Long Day Busy Year – 02-26-2024

Long Day Busy Year - 02-26-2024 Your browser does not support the video element. Episode Summary: The document discusses a tumultuous period involving social, economic, political, and environmental crises, highlighted by personal anecdotes about dealing with a pet's illness. It delves into conspiracy theories, societal unrest, potential upheavals, and the anticipation of revolutionary changes. Predictions... » read more

Investments – 02-03-2023

Investments - 02-03-2023 Your browser does not support the video element. Episode Summary: The document you've provided doesn't seem to relate directly to investments in the traditional sense but rather contains a narrative that spans various topics, including personal anecdotes about property and real estate, speculative commentary on political and economic changes, and discussions on... » read more

Infighting – 02-03-2023

Infighting - 02-03-2023 Your browser does not support the video element. Episode Summary: The document discusses a series of predictions and observations about global and economic shifts, focusing on the period around February 18 and beyond. It highlights a crisis point leading to significant changes, including economic downturns, the breakdown of media, and the rise... » read more

Symptoms – 01-11-2023

Symptoms - 01-11-2023 Your browser does not support the video element. Episode Summary: Clif High begins by sharing personal experiences of facing extreme weather, emphasizing the unusual nature of such events in his location. He touches on the consequences of these weather patterns, including how they affect daily life and chores. High delves into the... » read more