to entertain such notions, especially from those who still believe in the mainstream media, a number much larger than you might expect.

And because of this, for the foreseeable future, any reference toward the existence of elite human trafficking will remain a niche topic and therefore never truly be investigated by the masses. In that case, it's up to people like you and I to do whatever we can to provide evidencebased analysis of human trafficking. We have to utilize our platforms as weapons against the growing tide of fear based media, propagated, distractions and divisions. Because somewhere at this very moment, adults and children are being seen and used as commodities clandestinely sold to the highest bidder. And I'm convinced that among the bidders exist some of the most powerful and influential people in the world.

So no matter how strong the censorship gets or how corrupt our leadership becomes, we have to continue to work together in hopes that one day true justice will be done. If you want to see our videos continue, please support them on subscribestar or patreon. I'm also continuing my collaboration with Dauntless Dialogue.com, an emerging free speech platform hosting original documentaries and series. So keep your eyes peeled on my gab, where all announcements regarding future projects will be given. And a sincere thank you to my loyal patrons and stars.

We all know that this topic is incredibly important and vital, so we do appreciate your continued support. So, just to reiterate, the elite human trafficking series will still be free and made possible by patrons, and those videos will only be released on my Bitch You Channel. Dauntless Dialogue is a separate endeavor and one that I really believe in. I think we do need a kind of Netflix for the truth or sphere. So once again, you can go to Dauntlessdialog.com for more information regarding that particular platform.

Thank you very much and see you soon.

Last modified: March 8, 2023
