Silent War- Platforms and My Statement on Censorship

Silent War- Platforms and My Statement on Censorship

Episode Summary:

The speaker addresses the importance of the First Amendment and the necessity of open debate for democracy. He recalls his announcement speech in Boston, where he discussed issues like inflation, the rising price of groceries, and the challenges faced by the working class. Despite not touching on any controversial topics, he was deplatformed by YouTube. He emphasizes that respectful debate is essential for democracy. The speaker feels he has been unfairly labeled and censored, not just by the Democratic administration but also by the Trump administration. He was removed from platforms for what was termed "malinformation," which he defines as true information that the government finds inconvenient. He also addresses accusations of antisemitism, stating he has never made any anti-Semitic remarks and has always supported Israel. The speaker calls for an end to the toxic polarization in the country, emphasizing the need for kindness, respect, and understanding.

#FirstAmendment #RobertKennedyJr #Democracy #Deplatformed #YouTube #Inflation #Groceries #WorkingClass #Censorship #Trump #DemocraticAdministration #Malinformation #Antisemitism #Israel #Polarization #Kindness #Respect #Understanding #Debate #Boston #Accusations #Unity #Country #Government #Speech #Values

Silent War- Platforms and My Statement on Censorship

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. And I want to put it aside, my written statement for a moment and address one of the points that was brought up, I think, an important point by the ranking member that this body ought to be concerning itself with issues that impact directly the American people. The rising price of gross, the inflation issues, the border issues, many, many other issues that concern us all as a nation. We can't do that without the First Amendment, without debate.

When I gave my speech, my announcement speech in Boston two months ago, YouTube, I talked about all those issues. I focused on grocery. I focused on the fact that working class people can no longer afford to live in this country. I talked about inflation, all the issues that deeply concern you and that you've devoted your career to alleviating those issues. Five minutes into my speech, when I was talking about Paul Revere, YouTube deplatformed me.

I didn't talk about vaccines in that speech. I didn't talk about anything that was a verboten subject. I just was talking about my campaign things, the conversation we ought to be having with each other as Americans. But I was shut down. And that is why the First Amendment is important.

Debate, congenial, respectful debate is the fertilizer. It's the water, it's the sunlight for our democracy. We need to be talking to each other. This is a letter and many of you signed, many of my fellow Democrats. I've spent my life in this party.

I've devoted my life to the values of this party. This 102 people sign this. This itself is evidence of the problem that this hearing was convened to address. This is an attempt to censor a censorship hearing.

The charges and by the way, censorship is antithetical to our party. It was appalling to my father, to my uncle, to FDR, to Harry Truman, to Thomas Jefferson, as the chairman referred to. It is the basis for democracy. It sets us apart from all of the previous forms of government. We need to be able to talk.

And the First Amendment was not written for easy speech. It was written for the speech that nobody likes you for. And I was censored not just by the Democratic administration. I was censored by the Trump administration. I was the first person censored by the as the chairman pointed out, by the Biden administration two days after it came into office.

It awarded a truthful and by the way, they had to invent a new word called malinformation to censor people like me. There was no misinformation on my Instagram account. Everything I put on that account was cited and sourced. The peer reviewed publications or government databases. Nobody has ever pointed to a single piece of misinformation that I publish.

I was removed for something they called mal information. Malinformation is information that is true, but is inconvenient to the government that they don't want people to hear. And that's antithetical to the values of our country. After I announced my presidency, it became more difficult for people to censor me outright. So now I'm subject to this new form of censorship, which is called targeted propaganda, where people apply pejoratives like antivaxx.

I've never been any vaccine, but everybody in this room probably believes that I have been because that's the prevailing narrative. Antisemitism racism. These are the most appalling, disgusting pejoratives, and they're applied to me to silence me because people don't want me to have that conversation about the war, about groceries, about inflation, about the war on the middle class in this country that we need to be having. And by the way, I want to say this while I'm on the record that in my entire life and why I'm under oath, in my entire life, I have never uttered a phrase that was either racist or anti Semitic. I have spent my life fighting my professional career fighting for Israel, for the protection of Israel.

I have a better record on Israel than anybody in this chamber today. I'm the only person who has publicly objected to the $2 billion payout that the Biden administration is now making to Iran, which is a genocidal program. I'm the only one who's objected to that. I fought more ferociously for Israel than anybody. But I am being censored here through this target, through smears, through misinterpretations what I've said, through lies, through association, which is a tactic that we all thought we had been discredited and dispensed with after the Army McCarthy hearings in the 1950s.

But those same weapons are now being deployed against me to silence me. I know many of the people who wrote this letter. I don't believe there's a single person who signed this letter who believes I'm anti Semitic. I do not believe that. There is no evidence of that.

I want to say something. I think that's more important, and it goes directly to what you talked about, ranking Member, which is the need, this toxic polarization that is destroying our country today. And how do we deal with that? This kind of division is more dangerous for our country than any time since the American Civil War. And how do we deal with that?

How are we going to every Democrat on this committee believes that we need to end that polarization. Do you think you can do that by censoring people? I'm telling you, you cannot. That only aggravates and amplifies the problem. We need to start being kind to each other.

We need to start being respectful to each other. We need to start restoring the comedy to this chamber and to the rest of America. But it has to start here. My uncle, Edward Kennedy, has more legislation with his name on it than any senator in United States history. Why is that?

Because he was able to reach across the aisle. Because he didn't deal in insults. Because he didn't try to censor people. He brought home, people who were antithetical to what he believed in. He came home almost every weekend with people like Oren Hatch to our house at the compound in Ianasport.

At that time, Oren Hatch to me was like Darth Vader because I was an environmentalist. And I was saying, Why is Teddy bringing this guy home? But he knew that he was effective because he understood that comedy and respect and kindness and compassion and empathy for other people is the way that we have, the only way to restore the function in this chamber. But more importantly, today, we need to give an example in the leadership of our country of being respectful to each other. If you think I said something that's anti Semitic, let's talk about the details.

I'm telling you, all the things that I'm accused of right now by you and in this letter are distortions. They're misrepresentations. I didn't say those things. There's fragments that I said. But I denounce anybody who uses the words that I have said to imply something that is negative about people who are Jewish.

I never said those things. And I want to point out also that the chairman pointed to Dennis Kusinich, who's fighting behind me. There is no two people in the country who feel differently about more differently about American politics than these two people. And yet they were friends. Dennis attended his children's basketball games, attended his daughter's wedding.

This is how we need to start treating each other in this country. We have to stop trying to destroy each other, to marginalize, to vilify, to gaslight each other. We have to find that place inside of ourselves of light, of empathy, of compassion. And above all, we need to elevate the Constitution of the United States, which was written for hard times. And that has to be the premier compass for all of our activities.

Thank you very much. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman.

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Last modified: September 16, 2023
