UFOs meet & greet - 08-18-2024

UFOs meet & greet - 08-18-2024

UFOs meet & greet - 08-18-2024

Episode Summary:

The narrative begins on Sunday, August 18, as the speaker describes a long drive to visit his wife at a rehab facility. The day is marked by peculiar weather conditions, with the first rain since May and cooler temperatures. The speaker touches on a series of concerns that resonate deeply, particularly involving a friend named Doug. Doug, a retired military personnel who served in the 10th Mountain Division, is troubled by his older brother Mac’s death from cancer, a situation compounded by the suspicion that both brothers were victims of tainted polio vaccines administered during their military service.

Doug's paranoia about cancer has been heightened by the deaths of his brother and the speaker’s brother, both of whom suffered from various forms of cancer. Doug himself has been dealing with numerous health issues, including arthritis and benign tumors, which have not turned cancerous but are concerning nonetheless. The narrative reveals Doug’s belief that his and his brother's work as radar technicians in the military might have contributed to their health problems, especially their cancers. This belief drives Doug to quit the military to avoid further exposure to harmful radio frequencies, leading to a life filled with medical challenges.

Amidst these health concerns, Doug encounters a supposed solution in the form of EE systems, a type of energy healing system that claims to heal through exposure to scalar waves. Scalar waves are described as a pseudoscientific term, lacking a clear definition or understanding within the scientific community. The system uses computer screens to stream colors, supposedly bombarding users with these scalar waves to heal them. However, the speaker points out the limitations of the hardware and the predominance of blue light from the screens, which can disrupt circadian rhythms and melatonin production, ultimately leading to sleep issues.

Doug decides to visit one of these EE centers, driven by desperation to find relief from his health issues. Armed with a trivalent meter due to his experience with radar technology, Doug measures the electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) and radio frequencies at the center. He is shocked to find extremely high levels of radar frequency, even before entering the building. This discovery confirms the speaker's suspicions about the EE systems, leading Doug to abandon his visit out of fear for his health.

The speaker delves into the dangers of radar exposure, highlighting that both high-power and low-power radar systems can be harmful. Low-power radar, while used historically in physical therapy to warm muscles, can still dampen brain activity and potentially lead to brain cancer, as it did with Doug's brother Mac. The speaker's skepticism towards the EE systems is reinforced by the lack of transparency and technical understanding from the system's proponents, who use terms like "scalar waves" without providing meaningful explanations.

In the latter part of the narrative, the speaker predicts an increase in UFO activity, particularly in the southwestern United States. These sightings, described as mass sightings involving multiple UFOs, are expected to become so common that people will grow desensitized to them. The speaker suggests that this surge in UFO activity will challenge established scientific paradigms, particularly those influenced by Jewish-controlled media and academia. The speaker envisions a future where these paradigms are overthrown, leading to a rejection of figures like Einstein and a shift towards new scientific concepts such as the ether.

The speaker's anticipation of a new era of UFO interactions, including potential landings, is tied to a broader narrative of societal change. This change, according to the speaker, will undermine the deep state and its control over humanity, particularly through the influence of Jewish cultural and religious institutions. The speaker foresees a decline in Jewish influence over media, academia, and science, driven by the exposure of "fake" science and history.

Ultimately, the narrative is a blend of personal anecdotes, skepticism towards modern health practices, and predictions of a transformative future marked by UFO sightings and the fall of established scientific and cultural authorities. The speaker's outlook is one of caution and suspicion, particularly towards unproven technologies and the influence of established power structures.

#CancerAwareness #RadarExposure #ScalarWaves #EnergyHealing #MilitaryVeteran #UFOActivity #ScientificParadigms #CircadianRhythm #Pseudoscience #BrainHealth #Melatonin #HealthRisks #DeepState #TechSkepticism #UFO #BrainCancer #TaintedVaccines #HealthScams #Veterans #Einstein #EtherTheory #JewishCulture #Academia #TechScams #UFOEncounters #RadarTechnology #Paranoia #ScalarTech #HealthSupplements #RedLightTherapy #MilitaryCancer #EnergySystems #HealthSkepticism #BrainActivity #MelatoninProduction

Key Takeaways:
  • Doug, a retired military technician, is deeply concerned about cancer due to his brother's death and his own health issues, which he attributes to radar exposure and tainted vaccines.
  • The narrative criticizes EE systems, which claim to heal through scalar waves, highlighting the pseudoscientific nature of the technology and the potential harm from radar frequencies.
  • Doug's experience at an EE center, where he detected dangerously high radar levels, validates his skepticism and leads him to abandon the visit.
  • The speaker predicts an increase in UFO activity, particularly in the southwestern U.S., which will challenge established scientific and cultural norms, particularly those influenced by Jewish-controlled media and academia.
  • The narrative anticipates a future where outdated scientific models, such as Einstein’s theories, are overthrown in favor of new concepts like the ether.
  • An increase in UFO sightings, particularly in the southwestern United States, will occur.
  • These UFO sightings will lead to a challenge of established scientific paradigms and societal structures.
  • Jewish-controlled media, academia, and science will lose influence as these paradigms are overthrown.
  • There will be an increase in interactions between humans and UFOs, potentially leading to landings and significant societal shifts.
Key Players:
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UFOs meet & greet - 08-18-2024

Hello, humans. Hello, humans. It's Sunday, August 18. It's about 13 after eight in the morning, and I'm heading in on a long drive to go see my wife at the rehab facility. It's about a seven and a half to eight hour round trip, so it's pretty exhausting. I doubt I'll do one of these on the way back. Maybe. I don't know. I don't want to talk so much that my voice gets too affected. I've got a couple of interviews that are trying to be scheduled, and I don't want to get that raspy voice business. Hang on. Weird traffic out here. Tourists, big motorhomes, giant trailers, that kind of thing. Okay, so there's a bunch of stuff I wanted to talk about, some of which are going to piss off a lot of people. All right, so we'll get into that in just a second. Let me mop up some tea here that spilled.

The younger brother of a good friend of mine contacted me recently with cancer concerns. The weather has just been quite odd. We had the first rain since May yesterday, and it's a little rainy today, but it definitely has turned cold. So went down to 49 on the beach the other morning, like two days ago. So we're heading into our fall and winter. Anyway, so, so the younger brother of a good friend of mine contacted me a while back, like a few weeks ago. He and his brother were. Okay, so the guy's name is Doug. And Doug is a, he's retired. Well, I mean, he wasn't like a lifer or anything. He was in the military for a while, right? I think he was in for like ten, maybe 15 years. And then he got out, got into other lines of work, and he does computer stuff. He's retired. Retired now he's like five, or six years younger than I am, maybe six. Let me think about that. Anyway, his older brother has passed. His older brother was my friend. He was a little kid that just sort of hung around with us. Doug was. And, his dad. And Doug turned out, were. His dad was, ah, in the 10th mountain division, which is a US Army division out of, New York state. You know, they've got a long history and stuff. Anyway, Doug joined that when he was old enough. So he went in at, I think, 17, you know, a real young guy. And, he joined the 10th mountain division, too. You know, served in Vietnam, all of that kind of stuff. Right. He's a good guy. He ended up doing, radar. Okay, so his brother Washington. His, his older brother, we all called Mac. He, he passed from cancer. He had lots of cancers, but he was in the navy. And he was a, One of the things he did was a. He was a radar tech, right? Radar operator. I don't know what kind of boats or anything he was on, but he was a radar operator. Well, Doug went into the 10th mountain division. Like I say, he served in Vietnam and stuff. And then when he came out they had him. And maybe even in Vietnam, I don't know. But they had him as a radar operator, radar technician. And he was, doing all that kind of stuff for, ah, seven or eight years. Anyway, he and his brother. Okay, so he got out of the military when his brother started getting cancers, right? And then his brother had, like me. So I had a 30 year history of undiagnosed colon cancer. But at the same time, during that period of time, I had skin, cancer as well as a breast cancer. Had a full on mastectomy, right? And so I had put this down to the double, ah, dose of the contaminated salk polio vaccine that my brother and I were given. We got very, very, very sick. We got a dose of it in, South Carolina before we go to Europe and then we get to Germany. They didn't have our shot records. They were distributing them. They didn't see the harm in it, so they gave us another dose of the vaccines. Anyway, my brother passed at age 55. Lots of different kinds of problems and cancers, but we were basically sick from that point on. And so we'd always suffered something as a result, in my opinion, of those vaccines. Anyway, Mac, Doug's older brother and the guy who was my friend, he started showing up cancers like, maybe 25 or 30 years back and had had them popping up intermittently just like me, over the years. And just like, my brother and myself, Mac and Doug both had gotten the salk polio vaccine. And we know that at least 12.8 million doses were contaminated and they gave them out anyway. And of course, on all of the. They usually dump shit on the military, right? So, as an after effect. So, probably most of those, 12.8 million doses of tainted vaccine, were dumped onto the military to use. But in any event, okay, so that's all aside. Mac passes from cancer. In the process of having all of those cancers, Doug, gets really weirded out because both he and Mac put some level of the cancer potential down to their jobs as radar technicians. Anyway, so there's a long story. But anyway, so Doug, he gets out of the military, like I say, maybe it was 15 years or something like that. I'll have to ask him. He's going to call me in a couple of days. He, so Doug gets out of there. He has like massive paranoia, about getting cancer, okay. Since his older brother had it, I had it. My brother died of it. So, you know, Doug gets a little bit, you know, understandably freaked out about all of this, and so he quits the military because he doesn't want any more exposure to the radio frequency stuff. Anyway, he has had all kinds of problems, that are probably biochemical from his time at a source from his time in Vietnam, you know, like arthritis, not really cancer, but all kinds of, you know, what they call benign tumors, you know, that, never metastasize or go cancerous, but they shouldn't be there. And so he's had all kinds of problems like this. He's had lots of surgeries and stuff. So, you know, so he's like medically retired. Anyway, so he and I had been chatting. He had had a reason to contact me and we started talking about things. And then he, he, because he's feeling so bad, you know, arthritis. He's like, 65 now and, you know, was complaining about, you know, getting up in the morning and the, you know, two to 3 hours to get his body moving and, you know, to reduce the level of pain and problem sleeping, all of this kind of stuff, right. I mean, that we all go through. Anyway, so, I was talking with him and he was, he went to, Okay. So, he called me, we chatted, I gave him some information, and then later on, he called me back and reported what he had found out. Now, he had said in that first phone call that he was going to go to one of these ee systems places. He's back on the east coast somewhere, and I don't know where it was.

Maybe he was going to Illinois. He was going to have to drive to, to get to this place. Now, these ee systems are those, this, is one of those, quote, energy healing systems, right? And you see these ee systems with their computer screens, ah, running in the background and they're just flashing all, they're not flashing, but they're streaming, in a bottom to the top, kind of a scrolling sort of a situation. They're streaming all of these little squares of colors on the computer screen and supposedly I don't, okay, so I don't know the details on this, right, because these people are less than forthcoming when they talk to you about their devices, and the sales kind of people that you get to don't know and those that do know won't talk to you or they are obscuring on this. But in any event, so they are claiming, the EE systems guys claim that you're being bombarded with scalar waves, all right? And the idea is you can come on in and bring a pillow and you know, have a slumber party and sleep there in this and be bathed with these scalar waves and they will heal you somehow, right? It's, they use Tesla, they use his name a lot, and they throw out a lot of pseudoscientific terms to describe what, what they are saying their device does. But here's a couple of things. I have not seen any of the actual devices I'm under. I'm not certain if the healing is supposed to come from the screens or from some other external device, but the screens are simply software. They're simply scrolling colors, in columns across the screen. And that's just simply a software effect. Okay? So now here's something else. No matter what the software can, no matter what you do in the software, always software will be limited to the capacity, to the capability, of the hardware. And so in this case the hardware is a regular old computer screen, right? Just a regular old flat monitor. Now, so no matter what these guys do, all those monitors are ever going to do is to produce light that is heavily blue light dominated. So they can't alter that within the software. You can't tell the computer screen not to show blue light, all right? It will show blue light even if you've got no blue on the screen, because blue is such a predominant color for these monitors and they're designed to put out specific set of frequencies that is dominated by blue light. When blue light's not good for you, right, keeps you awake and that kind of thing. And it alters your circadian rhythms. It screws up with your circulating melatonin, melanin, and it gets really, and it can actually destroy your melatonin production. It can actually make it difficult for you to sleep if you're looking at blue light before you try and go to bed. And you need at least an hour, maybe an hour and a half or 2 hours given the individual variants and bodies, to quote, you know, detox from that blue light. Anyway, so Doug's going to these ee systems guys. He had heard about them. He was, he was going to seek relief from his many health problems. He was going to have to spend many hours driving there. Maybe it's even overnight. I'll have to ask him. We didn't get into that level of detail. Anyway, so I had told him what I understood about these guys and then I told him something that kind of took him aback and that is that I have communicated with this, I think her name is like Sandra Stone, claims to be a doctor. I don't know what her doctorate is supposedly in. You know, she could be a physical therapist for all I know, or, you know, a gym teacher. Have no idea. But she, she claims, you know, so they pimp her out as doctor. Doctor Rose. Okay. Anyway, so I'd been in contact with her a long time ago, like more than a year ago. And all I ever wanted to know was the frequency of the energy that these guys were putting out. I was willing to believe that they'd had a device and that, that they'd come across something and so on, right? But here's the thing about it. There is no definition, no frequency definition for the word scalar. So scalar waves are meaningless, all right? But if you say 5g then anybody who's a technician knows you're talking sub millimeter waves, right? You're talking microwaves. So you know, so the description, the name usually gives you a description of the frequencies involved, you know, visible light, infrared, ultraviolet, etcetera. That tells you the frequencies you're dealing with. Scalar is meaningless. Scalar is a, is a reference to its ability to scale across, what they call domains, okay? But, but scalar waves are not a frequency. And so so I told him this and he's going I m wonder what this is. But anyway, so he went to check it out. Anyway, so he gets in his car, he drives there, wherever it is. Like I think maybe it was in Illinois. I don't know where these centers are located. They're going to be setting up another one here pretty quick. I think it's a little closer to his place, but I don't know. Anyway, so Doug gets there and he was a little bit cautious based on our discussion. Because, you know, if you're telling me scalar waves, that does not tell me the frequency that you're bombarding me at and so anyway so I asked him to take a meter, ah with him, a trivalent meter. And he's got dozens of these because of his work in radar and he's got some fairly sophisticated ones too that you know have software interfaces and all of this kind of thing. But anyway so I asked him to take a meter with me and find out what frequencies these guys are pumping out. Anyway so he goes there gets to this ee center that goes to the parking lot. It's like midday. And he you know he parks his car. The parking lot's full, it's fairly well attended, this little ee center. There's you know, apparently a lot of people there. And he gets his meter out. He starts heading in and then he remembers and goes back to. Gets his meter. And so he turns his meter on at his car and he said he was just shocked. The amount of radio frequency and emf was just very very very high even out at his car some 50 or 60ft away from the main door. Apparently the building is like lots of windows you know and glass doors and stuff, a commercial kind of a building. And so he He reports to me that he was. His eyes were glued to the meter as he was walking in and he said it dawned on him about halfway between his car and the building to flip it over to the radar frequency which is a different sensor within the device he had. So it doesn't display that in a coordinated display but his, like mine does like the cheaper models do. They'll show you all of all three readings on the same screen. He has a device that's very very very sophisticated and I can pick up all different kinds of frequencies and So he has different screens for things. Anyway, he turns it onto the radar and he's just shocked. He said it just stopped him in his tracks, you know 20 or 30ft from the main door there. And he said he actually felt there were people walking by saying can you feel that? Can you feel that? You know one person trying to get another person reactive to the experience. Right. Anyway so Doug's standing there while these people are coming on into the, this ee center and he's looking at his his meter that's showing radar off the chart.

I mean it is literally at the very top of the scale. His the readings of the radar levels and his EMF is very high and his radio frequency is very high. Mostly I don't care about radio frequency, it's not all that damaging. EMF yes and radar certainly. Anyway, so Doug never went in. The radar level got so high that he did not go into the facility. He was just too freaked out. He went and got a motel, he had a good dinner, he relaxed. Then the next day he headed back home. But he didn't go in there because I wanted him going in and actually hassle him to find out what frequencies they're putting out. Well now we know they're putting out a radar to radio frequency at a ratio of 19 ah for radar down to 1.8 for radio ah frequency. So it's a ratio. So they're putting out both of those claiming these to be scalar and they're basically bombarding you with low power, high frequency, see radar waves. And it's the low power aspect of it that is curious, okay, because here's the thing about radar and radar operators will tell you this. Even around the, especially the land based mobile units that they drag behind jeeps and stuff, right, and set up on battlefields to try and find tanks or whatever or you know, scope out aircraft and that kind of thing. Anyway so Hang on a second. Stuff falling all over. Okay. Anyway so Doug goes and he calls me, comes back home and he calls me and he tells me all of this. He says, boy, he said you were right. You know, he said that the EMF was very very very high, you know, not like Tesla levels, not like ah, you know 150 to 500, but it was like a persistent 70, and he had radar levels that were in the several hundreds. So it was a, it was a very high frequency radar that appeared to be pulsed. He said it would, you know, it would actually jump up, drop down, jump up, drop down. Because he was, you know, he prevaricated and dithered for some time trying to figure out if he was going to go on in, right. He would driven most of the day there for this. So you know, he was reluctant to just blow it off and he never did go in. He was just too freaked out because he's very, very paranoid about cancer and very paranoid about radar frequency exposure. Anyway, here's the thing about radar. You can have high power radar and you can have low power radar that both produce the same frequency. The low power radar, when you're just connecting the devices and hooking them up, goes through this low power cycle. Up, power on self test. And at that point radar operators will feel warmth, okay, they'll feel the low power radar waves emanating from the device. And you know, you got to be careful about it because you don't want to be in the, in the range of radar and especially if it's palpable that you know, if it's perceptible to you but you know too intense a radar, too too high power and it has ah, skin burning effects, right. It'll, it'll literally raise blisters on your skin in, in minutes if not actual seconds depending on the level of the power. But low power systems are different. Low power system, low power radar was actually used in like the fifties as a healing modality. They used it in like physical therapy. And this kind of stuff because it will make your muscles warm, it will penetrate the body, it'll make your muscles warm. Your skin can be slightly warm to the touch. You'll get this generalized feeling of warmth and then it also low power affects your brain and so it dampens down brain activity. And you know, a lot of radar operators die of brain cancer and that's what got Mac. It was finally brain cancer that killed him, right? He, like me, he had all kinds of cancers. He had actually had amputation, of a foot because the foot got cancerous so he was just in a real bad state. Right. But it was eventually the brain cancer that killed him. Anyway so Doug doesn't go in, the radar levels are way high. And this is, I suspected that there was something there because they, the, supposedly, the people that are the technicians, they don't talk like technicians and they don't speak Techie talk when you call them and you want to do techie talk. And so that's something in my, my experience all us Techie guys love to talk tech, right? And so if you want to talk to me about any aspect of, you know, my, my work or whatever the software or any of this kind of stuff, I love getting into all those little details. Anyway, so the people with the supposed scalar waves aren't, aren't speaking, they're not saying, they're the obscuring you know, deflecting that kind of thing. And they, you know, they have a smile on their face and they tell you well it's a scalar wave, as though that is meaningful as opposed to simply being a label. So anyway, so he calls and tells me all of this. And then I was saying, well that's, you know, just kind of par for the course. That's what I thought was going on with something like this. I didn't know it was radar frequency. I didn't know that they had headed at a yemenite power level in order to induce these palpable effects that are just short of damage, right? Short of real time skin damage, that kind of thing. And so they He's disappointed, of course. He gets back, you know, he goes and drives back and stuff. He calls me and I and so on. And you know, he's, he's got issues. I put him onto a skeenar. I actually put him onto some supplements, including honokiol, which is an anti anxiety drug, but is also an anti tendon pain I stuff. It comes from magnolia trees, from the, from the park. And you know, it's non addictive. You can take it forever. Japanese. Been using it for hundreds of years. Yada, yada, yada. Anyway, that really set him up, very well. I mean he's got some benefit out of the other ones. He's starting to do the cayenne now and that's eating him as well because if you just have a half a teaspoon of very hot cayenne pepper, first thing in the morning, you reduce your ability to have pain for the rest of the day because it blocks all these pain receptors. Anyway, so Doug's doing well, he's doing better. He's thinking of going to this, next to this grand opening of this, ee sent new ee center somewhere right now. He's kind of like got a bug in his bonnet right on this thing. And he says, you know, he thinks they're fraudsters. He thinks they're causing all kinds of harm. I just think they're stupid. It and that they, somebody got the idea that it worked and they could feel it and they just, you know, and it kind of grew from there, sort of the hype grew. But like I say, I think these people are just simply stupid. I think they're ignorant. I don't think they understand what they're doing. But they could be, you know, evil scammers. I don't know, but I have a tendency to not put that down to people until they prove to me that they're, you know, evil, scamming butt heads. You know, so usually I just think, okay, you know, they're just ignorant of the technology. They're a little bit, stupid. Anyway, so, he's good. Like I say, he's going to go to the, this next ee center, which I don't know if it's open now or not. I don't know if he's left now or not. He's, got to go there with his recording, gear. So he's got, meters that will literally, capture the stuff, on a millisecond by millisecond basis. And you can even print them out, you know, right on the spot.

Red light, bio photonics is very healing and it causes persistent effects. Right. One of these things has a printer attached, which is really cool. So anyway, so he's going to go and he's going to record, he's going to walk all the way around. He's going to do an analysis. He's like, I am. You know, he's retired. He's, living alone. His wife had died about twelve or 15 years ago. And he has very little to do, right. Nothing really demanding of his time. So he thought, what the hell, you know? So he's going to make this into a little project and go and scope out these ee centers to see what's going on. Now, I'm quite certain that if you had low enough, power, but high enough frequency, you're going to get a very decent kind of an effect lying there. So you will be sleepy, because it's affecting your brain. It's actually slowing down brain activity and increasing melatonin, which, is one of the side effects of slowing down your brain because your body thinks you're going to be going to sleep. So it starts producing melatonin when these other systems kick in. And so that's, basically that's the situation he is, he's at now. He's gonna go and record all this shit. Then he'll contact me and, let me know what he's found out. Like I say, I don't know if it's open. I don't know if it's gone when he was planning to do it or any of that. We haven't reconnected on that, since our initial talk about all of this stuff, or the secondary talk, but, any event. So, these energy system stuff, you got to be careful, right? So I have a skeenar. It puts electricity, pulsed electricity at a decent voltage level, but still relatively low power into your flesh. But it is crude and it works. It causes some level of decent effects and lowering inflammation, changing things and so on, but it's not causing you to you know, grow new cells or you know, have your biochemistry rearrange itself or any of that kind of crap. It is, as I say, relatively crude. And that's, that's the thing with all of our energy approaches so far, except the red light one, red light, bio photonics is very healing and it causes persistent effects. You can't say permanent, but you can do the red light stuff and it will lower inflammation and it will lower that inflammation for longer than the period of time you're using the red light. So in that sense it's you know, a lasting effect. And the more you use it, the longer that that effect lasts after every session. So you use a red light on your damaged joint and the first day it lasts, you know, there's that total overall effect, lasting half an hour after the light shut off and then several hours as it gradually goes back to the state before turning on the light. So the persistence of the light, is, is proof that we can actually get closer to energetic healing, right. But it's not going to be with these crude devices that put electricity or radar waves into you, microwaves. So that's the thing about radar, it's up there with 5g, it is a sub millimeter wave and so it's a microwave, microwave, energy, so not good for you, probably is cancer inducing. Or if you've got cancer I bet you it's going to accelerate the growth of it. So you know, these people may be claiming scalar waves, but let them prove they're not pumping out radar, which is cancer inducing and cancer accelerating. So people that get cancers that are radar operators, they do not have the standard lifespan. So if you've got cancer, as a radar operator and you continued to be a radar operator, you're gonna die really quick after that diagnosis. Anyway, so my friend Doug, he's got, you know, all kinds of problems, but so far he's not showing up on any cancers, which is a good thing. And I've got him on c 60 and a few of these other things that are anti cancer at their very core. And we'll aid him at that level and we'll aid him in other ways as well. So it's good to take him even if he doesn't have, you know, suspicions of cancer. Although he's just paranoid as fuck about it, right? As he should be, really. You know, I'm still paranoid. I've had it three times, and I don't want to get it a fourth. You know, I want to die of something else, right. I've done the cancer death thing, and it's. It's. It wasn't fun. Anyway, so just watch out for these people that are, pimping out, you know, energy healing solutions, because a lot of these things will induce some form of a, placebo effect. So there's no real action. It's just that you think there's an action and your mind changes your, biochemistry, to suit what it thinks is occurring. I, So, like I say, just watch out for those. Hang on a second here. All right, I'm back here. Had to pause as I got through some tricky driving there. Everything out here is all chopped up. They're working on the roads. A lot of tourists. It's on Sunday, so, you know, it's not too bad. It's not like we're at Monday morning when they're all heading back into town or something. Or late tonight, in any event, though.

I had forecast a period of time this year, starting in the latter half of August and going through fall and winter, in which we were going to have much more UFO activity. That's happened now. We've had recently, mass sighting, in the west coast, California, new Mexico, these kind of places in the southwest even, but California primarily of many UFO's that were zigzagging. And some of them are looking very much like spaceships, not simply orbs or just, you know, a ball of light in the sky, but actually something that is definitively saucer shaped, you know, the size of an aircraft carrier. And, you know, is just hanging up in the sky the way bricks don't. These sightings, were in the data. We still have lots of new data about more sightings coming. And a lot of the descriptors for these guys, for these sightings were mass. Okay? So, mass in the sense of lots of UFO's, but also lots of people seeing them and lots of people recording them. So we're gonna get a lot of videos being dumped of people, people's experiences with, citing the UFO's. In fact, it's going to be so much of an activity that by the time we get into, say, end of November or into December, people will be bored. They'll say, oh, you know, not another UFO video. You know, you got to have something fairly spectacular. But what's going to be really cool is the data is describing mass UFO's. Lots of UFO's in individual sightings. Not simply a lot of people seeing a single UFO hanging about in the sky, but rather lots of UFO's. You know, this one, this recent sighting in California was I think six. I think they had six UFO's, all at once. You know, frequently you'll see this down in Mexico where you got, you know, 20 of them coming out of a volcano all at the same time. So, these kind of, sightings are going to increase. And then the number of, objects within each sighting is also going to increase to where it's really for some period of time quite entertaining to, go every morning and go look to see what UFO videos have been uploaded and what they were doing. We won't be able to tell. So this is going to be unidentified, aerial phenomena. Because we'll be able to see the UFO's, but we won't know what the fuck they're doing. They're going to be interacting with each other. And then we're going to get into the potential for UFO landings, which will induce the language about farmers with shotguns going on out to, you know, watch out for. Protect their. Their farms against the space aliens. So that's coming, that'll be probably October, November, December in that. That time frame. Right now we're into the aerial phenomena part of it, not the landing part of it. But this is going to escalate and it's going to keep escalating. And this is going to basically freak the shit out of the deep state. And the communist mouthpieces for that deep state. The Elohim worship cult, right? So, the rabbinical councils, the Elohim worship cult, the deep, deep, deep pharisees that own and run, jewish culture are going to be shitting themselves, over this UFO activity because they know where it leads. And where it leads is the destruction of, jewish control over the. Over humanity, right? So we're going to lose all of these, jew induced, aberrations of thought like Einstein and the grit. We're going to lose all of that because of these UFO's showing up. We're going to discover how errant our science and everything has been, and in the process we'll lose, you know, jew controlled, media and academia. Academia, all the schools and the colleges and everything. You're going to see, jewish professors of all kinds who will be abandoning their post. They'll quit their jobs, they'll get the fuck out. Some of them will try and take early retirement and things. This is going to be because of the total repudiation of the underlying, narrative. The fake science, the fake media, the fake history. All of that is going to be exposed and we're going to start humans or humanity is going to start digging into it in a serious way. But our interaction with the UFO's is going to totally destroy the einsteinian model, for universe. It'll take, you know, 30 years. They'll still, I mean, they'll still try and teach Einstein 30 years from now. But it'll be gradually waning. There's just so many people that it's not going to happen, that fast that we'll all get clued in. But that clueing in is, is coming. It's happening now. The rise of the ether as a scientific concept is really moving forward. Wow, we got real rain here. And it's moving forward very rapidly and with some some force, some power. So, we can already say that it's baked in the cake that these things are changing as part of us going into, the age of Aquarius, right? Getting knowledge and getting out of nerodigmouse. So, that aspect of things is going to be boosted forward. Now I'm suspecting that on the UFO side, we're going to have a bunch more interaction, expositions. I'm suspecting that we will have humans who will be claiming that they've had interactions with the, ah, space aliens in this period of time of the UFO's, increasing. And you're going to get all of the whackadoodles, right? They're saying, oh, I got a download from a spaceship as it flew by. It's like, that's fine. You've got no evidence. So, you know, basically, fuck you, you know, don't annoy me with your fantasies. Unless you've got some hard evidence here, and, and, or actually information, get the fuck out. Same thing with channeling, right? Channeling never ever, ever produces anything that's worthwhile. It's the most bland, you know, non offensive, non, awakening kind of pablum that you're ever going to run across. You know, in my opinion, channelers are a waste of time. Anyway, though.

So, as we go forward, we're going to. I'm excited expecting, the actual encounters of farmers and UFO, guys on their property, right? Us space aliens and some, reports of shots closed, fired, that kind of thing, right. And the, closure of, facilities. So that was one of the things in the data is that we may see in some areas that officialdom runs around in, tries to prohibit public, access to those areas that have had claimed landings. And it's going to start becoming something of an issue for them because there will be so many places where there's some claim that the UFO landed and something happened, something occurred, they got out or whatever the fuck, right? But the powers that be, the deep state, they don't want, want you guys running around examining, anything to do with UFO's. They don't want you to even think about them. Wow. We got hail because of the impact of thinking about them. These objects don't work on our physics. And they don't want you to be anti, grit. They don't want you to be anti, jew controlled, physical physics, right? They don't want you, paying attention to the idea that, these guys have, which is the UFO guys, which is that consciousness. It's an ontological reality. And consciousness is the way that these machines work. So, anyway, so the deep state is going to do what it can to try and restrict access to UFO's, and UFO knowledge, to the general population. And we will see those effects. Even if we don't get to see the UFO out in the field. We'll see people that will video, the, guards that have sealed the road and preventing them from going into like, a state park or, you know, something like that. But it's in the data sets. It's there. The discussion in the descriptors in the data sets can easily be taken, as a. As a, description of these kind of UFO activities with lots of UFO's and the potential that there's going to be landings, over vast areas of open ground, like in, you know, the midwest, right? And because we've got descriptors that. That basically are saying a lot of people driving along a freeway see something going on up in the air, and some distance off, big, open areas. You, know, range cattle land, that kind of thing. So you got a lot of flat land, not a lot of trees, not a lot of, obscuring things. And so you have a clear vision of whatever the fuck is going on, even if we don't know what it is. But it will be so, riveting. The. The unidentified, aerial phenomena of all these UFO's interacting in stuff that people will pull over to the side of the road and you get a long lines of people just. Just sitting on the side of the road there, videotaping whatever the fuck is going on up in these. In the sky. And that this will come to such a point that it will be happening enough that we'll get reports of, like the police, like state patrol, like, you know, traffic kind of things coming on out and trying to get people to move on rather than sit there and photograph, this shit. So very, very interesting. That's going to be a, good temporal marker if it actually shows up now. The temporal markers that are showing up now have been forecast for years in a fairly decent, consistent, pattern of language. So that we always get the forecast of, multiple UFO's and potentially thousands of people, hundreds of videos being taken, that kind of thing. Anyway, so that's ahead in our future. I'm gonna try and save the consciousness discussion for another time. Maybe we'll get to it today. There's a lot of, new stuff actually breaking in consciousness science. And so I wanted to discuss some of those, but, I have to pay attention to my driving. I got to get serious, about this and pick up my pace here. And, my voice is just starting to get a little bit of an impact. So I've talked long enough on this one. Anyway, guys. So I'll, post this when I get back and may do another one, maybe nothing. It's just that kind of a day. And I'll get into that some other time.

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Last modified: August 19, 2024
