US Air Force found out that the Earth's rotation is driven by it's magnetic field - 07-31-2024

US Air Force found out that the Earth's rotation is driven by it's magnetic field - 07-31-2024

US Air Force found out that the Earth's rotation is driven by it's magnetic field - 07-31-2024

Episode Summary:

The document provides an extensive overview of the Earth's magnetic field, its behavior, and its impact on geological and atmospheric phenomena. It particularly emphasizes the potential consequences of the Earth's magnetic field reversal, a significant geological event that has captured the attention of scientists globally. This phenomenon, as described in the document, leads to a cessation of the Earth's rotation, causing dramatic environmental changes.

In a discussion led by Speaker A, the scientists observed physical evidence in the form of displaced tree limbs, large rocks, and boulders cascading down solid slopes, without any current water flow to account for such movement. This observation aligns with findings from a paper by the RAND Corporation, which delves into the causes behind the Earth's slowing rotation.

The paper by the RAND Corporation, mentioned by Barry, suggests that the decay of the Earth's dipole or magnetic field is a critical factor contributing to this slowdown. The document explains that when the Earth's magnetic field reverses, it essentially halts the planet's rotation. To illustrate this concept, the document provides a simple experiment: filling a pan with water, increasing its speed to about 3 miles per hour, and then stopping it abruptly. The resulting water movement mimics the massive shifts that would occur in the Earth's oceans during a magnetic field reversal.

This hypothetical scenario describes how, on the Atlantic side, the ocean would recede rapidly, exposing the seabed, while the Pacific Ocean would simultaneously surge towards land. These dramatic shifts would have profound impacts on global environments and ecosystems.

The discussion highlights the broader implications of such geological events. The scientists' observations and the RAND Corporation's research underscore the interconnectedness of the Earth's magnetic field, its rotational dynamics, and the resultant environmental changes. This document serves as a crucial reference for understanding the potential future scenarios driven by natural forces beyond human control.

#EarthsRotation #MagneticFieldReversal #GeologicalForces #EnvironmentalChanges #AtlanticOcean #PacificOcean #SeabedExposure #OceanSurge #RandCorporation #EarthsMagneticField #TreeLimbs #Rocks #Boulders #SubmarineCanyons #GeologicalEvents #EnvironmentalImpacts #Interconnectedness #NaturalForces #FutureScenarios #GeologicalResearch #EarthScience #PlanetaryRotation #DipoleDecay #Oceanography #EarthObservation #ScientificResearch #Geophysics #PlanetaryScience #GlobalPhenomena #ScientificObservations #EarthMagnetism #ClimateImpact #NaturalDisasters #EnvironmentalScience

Key Takeaways:
  • The Earth's magnetic field reversal can halt its rotation, causing significant environmental impacts.
  • Scientists observed displaced tree limbs, rocks, and boulders without any current water flow, indicating powerful geological forces.
  • The RAND Corporation's paper attributes the Earth's slowing rotation to the decay of its magnetic field.
  • The potential environmental changes include the rapid recession of the Atlantic Ocean and a surge from the Pacific Ocean.
  • The interconnectedness of the Earth's magnetic field, its rotation, and environmental shifts highlights the complexity of geological phenomena.
  • Understanding these natural forces is crucial for anticipating future geological events and mitigating their impacts.
  • The reversal of the Earth's magnetic field will halt the planet's rotation, leading to dramatic environmental changes.
  • The Atlantic Ocean will rapidly recede, exposing the seabed, while the Pacific Ocean will surge towards land.
Key Players:
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US Air Force found out that the Earth's rotation is driven by it's magnetic field - 07-31-2024

US Air Force found out that the Earth's rotation is driven by it's magnetic field - 07-31-2024

Earth's magnetic field reverses, the earth stops its rotation

Speaker A: They saw tree limbs, they saw huge rocks and boulders that were cascaded down these solid slopes, down this thing. But they saw no current whatsoever today coming down here. So what was the force that pushed all these trees and other things down into these big, huge submarine canyons? I'll give you a clue. Barry told you that the air force by Iran corporation paper, which I have, and you'll see it when I do that video. They know. They want to figure out how come the earth's rotation was slowing down. The end of the article basically says that, the dipole or the magnetic field of the earth decays, and that's the thing that's causing the earth to slow down. Well, imagine when the earth's magnetic field reverses, the earth stops its rotation. So imagine simple test. Take a pan of water, fill it, try to increase your speed to about 3 miles an hour. Stop short. Find out what happens. Now you know what happened here. So if you're sitting on the atlantic side, which would be now. no, it was two cycles ago that was like that. You'd see the Atlantic Ocean rushing away from you real fast, all the way down to the bottom of the ocean. But on the other side, the Pacific's coming towards you real fast too. But I'll go into that when I cover the ocean.

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Last modified: August 2, 2024
