90% Gone Missing! – 06-07-2024
90% Gone Missing! – 06-07-2024

90% Gone Missing! - 06-07-2024 Your browser does not support the audio element. Episode Summary: The document presents a narrative on various socio-political and health-related issues. It begins by describing a situation on June 7 where road closures and detours are discussed, alongside mention of escalating global tensions possibly culminating in a significant event on... » read more

In Yo’Face – 11-01-2023

In Yo'Face - 11-01-2023 Your browser does not support the video element. Episode Summary: Clif High discusses various topics, including Shungite's effects on electromagnetic fields and psychic abilities, referencing Ingo Swan's work on psychic phenomena. He delves into the difference between human and alien psychic abilities, suggesting that humans are now in a telepathic confrontation... » read more