FTX: The Unexpected Pawn in a Global Chessboard🕵️ – 11-13-2022

FTX: The Unexpected Pawn in a Global Chessboard🕵️ - 11-13-2022 Episode Summary: The article discusses the downfall of FTX, a massive cryptocurrency exchange, and its implications. FTX imploded due to a massive bankruptcy and is now implicated in money laundering, funneling money to Ukraine and then back to Democrats for political funding. The author suggests... » read more

New Dews Wars – 09-07-2023
New Dews Wars – 09-07-2023

New Dews Wars - 09-07-2023 Episode Summary: The document delves into a series of conspiracy theories and personal reflections on global events. The author introduces the concept of "directed energy weapons," which they believe are being used on a global scale. These weapons, according to the author, might have been responsible for significant events such... » read more