Judgement – 02-22-2024

Judgement - 02-22-2024 Your browser does not support the video element. Episode Summary: The document provides a deep dive into the personal experiences and observations of an individual who has navigated through significant health challenges, legal battles, and the intricacies of dealing with controversial public figures. Starting with a personal anecdote about seeking a safe... » read more

Crack open the ELohim Egg – 02-03-2024

Crack open the ELohim Egg - 02-03-2024 Your browser does not support the video element. Episode Summary: The document discusses a wide range of topics, focusing primarily on the Elohim, worship cults, and significant shifts expected in religious and cultural paradigms. The author posits that as we move into the Age of Aquarius, characterized by... » read more

Emotional Burden – 01-26-2024

Emotional Burden - 01-26-2024 Your browser does not support the video element. Episode Summary: "Emotional Burden" by Clif High, published on January 26, 2024, delves into the psychological and emotional impacts of a rapidly changing world, particularly on those who are less aware or "normies." High discusses the immense emotional load people will face due... » read more

A Brief Summary of the PizzaGate Story from Ben Swann

A Brief Summary of the PizzaGate Story from Ben Swann Your browser does not support the video element. Episode Summary: Ben Swann investigates the Pizzagate controversy, which emerged from WikiLeaks' release of hacked emails from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, implicating him in a supposed child sex trafficking ring. While no email explicitly mentions child... » read more