Internet Of Bio Nano Things – Sabrina Wallace – 08-05-2024
Internet Of Bio Nano Things – Sabrina Wallace – 08-05-2024

Internet Of Bio Nano Things - Sabrina Wallace - 08-05-2024 Episode Summary: The document covers a broad range of topics related to emergent technologies, human body communication networks, and the societal implications of these advancements. It discusses the integration and denial of various advanced technologies in mainstream discourse and legal documents. Key themes include the... » read more

Break-away. – 07-24-2024
Break-away. – 07-24-2024

Break-away. - 07-24-2024 Your browser does not support the audio element. Episode Summary: The shift we are experiencing now is profound and far-reaching. This shift, associated with the transition into the Age of Aquarius, is characterized by significant energetic changes. These changes were discussed by luminaries such as Katherine Austin Fitts and Dark Journalist. Their... » read more