Why Is The Rent So Damn High? – 04-18-2024
Why Is The Rent So Damn High? – 04-18-2024

Why Is The Rent So Damn High? - 04-18-2024 Your browser does not support the video element. Episode Summary: In late 2023, investigators in the Phoenix area from the state attorney general's office began examining apartment rents, which had increased by 76% since 2016. Their findings suggested that despite having different landlords, certain buildings had... » read more


S.D.N.Y.-15-cv-07433-dckt-001320_002-filed-2024-01-03 BREAKING: HERE ARE THE 37 EPSTEIN DOCUMENTS RELEASED TONIGHT IN THEIR ENTIRETY! Episode Summary: The document from the case 1:15-cv-07433-LAP, filed on January 3, 2024, is an exhibit that provides significant insights into the concerns and strategies of the individuals involved, particularly in relation to defamation and legal risks. The contents reflect the communication... » read more