Release The Psoas - 08-24-2024

Release The Psoas - 08-24-2024

Release The Psoas - 08-24-2024

Episode Summary:

The document reveals an introspective dialogue focused on upcoming changes and transitions, both personal and societal. The speaker describes a shift in their life circumstances, mentioning the need to move their office due to structural issues in an outbuilding. This shift is metaphorically linked to larger societal changes expected in the coming weeks, specifically starting around August 27-28, leading into September and early October. This period is described as one of emotional intensity, characterized by both building tension and its subsequent release.

The speaker anticipates significant societal changes during this time, with a focus on the concept of "release language," which refers to the way tensions are expected to dissipate in public discourse. This process is likened to the release of tension in the psoas muscles, a key muscle group in the human body. Just as these muscles need to be released to maintain physical health, society needs to release built-up tensions to move forward.

The document further speculates on potential disruptions in various sectors, including banking, education, and healthcare. These disruptions are seen as part of a broader transition into what the speaker refers to as "Sci-Fi world," a new era requiring significant adjustments in societal norms and structures.

The release of tension is also expected to lead to revelations in various fields, including politics and extraterrestrial phenomena. The speaker predicts that September could be the beginning of more open discussions about these topics, potentially even in mainstream media. This release of information is seen as necessary for society to move forward and adapt to new realities.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining a level of detachment during this period, advising others to observe the changes without becoming emotionally involved. This detachment is viewed as crucial for navigating the challenges ahead without being overwhelmed by them. The document concludes with advice on physical well-being, specifically focusing on exercises and techniques to release tension in the psoas muscles, which are seen as both a physical and metaphorical key to maintaining balance during this tumultuous time.

In summary, the document outlines a period of significant change and release, both in personal life and society at large. It predicts a challenging but necessary process of releasing built-up tensions, which will allow for a transition into a new era. The speaker urges preparedness and detachment as essential strategies for successfully navigating this period.

#societalchange #emotionalintensity #psoasmuscles #bankingdisruptions #educationalshifts #SciFiworld #releasetension #Septembertransition #Octobertransition #observant #detachment #physicalhealth #mentalhealth #economicshift #politicalchange #mediarevelations #extraterrestrial #UFOdisclosure #futuretrends #selfsufficiency #preparation #bankfailures #financialcrisis #socialorder #emotionaldetachment #releaseprocess #selfcare #musclehealth #spiritualtransition #rebuilding #futureplanning #stressmanagement #economicchange #socialchange

Key Takeaways:
  • Upcoming period of significant societal change, starting late August and continuing through October.
  • Increased emotional intensity, with a focus on the release of built-up tensions.
  • Potential disruptions in sectors like banking and education.
  • Importance of maintaining emotional detachment to navigate these challenges.
  • Metaphorical and literal emphasis on releasing tension in the psoas muscles for overall well-being.
  • Increase in emotional tension and its release starting around August 27-28.
  • Potential for significant societal changes and disruptions in banking and education sectors.
  • September and early October as transition periods into a new societal era.
  • Potential for more open discussions on UFOs and other previously taboo subjects in mainstream media.
Key Players:
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Release The Psoas - 08-24-2024

Hello, humans. Hello, humans. It's August 24. It's 06:45 a.m. out here on the coast with the tide in. We're actually, actually the coast of the continent here. You know, there's no additional beach with these, early tides. Ah, these are early winter tides. And that's sort of what I wanted to talk about was, the next, let's say, six weeks. The, data set, most recent data set that I had, had. I've been gradually getting into my, life. Circumstances are greatly changed, and it's, affected the routine, the rhythm of my life. And I have not been able to get at, or had the inclination to get at the data. I'm now in a position where I have to collapse the office out of the outbuilding and get it into the house here. And my wife's not here, so any activity I have won't be, affecting her. I cleaned up an area in which to put the office, and I just have to move that today. I'm going to leave the servers out there because I don't really have to interact with them much, and they can be stored in a safe spot. But basically what's happening is that I had had a, I had an outbuilding. It, was, built around an old rv. So it's a funky little building. I had it rehabbed. it's got a very tall ceiling. It was very good for all kinds of purposes. But, it had a cement floor, which I couldn't deal with for like, practicing rolling or, you know, working out on even. Right. The cement floor is just too hard on my ankles. So I had the contractor build in a floor, and the idiot didn't build in any vents or some other. Other problem. Well, there are other problems, but anyway, the contractor put in a floor which is now rotting. And so, it's only three years and the whole floor is rotting out. So I have to get all this stuff out of there anyway, in order that we might repair the floor, which will be real straightforward, except for all the crap in there. It's my warehouse for all my supplements and all my research materials and my tools and a lot of my, weapons, and, you know, car parts and stuff. Right. Because we're out a long way. It's not necessarily totally, ah, off grid, but, I have to be prepared to, especially on key items, have, to be prepared to be reasonably self sufficient with my supplies. Anyway, long story. Anyway, I'm getting the office moved over, but I wanted to do this ahead of that and then I'll set the office up over in the house here if I can, and see if I can do a couple of videos. I've got some subject ah, matter I need to cover, but it needs a whiteboard, which is one of the reasons to go and to go out and use the office only I can't. So anyway though, I was doing the out there starting the process of boxing stuff up in order to bring it in here and had initiated a bunch of the processing, had a little bit of a look at it and got intrigued about 3 hours ago when I got up. And Because I'd started this last night, went to bed and it was still percolating in my head when I got up. So we all did our doggy stuff here. It's raining, so we didn't get to go to the beach. And We had our breakfast and then I went on out and did some work on the data and while it was going, did a little bit of work in the boxing up and so forth. Right. So I end up with some data that shows from our perspective now because it's only a few days away, we would be looking at it in an immediacy data sense. But at the time of the processing of course, because the data was collected months. So eight weeks ago, two months almost. It was like seven weeks, was the last of the data sets. And in that sense it's intermediate data and it has a lot of values to it and so on. So a lot of heavily numerically weighted attributes with heavily numeric weighted aspects. And I got into that and thought okay, I probably should do a, at ah, least a quick audio on it. So I'm going to try and keep this as quick as possible because I'm going to go to do out ah, the lifting and heaving and haul all that stuff in here in any event though. So if we wanted to look at this in terms of its linear temporal relationship to our current now we're looking at something that's going to be popping off in a reasonably big way in terms of a change of momentum in just a few days, maybe around the 27th or 28th. But ahead of September, however, all of September and into early October is showing a very definite uptick in emotional values, both building tension and release tension. Now this actually is sort of a description of humanity as going through like a mental process over the course of these next Let's just say six, weeks over these next six weeks and a few days, right, because it's a few starts a few days earlier, but it's primarily really takes off in September, almost on the first, 1st or second. And then it just goes roaring all the way through in terms of the levels of building and then subsequent release language. And the release language appears to be eroding some of the built up tension in the general discourse language. That is to say that we appear to be into a release period in which we're going to be releasing more built up tension. So we're going to have release values that will take away from the, building tension values that are already inherent in the social order. Now, this can be good and it can be bad. You can have a release period where you release a lot and at the end of it you just go, oh, I'm glad that's out. Right. I'm glad we're done with that. this is going to go on for a long time, though. So to a certain extent, I expect that this aspect of the release will be stressful for a lot of people. So just because there's a lot of release language out there does not mean that you're necessarily going to have an emotional release, as a reaction to it. You may have a building tension, to the reaction to it, just because of who is releasing language about what. All right, so it's going to be a difficult period for all of us. It'll be very intense emotionally. It's going to start off on, like I say, the 27th or the 28 august. It'll run all the way through September. And then the data sets that I processed so far go out to about October, continue, with the trend, albeit in a somewhat, reduced level of release relative to the amount of building tension coming in. So basically I'm always, trying to report the changes in the balance of release and building tension values.

September and early October could be major transition months, Psoa says

I apologize for the dog noises in the background. We've got a major war, going on here. So, between the dogs. Anyway. So it's like this. In the winter, everybody gets, bottled m up because of the storms. And this is an early storm for, the time of the year. We don't usually get these kind in August anyway. So, we're going to go into a period here in September, as I say, starting on almost on the first, but likely we'll see it on the second or the third of a release language that's going to pick up, relative to a number of subjects here. And, we, can think of September as being some kind of a transition month, right? September and early October. Maybe it continues all the way through October. I haven't got the processing done. I will kick it off and start that processing while I'm out there moving the, machinery and the furniture from the, office out there into here. But I'm not even going to look at that data for a couple of days. It's just going to sit there and percolate as I do the rest of this work. Because, as I said, I have some video, subjects I need to get done as well. Anyways, the transition aspect of September, should become apparent to us by about mid September or so. We should be able to really understand that the level of the release language is actually showing us a major, shift. A major transition, exposing it. It's already really occurred, but it's going to be, exposed to the extent that it will be discussed. So, it wouldn't be out of line to imagine that sometime in mid September or so, even the mainstream media would start realizing or talking about and recognizing the major shifts that have happened. Not just that, you know, so many voters are going over to Trump, but rather they might even start talking about the great awakening and the details of it, right? All the evils of the Elohim worship cult and all of this kind of thing, right. M much more so than simply alluding to it. And they may even at that point, discuss, it in relation to the darlings of the mainstream media, the whole celebrity class and so on, and all the symbolism and this kind of thing, right. At some point, we're going to get to that level of discussion where it will be an open, discussion even on mainstream. And, we'll get to the point where it's so much of that kind of discussion that it actually bores everybody and bores the normies even. Right. Although they'll be fascinated in the early days of it. And the data sets would suggest that maybe this September is going to be the very early days of the, cracking of the egg, of the release of the soa. That's right. So most people don't understand, as you age, you really get a new relationship with your Soa muscles. This is Psoa. These are some of the most key muscles in your body. They connect your torso, your upper body, from the hips up, down into the lower body, the legs. And these muscles are responsible for, how you carry your spine. Okay? And if you have too much tension in these, you get the hunchback, approach of old age. Right. if you have too little tension in the, in the muscles in the appropriate ways insofar as it is for males, you get a sort, of a sway back in a bulging abdomen kind of in effect, and you can, you can correct these things. It's, it's relatively easily done. I'll take a moment to get into it when I get done with the data discussion here. But in any event, so this is going to be like the soa muscles of humanity are going to get released. And when that happens, when you've got, too much tension in the wrong soa muscles and you held it for a long time and someone comes along and shows you how to release it, is a marvelous thing indeed. Right. And, even in, in young people, they get their too much tension. The cortisol affects the soil muscles because of the proximate location. They're going to get more of the cortisol, influence the muscles in the extremities so they'll hold and maintain strain longer and will drain you longer. And that's really what's been going on is this strain, of holding this illusion, that was put on us, by all this extra energy being pumped into our humanity soa muscles by the mainstream media, by the Elohim worship cult. We've had to maintain this illusion, this non, fact based paradigm to the detriment of the social order because we have to put all this energy into the delusion of it. All right, now we're going to get some of that energy back because we're going to go through a month, at least a month, maybe two or three. And it's a long term process. I mean, we're going to start this initial release. The psoas will sag from the lumbar one through five. the side, attachments of the lumbars to the, vertebrae and the discs between them will, start to readjust and we'll be able to hold our spines in an appropriate manner as we are able to redistribute energy, around these areas or through these areas that used to be obscured by where the energy flow was obscured by all these knots and tension and cortisol damage. Right, stress damage. And so we'll have a, you know, we'll be able to stand upright without pain, that kind of a deal. But it's going to take us a while because we've held this tension for a long time. I know for a fact that my, life has been lived within this illusion that, the delusion was put on us, before I was born. So, like, in the late forties, they really moved this in. And of course, it all has to do with obscuring the UFO's and, the, extraterrestrials, right? Not demons, not angels. You know, they're extraterrestrials, and they don't live in other dimensions. They simply use other methods of communicating that have tricked some humans, into understanding that form of communication as being extra dimensional when it's not really. Anyway, in September, we're going to get this many, or multifaceted, and very diverse level of focus, for our release. So we'll get a lot of language about politics, tons of language about that, but we'll also get all kinds of release language here about academia, about colleges. And it may participate in a lot of colleges not, being able to survive. Right. There's stuff coming up relative to colleges and universities that is going to be existential in terms of will they be able to make it? And that stuff coming up begins this year, and it may indeed even begin on the 27th or 28th, maybe that's a day where they report, oh, geez, you know, our enrollment's down 45%, or, you know, our funding is now at risk because of the lack of students, because we get, you know, not only do they get money from the student, which they take out debt in order to pay these colleges, but the colleges also get a stipend per student for brainwashing them for the Department of Education and the federal government. So they get all these kind of grants and shit that are basically, or, that are based on the number of mines, they're going to be able to pollute. And that's breaking down now, especially as the bank's going to come into some real problems here, and we'll see all sorts of, funding issues. So what happens to a student if they take out a loan to go, to some college and the bank that, bear in mind, the federal government doesn't give out these loans. They're bank loans that are then backed by the government. Right? And they've just had the supreme Court overturn the Biden, forgiveness of student loans. So those people have to start paying again and all of this. But what happens if the banks start collapsing around or ahead of the ability to shift money over to the college in some student's name? In other words, you take out a bank loan, but before you can actually get into college, the bank goes bust and we're going to see a flurry of that. I think we're now up to like 140 banks in China that have collapsed and the last 20 or 30 went very, very rapidly. Like you know, it was unseen that these were, it wasn't forecast that these particular banks were going to go down anyway. We're at that stage now here in the US and so that will impact things. Colleges and universities are going to be struggling as a result of this and that's going to impact a lot of other stuff as well because of the flow through from the colleges into things like, hospitals, big pharma research, government research, even so, the data sets right now are suggesting that September marks a very good series, of temporal markers that will be indicative of sliding into this new period, into this transition period. It's going to be part of the transition into Sci-Fi world. But in order to get in there, we've got to expose and shed all of this, baggage. We've got to release the tension in the soas such that we can our spine in a correct way in order to be able to climb our way into Sci-Fi world. Bear in mind, if you're, if you're a swayback or a hunchback, you're not going to be able to do well walking uphill, right? So you're going to struggle. So the thing you need to do is to get your, your soas at a personal level, but we're also doing it at a humanity level and we're going to get all this stuff sorted out. Now this is going to be somewhat painful because it is a mental, physical process of rebuilding. We're going to have to rebuild specific tension and specific muscles in the appropriate way in order that we can keep, our civilization, upright and moving forward. So not going to be easy. A lot of, lots and lots and lots of angry discourse and actions around that. It will take us some time to sort through a lot of this.

The best advice I've got for September is to observe, but don't involve

The best advice I've got for September is to observe, but don't involve. So in other words, observe what's going on, but don't get your emotions all twisted up into it because we've got so long to go, we got so much else to do. And so if you, so you need to have that level of detachment in order to get through it, without being sucked in and flushed down the drain with a lot of the changes that we're going to encounter. The changes are showing up in finance. they're showing up in, even on the Internet stuff, right? So it wouldn't surprise me that we have Internet outages and cyber attacks in a big way, all kinds of data sets for disruption causing release language, in, wide areas of, humanity. So we'll see this in northern, Europe. We'll see this, in the UK, see it in Canada. we'll see it to a lesser extent in Asia, but certainly in North America and central America and South America and Africa. There's going to be all kinds of release relative to, the delusion that has been put on us. So now this is also going to be a lot of come, to reality meetings between various groups that will then be, openly discussing their, common areas of interest and their common enemies. And so this is going to be just ever so, exciting a time for all parties involved as this stuff comes out. I'm m expecting that in this month we will see a greater level of release of language, of, ah, you know, secrets, revealed kind of thing relative to UFO's and uaps. I've got a number of sets that are going to this zero point energy thing, right? And new language about that, like from new sources. And also the language set about in United States about a yemenite, what's described as, like, it's described as major and also fundamental. So I'm presuming way down at a deep level, whistleblower, guy comes and gets a lot of press, gets a lot of visibility, and is part of this transition of this month of September. this is. The datasets appear to say that this guy is a new, personality, reluctant to come out, has, credentials up the yin yang. That means everybody should pay attention to him. It's not like, you know, Captain Mark Richards. You know, a guy who's lifer in jail pretending to be a space or not, right? it's not like that. It's going to be somebody with real credentials. I don't know that they're military, but there's a lot of language about the military around them anyway, so they're going to, boost us off on UFO uap talk. And then there's also a lot of data sets, showing that UFO's and Uaps are going to continue their shows. for us, we're going to see a lot, lot more of these multi object interactions that don't make any sense to us, but that will be observed by lots of people. And we'll also have more of the claims by individuals that there were landings that occurred in their local area. Some will claim to have had interactions. None of the data sets really show that this is, okay, so the data sets would show that that particular subset relative to the claimed interactions. And it is, it does have the word claimed. So it's not, it's not just saying interactions, but the claimed interactions does show some level of fact, you know, possibility that it's factual. But in the main, it's a lot of, posers. Right. And, so that's going to be part of our problem is the obscuring and all of this sort of thing.

The transition period for muscles is getting close to us, three or four days

I, think that's really about it. I didn't want to go much longer and I'm going to start hauling stuff. But I wanted you to understand that this transition period is getting close to us, three or four days away. I don't know what we're going to see on the 27th or whatever, but it starts off at a fairly exciting level. The building tension has ramped up through, the latter half of August. And then we start these release spikes where it'll jump up and then drop down. And it drops down a little bit more than the total amount of the rise, such that it starts slowly whittling away. Some of the built up, tension lengthen. We're gonna see a lot about history, by the way. We're gonna really get into it this month. Even in MSN, they're gonna have some kind of a speed bump, a road bump in their narrative, in their propaganda that runs smack into history, and they're gonna have a real problem. So I don't, I don't know what that's gonna be. I haven't gotten into the data sets to get too much more detail, and it's unlikely it'll occur until maybe sometime next week or something like that. Anyway, talk, to you guys later. Take care, you know, release your psoas. Oh, I'll tell you about that. Okay, real quick. the pSOa muscles connect the inner upper thighs up through the, groin area into the lumbar and higher, areas of your spine. They do it as these little individual muscles that all that act as, a unit, as though that was a single muscle. It's very complex structure, unique, ah, among mammals in many regards. That's why you don't see a lot of mammals walking upright. A lot of that has to do with the way their, bodies are put together. Okay, so, the soma muscles, can, take an incredible amount of tension, so much tension in them that they will over the course of time distort your back until you are a hunchback or a sway back. And no amount of chiropractic or any of that kind of stuff is ever going to affect it because the problem is not within the spine, it's within the soft tissue of the soa muscles. And we do not as a rule in our social order train anybody about these internal muscles in like you know, phys ed and stuff. Right as you're growing up. But it's relatively easy to do, although it could be painful in the initial stage of it, which is to release the psoas and release all the tension in them. And then I put in the appropriate amount of tension. Okay. But it's conceptually very simple to do. you come across this in the martial arts without even knowing it. Okay? So to release your psoas, all that is required is diaphragmic breathing. Okay? So it's a through breath all the way down to the deep abdomen. And in doing so, you cause your diaphragm to really rise up, expand, and then I alter itself. And the soa muscles rise up through the from the lower legs, come on up and attach to the sides of the spine, to the vertebrae, the sides of the disc in the spine. And then they have a component that continues on up to rise almost to the bottom of where your diaphragm is. And so if you push your diaphragm down, you push it down on top of the pSOA muscles and it acts like a lever and causes the tension to be released. Now bear in mind it can be painful if you've got a lot of tension in those. So, muscles. So you need to sit down and you know, get yourself the time to deal with it. If you get a major release because you won't be able to walk or anything afterwards because of the, for a few minutes because of the release, of that tension, you'll be very much you know, jello, like internally. And it'll take you a while to get that those muscles re coordinated, like you know, two or three minutes sometimes. I Okay, so that's the body will naturally try and put tension back into these muscles after the release. You can release as many times in a day as you want. Pretty soon there won't be any more tension in them to release and the effect won't be there. And so you'll stop doing it. So you can't really, like, over release these muscles. You get there by altering the height, so to speak, within your body of the, range of the diaphragm, such that it pushes down further into the abdomen. You do that by taking in these deep breaths that go all the way down and attempt to fill your lungs all the way to the bottom. And then you breathe in in a natural fashion. You just do it extra deep. And then you breathe out in a natural fashion in a slow release, and you'll feel the tension coming out of the psoas. Now, at some point, you need to strengthen and put tension into the psoas coordinated, fashion, right. So rather than just have the cortisol and the stress hormones, pumping out, too much electricity, that gets all jammed up into the soa muscles and twists them up, causing this a hunchback. Ah, or this, or, gets, to a blockage which causes the sway back. That's what happens. There isn't enough tension in the soa mussels at the very upper reach. And you get that extra curve in the. In your spine that has a tendency to bulge out your abdomen. This is also corrected by this, this, abdominal, diaphragmic breathing, because it forces your body to re coordinate all that stuff and make room for stuff. Right. But you can, you probably, if, you're old, you indeed may find that you have some level of pain in doing this, and you're going to have to approach it in a slow fashion and do it, gently anyway, though, to rebuild. You, want to do the warrior two pose, from, bks ayengar yoga? I don't. It's probably the same warrior two, in everybody's yoga system, but I do ayangar yoga, so I'm familiar with that one. so you do warrior two, transitioning into the single leg stance. You don't have to do the single leg part if you're old and, you know, you got a, ah, shaky back or whatever, you don't have to stand on one leg with the other leg extended out behind you and. And lean forward. What you do need to do, though, is to stand well and comfortable and then do the, breathing of warrior two. As you do bend over at the hips. Don't bend over in the abdomen. So it's, like a, ballerina kind of a bend in order to put the tension back into the psoas. You want to bend at the hips, you can put your hands down there and put fingers on your hips to make sure you're bending at that point and not really collapsing your spine. So you want to bend with your spine straight at the hips in order to. Then when you stand back up, the body will reallocate the electrical energy. In each of the psoas. They're sort of like harp strings. And so you'll see a lot of symbolism around harps and harp strings. And, they need tension in each individual one appropriate to its length and to its position relative to the thigh and to which part of the lumbar section of the spine or higher it bonds to. Right. Anyway, the psoas are neglected, frequently. they're just not talked about in, western medicines at all. But they're very key muscles. And then there's one. One last. I'll save that. I'm going to do that other stuff on a video. But anyway, so, take care for september. Do, your breathing and your warrior two get yourself all fit for this because it's coming real quick.

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Last modified: August 26, 2024
