Former DIA Official: Deep State Escalating Peaceful InfoWar Into Physical Civil War - 07-16-2024

Former DIA Official: Deep State Escalating Peaceful InfoWar Into Physical Civil War - 07-16-2024

Former DIA Official: Deep State Escalating Peaceful InfoWar Into Physical Civil War - 07-16-2024

Episode Summary:

The document discusses various incidents and individuals involved in escalating political violence and actions against perceived enemies. It mentions the role of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the COVID-19 pandemic and criticizes Anthony Fauci for funding and promoting vaccines. The document also accuses the DoD of illegal mandates, weakening law enforcement, and instigating internal political violence.

It highlights the deep state's alleged targeting of Ivan Raiklin, a former Green Beret and Defense Intelligence Agency officer, for exposing their command systems. Raiklin claims that Donald Trump's indictment and potential assassination are part of a larger plan to incite civil war. He warns that even if Trump is killed, it would lead to an intensified conflict against the deep state.

The document includes statements from Joe Rogan and Elon Musk as allies in the fight against this perceived threat. Raiklin argues that Alejandro Mayorkas, Barack Obama, and other globalists are orchestrating these actions through their minions.

The document claims that the shooting of Trump was an inside job, with local police and Secret Service compromised. It mentions Matthew Murphy, a former Green Beret sniper, who describes the elaborate security measures typically in place for the president, arguing that such a breach could only occur with internal assistance.

Raiklin warns that unless people expose the deep state's actions by September 3, they will be treated as complicit. He emphasizes the role of Musk in releasing evidence to hold these individuals accountable. The document also touches on potential future actions by the deep state, including cyber attacks and false flag operations.

It concludes by urging maximum mobilization and legal action against the deep state, emphasizing the need for peaceful resistance and full exposure of the truth. Raiklin calls for strong leadership and coordination to counter these threats and protect the republic.

#DeepState #PoliticalViolence #IvanRaiklin #DonaldTrump #AnthonyFauci #DoD #JoeRogan #ElonMusk #Mayorkas #Obama #MatthewMurphy #GreenBeret #DefenseIntelligenceAgency #Infowars #WuhanInstituteOfVirology #COVID19 #Mandates #CyberAttacks #FalseFlag #Whistleblowers #DeepStateExposure #LegalAction #September3 #PeacefulResistance #Leadership #RepublicProtection #Globalists #TrumpSupporters #Conspiracy #InfowarsMD #SurvivalShield #GreenBeret #SpecialForces #Sniper

Key Takeaways:
  • Advocates for peaceful, legal, moral, and ethical actions against political violence.
  • Mentions the Wuhan Institute of Virology incident and DoD mandates.
  • Targets include Anthony Fauci and the deep state.
  • Deep state accused of targeting Donald Trump and planning civil war.
  • Ivan Raklin and others are exposing the deep state.
  • Allies like Joe Rogan and Elon Musk are mentioned as key figures in the fight against the deep state.
  • Warns of potential cyber shutdowns and calls for whistleblowers.
  • Praises platforms like X (formerly Twitter) for exposing conspiracies.
  • Emphasizes maximum mobilization through legal and peaceful means.
  • Stresses the existential threat posed by the truth to the enemy.
  • The document accuses the deep state of escalating political violence and undermining law enforcement through illegal mandates and internal corruption.
  • The document warns of a civil war if Donald Trump is assassinated, emphasizing the involvement of the deep state in such plans.
  • The shooting of Trump is described as an inside job with compromised security, supported by statements from Matthew Murphy, a former Green Beret sniper.
  • The document calls for maximum exposure and legal action by September 3 to counter the deep state's threats.
  • Peaceful resistance and strong leadership are urged to protect the republic from these threats.
  • Potential civil war if Donald Trump is killed.
  • It warns of future cyber attacks and false flag operations by the deep state.
  • The deep state will continue to escalate political violence and internal corruption to maintain control.
  • Exposure and legal action by whistleblowers and key figures like Musk are crucial in countering these threats.
Key Players:
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Former DIA Official: Deep State Escalating Peaceful InfoWar Into Physical Civil War - 07-16-2024

We always advocate for peaceful, patriotic, legal, moral and ethical procedure in everything due process, the constitutional order. They are now escalating to a point where before it was kind of hidden political violence, where they were devastating and physiologically destroying and mutilating people through the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab incident and all the jabs that were leased out to the entire country that were funded, obviously. Bye Mister Fauci. So they slaughtered their political opponents through the forced illegal, like the DoD mandate, the law enforcement. So they castrated our law enforcement from critical thinkers as well as type A warriors, both in law enforcement and the military.

So at a minimum, you had a law enforcement that was hesitant to go after threats and probably more so it was an inside job, like you're saying, because more and more evidence is starting to show that while other networks lie to you about what's happening now, Infowars tells you the truth about what's happening next. Visit forward slash show and share the link today. Ivan Rakeland, Defense intelligence Agency formerly lawyer, Green Beret, super smart, he has been dead on in Congress. He's been targeted now by the deep state because he's exposing the deep state, giving them a list of how they operate in their command and control system. You have to admit there's a deep state.

You have to know the enemy is, you have to have a deck of cards, who they are. You got to say, we know you're behind this and you indicted Trump a whole bunch. We're going to have our local governments we control and dot your asses and put you on the defensive. The enemy has lost. They have nothing they can do.

If they kill Trump, they're going to end up losing down the road. It's just going to be a civil war that they stood stage between the people, but it really be a war against them. And if he gets in, they're going to lose. And that's the path we want. That's the best path that will have the least bloodshed.

But they have nowhere to go. They're cornered. I know these enemies, they will not give up, but their minions will give up, and their minions who just stop following orders and start whistleblowing and go public, and you can save the world from world war three. Anybody that studies history understands this, knows the path of these megalomaniacs, Mayorkas and Obama and the globalists and the CIA director, the Carnegie endowment. And this group thinks they can operate through their minions and do this, but we've got way more people than they've got and if they go to full war, every permutation of this shows they're all destroyed.

Now, obviously, myself, Tucker Carlson, President Trump will be dead. Elon Musk, they're coming for him. Okay? If they would have killed Trump, and I've said this a hundred times last month, I said it's imminent, imminent, imminent, imminent. I said they would have killed Trump Saturday, teams were going to be dispatched immediately to take out people they know will not sell out.

And the more they escalate, the more we escalate. And I know Joe Rogan well. He is totally awake. As much awake as I am, he will become incredibly more hardcore now. And so is Elon.

Elon's for real and so is Tucker. He's for real. So this is life and death. When I get up here, it's because the only course we've got is to stop these people, okay? My children, your children.

It's a whole future. We've got to be men and we've got to have courage and we've got to do the right thing and stick ourselves out there. And it's very heartening to see all these special operations people and secret service and members of Congress that are sniper commanders and let major operations come out and say this is an inside job, okay? We'll say it's Biden yet, but it's an inside job, okay? Because they thought they'd have Trump out of the way and they would just cover this up.

No, they failed. We have them. We have them now. All right, I want to go to Ivan Ranklin here, who just joined us on the road. Hopefully he's got a good connection.

But I wanted to get Chase Geiser, who's back at the Infowars command center, to give his brief take on this. I'm gonna play a short clip of a green beret cipher expert talking about this. We'll go to Ivan Ranklin. But I mean, listen, how many times I tell you, on air and off air, Chase Geyser, when the Justice Department tried to shut us down without a court order, I said, this isn't about us. They're going for Trump.

They're going for Trump. This is go hour. This is go hour. This is go hour. This is zero hour.

It is on. This is it. I mean, look, we're just centuries on the parapets, and when we see arrows start shooting and enemies rush over the hill with a battering ram, I'm like, get to the main gate, you know, you know, defend the gate and raise the drawbridge. And, like, literally, finally, the drawbridge is getting raised right now, right as the enemy runs out. I mean, we are so close.

Chase. Absolutely. Well, it, for the last six weeks or so here at Infowars, it's been a lot like the battle of hoth. It's a little, it's always a little bit like the battle of hoth with the chaos and the empire outside trying to blast down the shield generator. And we're trying to keep Alex in the chair, but he wants to go away in the millennium Falcon.

But I remember distinctly speaking to you, Alex, amidst the climax of recent developments here at Infowars. You asked me, you specifically said, what do you think they have planned? It's got to be something big. And I said, honestly, Alex, I think they just want you off air before the election. And you're like, no, there's something big coming.

And this was it, in my opinion. In my opinion, they knew at the highest levels that there was going to be an attempt on the president's life. They thought it was going to be successful. And I firmly believe it's a matter of faith. But I firmly believe that the reason that they wanted you off the air so desperately in recent weeks relative to them trying to take you off of the air for the last several years, is because they knew at the highest levels that this was going to happen.

And they did. Absolutely. But we're on record saying it was the Trump assassination and false flags. I totally agree. We'll come back to you.

We're so blessed. The crew and the great work they're doing. Pray for Infowars. Please get the new Trump bulletproof t shirt and support the operation. We back Trump dot.

We need funds in the sponsor. Now. I want to play this short clip. We're going right to Ivan Ragland, who I'll hold in the next hour a little bit. I appreciate him holding as he drives into Milwaukee right now, but let's go ahead now and pull up this clip.

This is clip 25. This is Matthew Murray, former Green Beret, Special Forces sniper. And he just says, look, it's an inside job, period. Just like Congressman Corey Mills just said. Here it is, everybody.

I'm here to tell you why the shooting of President Donald Trump yesterday, without a doubt in my mind, was a planned and coordinated attack on the president inside our government, our local agency or police force. Here's why. My name is Matthew Murphy and I am a retired Green Beret, retired from this special forces group. But I'm also a level one sniper, which means that I have graduated the highest level of training for snipers that you can do in special operations. We're trained, I'm going to avoid confidential or classified terminology.

We're trained in assassinations and counter assassinations for the very reason, case in point, yesterday, the shooting of President Donald Trump. So, first of all, anywhere the president's going to go, there are teams from the secret service that go out days, if not weeks, if not months, before the president will ever be at that spot. And they do a site security assessment, and they do that with the local police forces and agencies to ensure that every potential security threat or vulnerability is secured and of course, protected against. Now, this is done way before Donald Trump will ever get there. And they know every place that the president will be.

And the sniper team especially is responsible for ensuring that no one can take a shot at the president. Now, that does not mean that the sniper team just sets up with their guns and scans the crowd and shoots. No. What they do the most, the important thing they do pre Donald Trump showing up is within a 360 degree environment of that podium of the president. They ensure that there is not a place that is open that will be accessible by someone with a rifle to take a shot at the president.

So they make sure those places are barricaded off, unaccessible, and heavily guarded. So there is no way you are going to get to the place where you can even shoot the president with a rifle before the president shows up. Then they scan the crowd and those places of the rifle, just in case by some miracle, you do. Now, you're not going to tell me. I don't care who you are, don't listen to the media nonsense.

Anyways, I think most of us know that by now that some 20 year old kid that looks like he played dungeon and dragons in his mom's basement is trained on a gun, especially a sniper wife like that is a registered Republican, then can access anywhere near the vicinity of that crowd of that event with him not dressed in a uniform and that sniper rifle he was wearing, american flag t shirt and pants, and he had a rifle. You're going to tell me that that kid went through all the levels of security, somehow got into the closest building to the president, then accessed the rooftop of the closest building to the president, then had the time to unpack his rifle, lay down in the prone, and then take five to eight well aimed shots at the president before he was decisively engaged by the secret services, counter sniper teams, or a local police department. I don't know who they were. Most likely police you're going to tell me all that happened and a 20 year old kid did that without it being heavily planned, coordinated, and people on the inside making it happen. There is absolutely no way possible that that kid was able to get up there and take those shots at the president without a lot of internal help.

So someone in that local or some people inside that local police department agency who's a secret service is compromised and is a threat to our president. So we need to stop worrying about that damn shooter and start worrying about who allowed this shit to happen. And President Trump, if you need an american to protect you, who's actually good at sniping and stopping this crap, give me a call. I'll do it for free. Everybody have a good day.

God bless.

Corey comparator. A firefighter shielded his wife and daughter and was shot and died. This was real. These were real bullets. The left running around saying, this didn't really happen because they failed.

I'm explaining this one more time. Then go to Ivan Ranklin. 26 minutes. The mind control person they put up there was hesitating. He's up on the roof.

He's got a rangefinder. Aiming it at Trump, everybody. He's got a gun. He's got a gun. I saw two minute clips of that.

I said it was two minutes, which is a lifetime. This was 26 minutes on top the building. That's the police command center. They brought him in, they protected him. They sent him up at the top, and they told the snipers when they were on the radios, shoot, shoot, shoot, don't.

So they did this. They've been caught. Now, Ivan Rakeland is a former Green Beret. He's also a lawyer. He's also was in the Defense intelligence Agency, works for General Flynn.

He's done Yeoman's work in the information war in Congress, spotlighting the deep state and what their plans are to get them on their heels. Ivan, thank you for holding while I went through this analysis. This is an epic moment. We talked this morning. You agree with me that the enemy is in full attack mode.

We need to get them off balance. They're already off balance. They're making their move. No matter what happens now, this must be faced. We must fully commit and be honest about what we're facing.

This is the true battle for the republic. The entire United States is now a war zone. It already was with COVID that they launched against us. And so we have to admit what we're up against to be able to face it and deal with it. And you're meeting with major law enforcement groups around the nation as well, been warning them this was coming so we can mobilize against this.

It's now time to pick a side. Ivan Ranklinde. Alex, thanks for having me back on. When we discussed this topic of conversation in February, when we went through the path of what's the most likely course of action for the deep state, the dangerous, and then the most dangerous course of action, I basically said that if they fail to stop Trump from securing the nomination at the RNC or going into the RNC, their only path forward was exactly what we saw. Luckily, it was a failed assassination attempt, because now there's so much to unpackage here.

I'm sitting here in Racine, Wisconsin, at the epicenter of the establishment within the Republican Party, the established republican party that was, I would argue, at a minimum, allowed for all this escalatory political violence to take place. I always have to ask the question, how much was Reince Priebus, at a minimum, allowing Steve Bannon to be persecuted and prosecuted? Because you gotta remember, politically, they were competing for a chief of staff role at the early stages of the 2017. By the way, just let me, let me interrupt you. Let me interrupt you and start over.

This is critical. Until you came on in February and said, when they fail and when these cases get shut down, they're gonna try to kill him. And it's not about saying, you're right. People will listen to something that's like that. You've recently done interviews and videos that have gotten 50 to 100 million views.

You have broken through to the maximum victory level. You send that to my crew, we'll repost it on x. Your interview with me, the clip, you did predict this with devastating accuracy. And we don't do that to say, oh, look, we're smart. We know the enemy battle plan.

People better listen. I forgot you actually laid all this out in the threat escalation ladder and that the assassination is coming next on my show in February. Yeah, luckily they missed and you showed it as I was talking. The only reason why he's still alive today, by God's grace, as soon as the trigger was pulled, he leans forward and turns his head to the screen that he's referring to. Literally, he does it at the time from the, when the trigger is pulled.

After it's pulled, he moves forward slightly and then turns. And that is the only reason why it only grazes ear. Otherwise it could have been really close to his temple. I mean, it's. I don't know what else to say on that note now going back to political violence, you're starting to talk about it.

We always advocate for peaceful, patriotic, legal, moral and ethical procedure and everything due process, the constitutional order. They are now escalating to a point where before it was kind of hidden political violence, where they were devastating and physiologically destroying and mutilating people through the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab incident and all the jabs that were laced out to the entire country, that were funded, obviously, by Mister Fauci. So they slaughtered their political opponents through the forced illegal deal, like the DoD mandate, the law enforcement. So they castrated our law enforcement from critical thinkers as well as type A warriors, both in law enforcement and the military. So at a minimum, you had a law enforcement that was hesitant to go after threats, and probably more so, it was an inside job, like you're saying, because more and more evidence is starting to show that.

One other thing I'll say is their political violence continues to escalate. And the attack pieces that came after me last week was trying to frame me as somebody that's the biggest villain in the history of humanity, short of Alex Jones and Donald Trump and others. But what I was able to do was to pivot a conversation from, hey, I'm not calling on it. I'm explaining to you in a reciprocal fashion that, hey, you already set the precedent, because you are conducting this political violence. Meaning you are doing ice cream SWat raids of Roger Stone, you are doing kidnappings of Roger Stone, of Steve Bannon, of Peter Navarro, you are.

What else are they doing? They are conducting armed robbery and burglary of Mike Lindell, of. You name the person. The January 6 morning. They are.

You said this morning, Ivan, they are vigilante, trying to shut us down five weeks ago without a court order. They are completely desperate because we're winning nonviolently, like the way we're supposed to. But what do you do in military history? I know you know this. When your enemy moves out of the rules of war, moves out of chivalry, and into full war, they are putting us into that position.

And I want the enemy to understand I've wargamed this out. If they push it into a hot war, they have no idea our people are everywhere. And once. Once the gloves are off, they're off the globe. Let's need to know their position.

You agree with me that they're in a very weak position. If they don't kill Trump, they're in a better position if they do. I've looked at the angles of this. They will be defeated, though. It's going to be highly destructive.

Yeah. Their legitimacy continues to go down as people see that January 6 was a setup, just like this potentially was a setup. With the failed assassination attempt, the murder of Ashley Babbitt, the murder of Roseanne Boylan, it just continues to escalate. It's becoming more transparent for the entire american public. And luckily, Elon Musk is actually showcasing all this.

And if he moves to the next level, which I suspect we're kind of like on short final, where I think Elon Musk is going to finally work with Schellenberger and Tyb to release the mother of all, what I call the mother of all Twitter files. No, that's right. I can tell you right now that Elon Musk, behind the scenes, Elon Musk is like. Is hardcore. He's like me or you.

So, yeah, Musk is going to go all in. You notice within minutes, them trying to kill Trump. He gave a full endorsement. Yep. That was fantastic.

So here's what I say. Early on, you mentioned those lower level folks that weren't really in on it, but observed some of this corruption and escalatory, egregious behavior within the leadership of our government. You have. I put out a tweet, and I'm going to repeat this here, Alex. You folks that are listening in from the us government, all branches, in all departments, you have until September 3 to come out as a whistleblower.

Because if you don't guess what, you are going to be treated similar as a co conspirator to those that were involved in the treasonous activity over the last ten years, starting with a legal spying operation on the Trump campaign. We will address you, we, America, will address you in the most peaceful, patriotic, legal, moral and ethical manner allowable under the law across all counties that are red, across all states that are red, and eventually, if we somehow, miraculously are able to regain the White House, you will also be boxed in from the White House on down. We will sandwich you in a way that you will regret maximally, that you didn't come out as a whistleblower.

Labor Day. Let's be clear, Ivan. You're not a fake. You're the real deal. I'm the real deal.

We're all real. We're not like all these lawyers and people that run the globalists that work through other people and have no idea how this is. We don't get up here and just say this stuff. I don't say things like, to the enemy you've lost. Give up now without it being real, okay?

20 years ago, I said we were losing. Ten years ago, we were losing. We've been winning the last five years. We are winning. The whole world's waking up.

And I'm just telling the globalists, and I'm telling their minions, you need to give up now. Because here's the deal. We don't want to do the things you want to do to us. But if you bring us into that wheelhouse and you make us take the gloves off, I mean, I can tell you, if you could see spiritually and mathematically and militarily, us, we're like that 800 foot giant savage creature, okay? With bristling with weapons, and you are like a bird shit on the ground, okay?

So you need to understand, if you want war with us, you have no idea who you're messing with. Real men have restraint, okay? Real men, in the psychological operation of predators, have governors. The meaner and more powerful a man is, the more sweet and loving he is, because he's not a psychotic. But if you push us into these realms, I want to assure the globalist, I want to assure all of you, none of you will ever escape your faith.

And I agree with you, Ivan. We have to set a date for everybody to say which side they're on. Ivan, continue. Yeah. The reason why it's September 3 is because on September 3, it's the day after Labor Day.

Everybody's back from summer vacation, whether you're in Congress or from vacation or recess. Number two, it's when we find out who the eventual nominee is going to be for the Democrats. Because the week prior is going to be the DNC convention in Chicago. Once we have that set, I think the ball is in Elon Musk's court to go ahead and release that mother of all Twitter files to show America and the world all the raw evidence that proves all of the conspiracies from the COVID con with the Fauci files from the illegal spying operation. Because you got to remember, John Brennan's got a Twitter account.

Jim Comey's got a Twitter account. And all the people on that deep state target list, when you take all of their communications in the collective, internal slack channels at Twitter, emails from employees of Twitter with these governmental and former governmental actors, and then number three, their direct messages on Twitter in the collective, as that's being curated and provided to the sheriffs at the county level and DA's. And we basically motivate those Das and sheriffs to say, hey, look at what Alvin brag did with no evidence. And look at what Bonnie Willis did with no evidence. Here is your evidence.

We will have the complete evidence. We will have the complete, complete blueprint of their treason. Absolutely. Full stop. So let's wargame now.

And then, one more thing. So once that evidence is out there, Alex, then here's what the american public can do. They can then demand their state legislatures to exercise their article two, section one, clause two, authorities to allocate their presidential and vice presidential electors. Meaning imagine a time where live on C SPAN, on Infowars, on X, we show all 50 state capitols legislative bodies voting in person, live like we saw with the speaker vote in January of 23, where these state reps and state senators are voting for the nominee. If everybody votes by party, guess what?

The republican nominee garners 274 electoral votes. Like right now. That circumvents all the illegals voting, that circumvents the digital fraud, the software fraud, the machine fraud, the foreign interference, the, all the different levels of retail wholesale, and all the different analog and digital fraud mechanisms that are in place, the suck up box, everything is circumvented, and it is the state legislature live in person. Everybody gets to see it. And if they just want the republican nominee, then guess what?

The community gets to deal with them, similar to how we did with Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney at a minimum. So I suspect they're gonna have to vote for Trump for his laying out now that he survived, it will happen. That's a great idea that you and General Flynn and others like Colonel McGregor has been calling for an emergency snap election through the electoral college. And you're absolutely right. Let's wargame this.

Let's go to break. 50 more minutes with me, and then we've got a bunch of other huge guests joining us. But let's go into the enemy mind. Now, you've laid out blueprints for victory peacefully, but let's talk about in wargame what the enemy is going to do. Got about a minute and a half to break, but give us a little prelude to what you think is going on with Mayorkas and obviously ran this attack and his higher ups.

They are quiet. They are desperate. We're not hearing about Biden anymore. They are on their heels right now, but they're going to make decisions very soon, and I believe they're going to go all the way. And so how do we stop that?

They're losing the information, kind of like you said, the information, excuse me, information war. I suspect that what we haven't seen yet. Is the cyber shutdown okay? And the cyber shutdown is going to include, I mean, we got to go to break. You're absolutely right.

Exactly. Cut the power off. Say the Russians did it. That's what I said yesterday. That's the next move.

Ivan Ranklin, defense intelligence, you name it. Green Beret, great patriot. We'll be right back. Our number two, everybody share the links on x. Share the links in Infowars comfort slash show.

You're the Paul Reveres show. There's the Infowars MD line that I don't talk about enough. That is all the highest quality, whether it's turmeric or whether it's natural sleep aid or whether it's saw palmetto, other compounds that are great for your prostate, also great for women's breast. It affects the same type of tissues that have those hormonal fluctuations. I'm not a doctor, but I read the literature.

You need to go to and go to the sections that have the whole line, over a dozen products, Infowars Md. I want to be 1 trillion% clear with everybody, okay? The globalists think they can tip the scale. They think they can cheat, but God runs the scales. And Trump turned his head at the millisecond.

The trigger was pulled. And that bullet did not hit him in the back of the head, the side of the head. It went through his ear and pierced it. Okay? I've seen idiot leftists, the same ones that went down to Mexico during shooting events, they would stick full cartridges with the bullet into the holes in the walls, thinking, guns shoot whole cartridges.

And I saw them all over the Internet going, look, this is what the cartridge looks like. If this hit Trump, he'd have a bigger hole. They don't even know that contains the powder with the cap and it fires the projectile. This is how Schumer can't cook a hamburger, folks. He thinks raw meat with a piece of cheese on its hamburger.

So they've got the power because they stole it. But they are incompetent scum. Ivan Rakland again, former Green Beret Defense intelligence Agency working directly with Flynn and Congress to spotlight the cockroaches. Let's talk. You got interrupted by the break.

This is a short segment coming back for one more segment. We join some stations, but absolutely everything's on the table. Tactical. Newt, blow up Trump's airplane. Poison.

Trump. Shoot Trump. But I agree with you. Cyber attack plan. The Russians did it.

Cut off power on the east coast or something. They're going to go for broke, but only getting ahead of it and telling the governors and legislatures all this and dialing up our understanding of the enemy's next moves will then stop them. Or if they pull it, we'll see through that. That's why it's critical to say inside job. Stand down, as the congressman said, as the experts have said, it's obviously that it's the next move in the trajectory.

Ivan Ranklin. Yeah. So, one other thing I wanted a question people should be asking. How does this young man get up on that roof without assistance? Where's the ladder?

I mean, I don't think he has a ten foot vertical jump, you know, most. Minutes. 26 minutes. Ivan. 26 minutes on the roof.

Ivanhenne. So how does he get onto the roof? Who assisted him? Why don't we backtrack everything? All video camera footage that has been collected by private citizens of that vicinity needs to basically put all that stuff out, and analysts will take a look at it, and we backtrack this individual, and then we scrutinize them to the maximum.

I think at this point, we collectively, with social media platforms that allow us to communicate, such as XDev, we're able to then show what happened in a greater detail at the granular pixel level, more so than the corrupt organization and imagine. Let me interrupt you. This is so key. This is so key. This is so key.

All my videos, your videos, I've seen them taking yours down off Google, YouTube and meta, Facebook and Instagram. They're pulling. The only place we have is X. Where will we be right now without Elon? Right?

Absolutely. That when you say tip the scales, literally, it was, you know, we were battling. It was David and Goliath, but literally, Elon Musk, when he purchased x, had he not purchased x, he wouldn't have been on our side because he wouldn't have seen the evidence. Now that he's purchased x and all these almost two dozen Twitter files, releases, he's seen what occurred. Now he's like, you know what?

These conspiracy theorists known as Alex Jones are actually conspiracy oracles. It wasn't until he actually lifted the rug and looked at your situation with the logs that he saw that what you were saying was 100% accurate. And what the radical left wing domestic terrorist organizations and their comms platforms, such as criminal news networks was saying about you was absolutely false.

He went back and read my history and said, I read your history. I interviewed him. He said, you never said anything. This stuff. He said, it's all I.

Yep. He's sitting on the biggest trove of evidence of every single conspiratorial, seditious conspiracy, treasonous act and communication by geotag, location of every single person that was involved. How much danger he's in? Does he realize how much danger he's in every day he doesn't release it? Yeah, I think, I think that's a good point.

Every day that he waits is basically a crescendo of at this point, he needs to release it in order to be able to preserve, because once he releases it, it's really over. And I think that that pressure of the threat is lifted, a lot of it. So that's a good point. Yeah. He's putting a gun to his head.

He's putting a gun to his head, not releasing it. Ivan, I believe I agree with that assessment. Now, he's already mentioned that he's a target of an assassination attempt twice now. And so if he wants to increase his security posture, the biggest thing that he can do is expose those that are going after President Trump. Because now.

Exactly. Anybody knows if you don't release the info you got, they kill you. The power is to release it for his own safety. Plus, it's the right thing to do. We'll be right back.

6 seconds. Let me read to you just some of the headlines on Infowars and in the information war. These are like 5000 pound bombs, okay? So you need to get them, you need to share them. I'm not risking my life to lose this thing.

I believe in you. I bet on you. Former Green Beret and Defense intelligence agency Ivan Rakeland joins Alex Jones live and discuss the ongoing deep state coup. Okay, the next headline must watch live. Top military security experts say attack on Trump was coordinated group effort, including top snipers, members of Congress.

Maximum alert. Congressman. A decorated sniper operations leader says Trump would be assassin was aided from the inside. Watch the Alex Jones show, a special guest. Okay, and then I've got the clip of the congressman right there saying this needs maximum push, which has happened.

I posted this 2 hours ago. It's got 2.8 million views off the sub boosting. It's got another 3 million views. I want maximum push on this right now. You've got all the power.

It's not like I go, oh, please, go put this out. You're important and I'm patting you on the head like a five year old and we're playing, you know, toy boys and arrows or squirt guns in the backyard. This is World War three. We're trying to stop. This is new world order coming in.

You got the power. You're the Paul Reveres. It's you. It's like a viva vendetta. Great movie.

Inspector Sv goes, why didn't you do this earlier? He says, I was waiting for one good senior person. I was waiting for you. I was waiting for you, inspector. This is not about Alex Jones.

It's not about Donald Trump. It's about all of us. And Trump said, I'm not having World War three. Ukraine's not entering NATO. The day I'm elected, it's over.

They went, that's it. Kill that son of a bitch. I saw, you know, a month before Tucker got fired, he was putting down the war and saying, it's world War three and it's a fraud. I called Tucker and I said, you'll be fired one month. And I went on air and said, he'll be fired within one month.

He was fired 28 days later. Tucker called me up. He said, are you like Nostradamus? And I said, dude, it ain't psychic power. They do not allow this to happen.

Kennedy said, we're shipping 500,000 troops back. The first hundred thousand were on ships. He was dead one month later in Dallas. So this is different, though. This isn't 63, where they had, you know, three networks and, you know, only a few newspapers.

They're not getting away with this. It's worse for them. They kill Trump, but they are so used to operating the way they want, they're going to try it. So, Ivan, let's move into that field house or to that roundhouse or into that area, and let's talk about what the deep state is going to do. War gaming their minds, how they operate.

You talk about cyber attacks, tactical nuke, massive false flag war escalation. Obviously, Trump should have independent people he trust go over every square inch of the airplane. He should not be putting large groups of people on the plane. They have some idiot press person with a pound of plastic explosives in there blowing out the bulkhead. I mean, let me tell you, I expect to wake up in a week and Trump's planes go down.

He's dead, okay? I mean, look, he's dead, okay? Unless God intervenes again, which will happen, and unless we spotlight the globalists to say, we know it's you, okay? And you're not gonna get away with it. And so I'm not alarmist when I say this stuff.

I mean it. I know it. Ivan Rakeland. Yeah. Speaking of the globalists, and speaking of the people that fired Tucker Carlson, I would say that I'm in the middle of Racine, and you got Paul Ryan over here.

That's probably behind some of this stuff. As far as the courses of action moving forward. We talked about him in February, and it'd be nice to maybe highlight that clip that we talked about just to stress to people that what Alex and I are talking about are absolutely, I mean, he gets it. He's been looking at the problem set in the information digital ecosystem for decades. I've been looking at it.

So in the collective, when we say something is likely to happen or probable, it's because we have a lot of sources and context over the course of decades and individuals that are in the know to be able to kind of put our analysis together. So, number one, what are they going to escalate with? Well, they already attempted in a political assassination, and then a lot of people are saying, oh, why did that guy miss? Right. Or some, some way, shape or form.

The other thing is that the cyber attacks. Right. We're looking at probably a combination of continued escalation towards nuclear war as it relates to Ukraine, an escalation of trying to shut down Elon Musk. I mean, the easiest button for them is to do exactly what was done in the 1960s to JFK, RFK, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Junior. And we basically saw that on Saturday.

But I just don't know. Like, they've already gone to the max. So now it's up to us to stop them from going even further. I think the political will now, after those that were not awake are seeing what happened to President Trump on Saturday, I think we're at an inflection point. Inflection point massively.

Now, we have to take that and ride the momentum of people being woken up to then motivate them to go ahead and exposure is already done at this point. Now that we have Elon on our side, now it's about motivating that knowledge to basically put it in the hands of those with the proper discretionary authority to hold all these people to account to the max. And that's why I'm one. I'm heading to the RNC convention right after this show. And then on Saturday, I'll be heading down to the Texas Sheriff's association is doing an event next week, also Florida.

And we'll be having folks down there as well as I'll be in Texas with another guest that's been on here regularly, Doc Pete Chambers, where we tried to explain that, hey, in light of the attempted political assassination, in light of all the lawfare that's going on at the county level, whether it's in Manhattan, at New York county, or in Fulton County, Georgia. You sheriffs work with your district's attorney and demand that Elon Musk release evidence related to all these seditious conspirators. That's right. As it applies to their specific county so that those county law enforcement entities can action those targets. When I say action, lawful due process.

It's time for maximum mobilization. So let's just state the facts again here. Clearly, there is a deep state that has followed this continuum of escalation against Trump. The law fair, the impeachments, the Russia gate, the attacks on his family, the criminal indictments, the fake conviction. And now as the supreme Court put all that off after the election, now that the Jack Smith thing got shot down, that I said two weeks ago would be down the street, court said it's unlawful.

Now it's your job to kill it because he wasn't appointed by Congress, just like the Jan six committee. They knew and said, that's it. And so, you know, they had one shooter lined up. They had more shooters lined up, just like with Kennedy. They wanted to get him in Miami.

I interviewed before he died, the, you know, the mission impossible is named after he, Howard Hunt. And they were going to kill him Miami. They were to kill him in Chicago. But even the military and people got cold feet, so they sent in a bunch of private assassins. And people in Dallas and Texas is the reason the president's dead.

So that that's what's happening here. And so the only thing now, they tried to kill the king and best everything's turned against them. They know they're completely defeated, is now the only move they have is false flag attacks to blame Trump supporters. We do not want any violence against democrats. I would not be surprised.

They'll wake up tomorrow and a truck full of pure grade plastic explosives blows the White House off the map. And they're going to be on the news saying Green Beret's mad at what happened to Trump, stole a truck at this military base and rolled it in. I can go down the line, they're so desperate, they may do a tactical nude, but the people working for them now are getting cold feet and refusing to go operational. Okay. And so they're figuring out, oh, God, we're going to lose.

Exactly. Do not follow your orders. Do not be part of this. This is America taking back control of our country. But understand that we are now in the sector of anything goes, anything is on the table, because this is the hijackers.

Exactly. Everything is going, no, I'm just going to agree with you. Everything is on the table for them, and nothing is off the table because they've already gone to the Max, so they're in a survival mode. It's an existential threat. The truth is an existential threat to their existence.

And because Elon Musk allows us to amplify it to the masses, to include those in the institutions that would be charged with implementing the things that they're conjuring up in those institutions as nothing is off the table. That's why we have to communicate to those that are not directly complicit in this, that are in a position to not implement what these scum want to implement. And that's why I say by September 3, if you're not out of publicly exposing all of this, this includes Elon Musk, we have to treat these people as being complicit, and they have to be addressed at the county and state level, whether it's Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton or the attorney general in Kansas, Kris Kobach, who's going after big pharma, I see an escalation of accountability as we move forward with or without an election and with or without a President Trump. That's right. I mean, they're not going to stop now, and they're going to bring in the total tyranny of they win, and that's not going to even work.

But I want to bring up a point here. I don't bring this up to write myself in the story. This, this happened almost six weeks ago. Judge Lopez, appointed by Trump, top of his class, a very good judge, very fair, didn't do any favors. But he shut them down four times in the last six weeks trying to shut us down.

Outside of law. No one's ever seen this. The Justice Department, for those that knows involved in bankruptcies, they want to be, they came in and they told the us trustee that the judge just randomly appointed because it's in a wheel. And the CRO, they admitted this to my security and my lawyers. We were ordered by the Justice Department, and they didn't admit it for a few weeks.

We're not bad. Don't attack us. We were told, get him off the air now. He's a security threat. They said.

He said it on the stand. The CRO said, well, he's got guns. And the judgment. What do you mean he has guns? I have no criminal record.

Well, we have guns in the office. So they literally tried to shut us down. That court order and I knew that was about us. So that's an example of a federal judge blocking them. They thought he would roll over.

And the desperation of vigilantism in the Justice Department, who sent emails saying, you will not support Alex Jones, he will not have this bankruptcy, he will be shut down. So they're so desperate that they're given orders to go close our building with armed men. And the armed men say, no, there's no court order. That's not about me. I knew that was a direct desperation move ahead of killing Trump.

And because they know this broadcast with our guests and experts, always gives the full picture, and it's a blessing of God we're still here. So we're barely here, folks. And they wanted us off the air for this. And I want the Laura Logan clips. Guys, it was the Laura Logan interview five weeks ago.

Two days into this, and I said this on air over and over and over again. This isn't about me. They're planning to kill Trump. It's so obvious. In a coup by a criminal outside group, they take out the communication systems of the people.

So the first thing you do is you come in, you take out the leadership, you take out communication systems, you seize control of the banks, you seize control of the electricity system and the food production. What are they doing? They're seizing all of that right now, trying to secure their communist takeover of America. Ivan Rakland. No, absolutely.

You nailed it. So, I mean, I think we've addressed everything at this point, to be honest. I mean, I'm not going to really add much to the conversation other than to say the following statement. I like to remind people that a famous founding father, I believe it was said when the people fear the government, as we saw during the pandemic, the COVID pandemic, that's tyranny. But when the government fears the people, as they do right now, because we are escalating against them, that is called liberty.

So luckily again, Elon Musk, we got leaders like Alex Jones and many others. Joe Rogan, you mentioned, are now finally jumping on board the liberty train. And that is why the government fears us. And we just need to continue to escalate so that they are put in their place. I totally agree.

So in closing, in closing, in closing, people find you will repost everything you put up. It's all deadly on target. You've always reached millions, and since you've gone public the last six years, but you're really reaching 5100 million a month now. Congratulations, Ivan. We love you and you're a great person, a great friend in this fight.

In closing, in the enemy mind right now, you're general in this fight. So I need to compliment you as well. I appreciate that. I just want to say more people should be like you, enjoying what we're doing because it's the only way forward. It's the only same way.

But in closing, getting in the enemy mind, I sense and see that they are, they are very disjointed. They are very confused right now. They haven't made the decisions because they're so quiet. They're off balance right now. But I believe very soon they're going to make decisions.

And so what do you think? You agree with that? A, and then, b, what do you think of the spectrum of attacks they've got? Already mentioned some of them. But what do you think the timeframe is, when they're going to strike back?

And why haven't we heard about Biden's replacement now that went totally quiet. No fantastic questions. I think the next phase of this kind of the calendar year is for us to focus now that Donald Trump's the nominee and he's picked his VP pick is to go ahead and start to scrutinize what they're going to be doing at the DNC convention. Are they going to put up Michelle? Are they put up Gavin Newskill?

Are they going to put up Barry Hussein? National file broke a story a couple weeks ago that may put him as a VP pick. And they're going to try to advocate for Barry Hussein as the VP pin for either a Kamala or for a Biden. So we have to kind of monitor that and start to debunk all of those things and showcase that they're doing this out of desperation. Meanwhile, all four of those individual, four or five individuals that I mentioned need to be scrutinized and showcased.

And guess what? They all have Twitter accounts, and Elon Musk has dirt on all of them. Well, I've been around 50 years, and on a scale of one to ten, the most crazy crises I've ever been in was when my son could have died. When he was born. He was an ICU for five days.

And I had a feeling, maybe 10% of this right now, and I'm not trying to belittle my son. That was the worst feeling of my life. When they tried to raid us and shut us down outside of orders, in a court order, I knew that was the gates being attacked. It wasn't about me. I was just a sentry.

Now, the feeling I have compared to five weeks ago is ten times that. I mean, I have never, never had, like, a lightning rod up my ass like I've got right now. And it's not just intellectual, folks, you got to go with your gun. I want people to understand this is history. This is maximum danger.

And the danger is not fighting them and exposing them. The danger is not understanding the moment of history we're at. This is an attempt to fully secure the globalist takeover of America. America is under attack. The republic is under attack by global sports is.

Do not be violent. This is an information war. But you, all of you, have got to do what we see with these congressmen and others. If Trump comes out and says this is deep state and says how he wants a criminal investigation, they're trying. They're so scared of him doing that, it's over.

They will lose their power. Everybody already knows this. Trump has to full frontal assault, all the truth now. I mean, I saw this RFK video that leaked. He's like, yeah, it was like a big mosquito on my ear.

And, man, I tell you, I sure hope the secret service, you know, aren't idiots. He's so damn nice behind the scenes, and that's why they hate him, because he just wants prosperity. And, you know, it's just, we've got to understand the moment of history we're in. What would you advise Trump to do, and what do you think the enemy's next move should be?

So I think at this point, President Trump is at his peak legitimacy in his entire last three presidential runs. And I think he needs to leverage that to go maximum against his enemies. Like, the whole country is behind him. And so I think he needs to coordinate at a national level this push for exposure. I mean, if I were to recommend one easy thing for him to do, give Elon Musk a call and say, hey, man, you're sitting on evidence.

Why don't you go ahead and, or call Ken Paxton, call some of these ags and say, hey, subpoena. That way it's all must be. Totally agree. I totally agree. This musk always says he'll respond to the law that takes it off, must back.

We have compaction. Get it? Sorry. Go ahead. Yeah, absolutely.

So he should just go ahead and call Speaker Mike Johnson, for Mike Johnson to talk to Jim Jordan, Jim comer, as well as Barry Loudermilk, the key three committees that will expose the January 6 beds direction with loudermilk, the entire weaponization of the DOJ in the form of Jim Jordan and then the entire entire national security apparatus in the White House in the form of Chairman Jim Comer of the oversight committee. Those three individuals can then go ahead and subpoena Elon Musk's records related to all those people that have been exposed from the deep state over the course of the last year and a half investigations of this Congress, the 118th Congress to include Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, the Biden criminal syndicate, Ali Mayorkas, Christopher Wray, Merrick Garland, all of them. And it would be nice to see Rep. Anna Polina Luna next week reintroduce her bill of inherent contempt not only against Mister Garland, but also all those that I just mentioned. And it would be nice for Speaker Johnson to go ahead and order his sergeant at arms to go ahead and do exactly what they did to Roger Stone via the via sergeant and arms as they knock on all of their doors.

Ivan, you hit the key two minutes ago, but you said Trump's got more political gravitas than he had in 20, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. No, he's got ten times, 20 times. Hell, 100 times right now. That's why he's so powerful. That's why they're so scared of, and he doesn't have a dictatorial attitude.

He is, he is really a nice person and very real. So I don't think he even realizes that we're not in the normal wheelhouse here and that basically the american people will do anything he says at this point. And I'm not someone that savors authoritarian moves, but we're already in an authoritarian attack. And so we're in World War two, folks. This, this is going down.

And I agree. We need the governors to come out, the legislatures. We need very aggressive legal action. We need all the information released and we need people on the streets peacefully saying we know what really happened and it's happening. Thank God.

All these congressmen and people are coming out saying, no, it was an inside job. It was a setup. It was, this is an epic moment. And I'm so blessed to be here with all these viewers and listeners. I just asked them to promote the link at real Alex Jones on X.

And I just asked the crew to repost our interview or the clip from a month ago. And I wish I had a bigger crew. They cut us down to almost nothing. But they're working 18 hours a day of you predicting this in the threat escalation ladder in February because that has power with the public when they see us call it. So thank you so much, Ivan Ranklin.

Again, I think we'll find you thanks, Alex. Appreciate it. Anytime. How do people find you? Oh, I'm sorry.

I missed that. I'm on X. Of course. Ivan Rakeland. I'm also on the free speech platforms.

Rumble. Just type in my last name. R A I K L I N. Make sure that you only go to the verified accounts and I'm not. That's not me.

Direct messaging you guys from Facebook or any of these other comedy platforms. That's some games. They all spoof us. Last thing you. You talk to military community.

You talk to Flynn a lot. You work with him. And I'm trying to get Flynn on. What is the sense of our veterans? So the sense of our veterans is that they've been betrayed now that they realize that they were forced into consuming a clot shot.

You know, the myocarditis making Pfizer fail, or J and Jab or the Moderna mutilation, now that they realize that they were induced into accepting a product that was unsafe, ineffective, at the same time unlawfully mandated, they are now, I think, psychologically in a position of moral harm, and they want consequences for those leadership positions known as failureship and the DoD to be held to account. And I would suspect that at this point, because of the free information flow, we're looking at 75% to 90% of the military now regrets taking the jab and are infuriated that were. That they were duped into accepting this unsafe product, and now they want accountability. So we're at a great point.

Ivan Ranklin, thank you so much. Yep. Total ten. I've been. I have one more.

I have one more request of you. You're a security expert, and we're not getting any of this out of the media. And they cut our funds off, even go to Milwaukee. You're about to be there. Will you join us again tomorrow or tonight?

And will you go and look where the perimeters are and make sure you know, and give us your assessment of truck bombs and things? And it makes. Because they put the anti foot protest zone right up by the entrance and all this is real. It looks really bad. When I've been able to gather.

Will you, with your expert as a Green Beret, go assess a situation of security for us? I would rather not disclose that publicly to give an opportunity for the threat to do anything to the convention as well as the president, so I can. But will you tell me? You'll tell me. So we tell Trump.

Yeah, I'll give an assessment, just general assessment, to see if it's adequate or not. Yep. Yeah. Because Mayorkas is in control, so. Yeah, my orcas controls the secret service through the DHS, and we have to have an outside kind of view of what's going on.

Absolutely. I'll take a look. We got direct line to Trump and to Vance, so we need to get. We need to let them know. Okay.

Okay, sounds good, Alex. All right. Thank you. God bless. Be safe.

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Last modified: July 17, 2024
