Ep. 3410b - Obama’s Coup Sidelined Biden - 25th In Play - Trump Prepared - They Fell Right Into The Trap - 07-24-2024

Ep. 3410b - Obama’s Coup Sidelined Biden - 25th In Play - Trump Prepared - They Fell Right Into The Trap - 07-24-2024

Ep. 3410b - Obama’s Coup Sidelined Biden - 25th In Play - Trump Prepared - They Fell Right Into The Trap - 07-24-2024

Episode Summary:

The document titled "Obama's coup sideline Biden 25th in play, Trump prepared" presents a complex narrative involving key political figures and events. The document begins with an introduction by Dave from the X 22 report, discussing the current political climate and certain health issues posed by harmful foods as explained by Dr. Amy Lee. For more on Dr. Amy Lee's insights, visit Three Harmful Foods.

Kamala Harris, according to the report, is portrayed as a placeholder candidate, with discussions of a supposed coup against Joe Biden, allegedly orchestrated by Barack Obama and involving Hillary Clinton. This coup narrative includes Biden being isolated and manipulated while Kamala Harris is pushed forward. For details on Kamala Harris, you can check her profile on the Senate's official website.

The document suggests that the deep state, including corrupt politicians and big tech, is falling into a trap set by Donald Trump, who was prepared for these events. The deep state's supposed objective is to manipulate the political scenario to favor their candidates. More information on the concept of the deep state can be found here.

Trump's strategic moves, including his peace agenda and interactions with international leaders like Viktor Orban, Volodymyr Zelensky, and Benjamin Netanyahu, are highlighted as part of his countermeasures against the deep state's efforts. For a comprehensive understanding of Trump’s foreign policy, visit the Brookings Institution's tracker.

The document alleges that the Democratic Party is preparing for potential election fraud, similar to the strategies used during Biden's campaign. This includes manipulating poll numbers and preparing Kamala Harris as a temporary candidate until a more favorable candidate, such as Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton, can be introduced. More on election integrity can be found at Election Integrity.

The report also mentions a fake letter regarding Jimmy Carter's death, which was later retracted, showcasing how misinformation can spread quickly in the media. For an accurate biography of Jimmy Carter, visit his page on the Carter Center.

The European Union's plan to build a comprehensive database of citizens' assets is discussed as part of a broader strategy to implement a central bank digital currency. This includes tracking real estate, bank accounts, and other assets, raising concerns about privacy and control. For more on the EU's digital currency initiatives, visit the European Central Bank.

Lastly, the document touches upon the importance of trust in government, citing a Rasmussen report that highlights a significant lack of trust among voters towards government officials. This underscores the pervasive belief that the government is not acting in the best interest of the people. More on public trust in government can be read on Pew Research Center.

#Obama #Biden #KamalaHarris #Trump #DeepState #Coup #ElectionFraud #CentralBank #DigitalCurrency #TrustInGovernment #EU #Rasmussen #ForeignPolicy #PeaceAgenda #AssetDatabase #HealthFoods #JimmyCarter #HillaryClinton #Kamala #Patriots #NancyPelosi #Military #Insurgency #CounterInsurgency #XiJinping #VladimirPutin #Netanyahu #DemocraticParty #Republicans #COVID #FakeNews #MediaManipulation #PollNumbers 

Key Takeaways:
  • A supposed coup against Joe Biden involving Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
  • Kamala Harris is seen as a placeholder candidate with plans to replace her.
  • Donald Trump's strategic peace agenda and international relations.
  • Allegations of election fraud and manipulated poll numbers.
  • The European Union's plan for a comprehensive asset database.
  • Concerns about public trust in government.
  • Potential election fraud in upcoming elections.
  • Kamala Harris being replaced by another candidate.
  • Public release of information about Biden and Harris's fitness for office.
  • Increased scrutiny and possible removal of Biden from office under the 25th Amendment.
Key Players:
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Ep. 3410b - Obama’s Coup Sidelined Biden - 25th In Play - Trump Prepared - They Fell Right Into The Trap - 07-24-2024

Dave: Hi and welcome. You're listening to the X 22 report. My name is Dave and this is episode 3410 bn. Today's date is July 23, 2024 and the title of the episode is Obama's coup sideline Biden 25th in play, Trump prepared. They fell right into the trap. You know, we are living in the most advanced era in human history. There's never been more medical breakthroughs than there are right now. So why are millions of Americans more unhealthy and overweight than ever before? According to us board certified physicians and expert nutritionist doctor Amy Lee, one of the main reasons is three harmful foods that are being passed off as healthy foods all over the country. Wait till you hear this, because these foods can cause weight gain, clog your digestive tract, deplete your energy and wreck your skin. They are banned in other countries, yet shockingly, they are still legal in the US. And its time someone shined a light on, what they are. Doctor Amy Lee does just that while explaining how the side effects from these foods are wreaking havoc on the health of millions of Americans. The great news is its easy to stop and reverse this damage by simply learning which foods to avoid and how to spot them. And by doing so, you can experience easier weight loss, smooth digestion and vibrant energy. To find out these three fake health foods, go to threeharmfulfoods.com x 25. Thats the number three three harmfulfoods.com x 22 or click on the link in the description below. After years of extensive study, doctor Amy Lee put together a revealing video, totally free to the public so youll never get duped by these foods again. Find out all you need to know to regain control over your body@threeharmfulfoods.com. x 22 or click the link in the description below.

Kamala: Obama had a coup against Biden, not Obama alone

Lets get into the economic collapse, political and geopolitical news now the deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters. It seems that they're falling right into Trump's trap. Remember, Trump was prepared for this. He knew that there was going to be a change of batter. He knew that they were going to swap out Biden. I think they're not even done. You really think Kamala Harris can pull this off? You really think she has the popularity? I mean, think about when she speaks. Nobody even understands what she's saying. So I think in the end they realize that this is just a placeholder and they need to make her the nominee. So it makes it a lot easy, easier for them to swap her out. Now think about the coup that just happened, because that's exactly what it was.

It was a coup. Obama had a coup against Biden, not Obama alone. Hillary Clinton most likely was along for the ride and many other individuals. Now, I do believe what happened here is they decided, okay, Biden is not doing what we want, and we need to make a move now because we're running out of time. Look at what's happening. We have a virtual roll call coming up. We can't allow Biden to be the nominee. because once he's the nominee, I guess they thought it would be over for them. So it's a lot easier to put her in first.

I thought it'd be the other way around. But again, they're doing what they do best, and they decided to go ahead and have this coup. So think about what they did. They told Biden. Hey, take a test. You have Covid. Okay, since you have Covid, we're going to have to sequester you. And maybe they knocked him out. Whatever they did, they kept him enclosed in an area isolated from everything else. While he was isolated, what did they do? They went ahead and they performed the coup. They wrote a letter on an unofficial letterhead. Someone else signed the letter. Then what did they do? They started to make other moves. Where they started to write on X saying that, oh, Biden now is endorsing Kamala Harris. This is all while Biden is sequestered in a room. He has no idea what's going on. Now, of course, all of a sudden, we had these stories that there was medical emergencies. Something was going on to make everyone believe that Biden was dead. Was Biden dead? No. Then Kamala Harris decided to fly to Delaware, and she had to show everyone that, yes, Biden was the one who actually endorsed her. And he's all for it. So it looks like they used Aihdeme for the voice to convince everyone that Biden was congratulating her on all of this. And he said he's all for it. I endorsed you. Good luck. I'm all with you. Now, she kind of messed up when she was speaking because she actually said it was recording. And there was an individual that actually tested the statement from Biden. And it shows that most likely 98%, it is a generated. Now, does this mean that Biden is dead? No. I think what happened was they moved him out of the way. They kept him in the room, and they did all of these things while he was sequestered. And they told the doctor, tell everyone that he's getting better. Everything's fine. Everything's going well. And then what happened? They decided to release him after everything was said and done. Now think about what Trump said from the very, very beginning. Biden wakes up the next morning, he looks energetic, he looks like everything's fine. And then he realizes that, wait a minute, I'm not running for the presidency anymore. Who is? Wait, I'm out of the race. I do believe this is exactly what they did to him. And now it looks like the 25th amendment is back in play because again, I don't think they're finished with him. And this is all because he was not cooperating.

Remember, Nancy Pelosi said you could do it the easy way or the hard way. It's starting to look like that this is the hard way where they decided to remove him without his permission. And I do believe Trump, the patriots, they knew exactly what they were preparing to do. Now, Kamala Harris, does she have the ability to go up against Trump? Absolutely not. Her poll numbers are in the dirt. Yes, I know the fake news. Believe me. They're going to be out there. They're going to be pushing Kamala like we've never seen before. They're going to make it like, look like she's the second coming and, oh, my God, she's going to unite the country. But that is the furthest from the truth. She is going to divide the country. She's not going to have the poll numbers. And I do believe at this point she's most likely is a placeholder and they will sneak in the next individual because I do believe they're going to have to swap her out in the end because again, they can either go down this track and they know they're going to lose, so they'll just allow Trump to win or they need to bring someone in to give them a fighting chance. And I do believe this was just a temporary stop. And eventually what they'll do is replace her because remember, you need someone halfway decent to cheat in the elections. Why would they go through all of this if they were just going to allow Trump to, to win? They would just keep Biden in the mix and just allow him to win.

It looks like Democrats are taking action to cheat in the election

So they're not looking to actually allow Trump to win. It looks like they are now taking action to cheat in the election. Can Kamala actually pull this off? I don't believe so. Her poll numbers are in the dirt. And we know that as time goes on is just going to get worse and worse for her. And I do believe Trump has sent some messages to us letting us know that they might be removing her and we might see some information that might be produced that might remove her in the end and maybe even Biden. But I do believe they fell right into Trump's trap.

Deep state players really want to bring us into war, Marago says

Now, we'll be talking a lot more about this a little bit later, but first, let's talk about what happened with Jimmy Carter today, because it seems that someone put out a fake letter and the news they picked up on it, like the New York Post and other, news outlets, and they already started to put out the news that Jimmy Carter was dead. He died at 99. And then we come to find out they retracted all the stories and he did not pass away. Now, I do believe that eventually, of course, he'll pass away, and they might hide this from the public and use this as a distraction later on. But let's see how this all plays out. This is going to be very, very interesting. But the other thing that's really interesting is you could see where the deep state players really want to bring us. And it's not a conspiracy anymore, because now they're just outright telling us this is what they want to do. The EU wants to build a comprehensive database on the assets of all citizens. Think about this for a second. So the bureaucrats of the European Union want to build a comprehensive database of the assets owned by all citizens. Focus reports that the EU asset register is expected to be a comprehensive database that records a wide range of assets owned by citizens, including real estate, bank accounts, securities, vehicles, and possibly works of art or precious metals.

They want to know everything about you, and they're going to tax you up the wazoo in the end. What are they doing? They're preparing for the central bank digital currency. And of course, where did they do this? They do this out in Australia, New Zealand, out in Europe first, because again, they do not have a constitution like the United States. They did this with COVID They said, oh, the vaccine passport. They did it in Australia, New Zealand. It spread throughout Europe. They tried to implement it here in the United States. And what happened? Oh, it was deemed unconstitutional. And then all of a sudden, everything started to fall apart. And all of a sudden, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, they backed off on it. But you could see they're trying to say, do the same exact tactic. They're pushing the same exact strategy right now, and this is all going to fail. And you need to remember everything. The deep state, the central bank, the World Economic Forum, everything that they're doing right now, they are trying to push us into war. And as they push us into war. Trump is doing the actual opposite. He's preparing to counter all of this with peace. This is why I do believe he had Victor Orban visit Zelensky, visit Putin, visit Xi, and now we have Netanyahu. He has flown into the United States, supposed to be meeting with Biden and Kamala Harris. And just by accident, he's also going to be meeting with Trump. Now, Trump, he put this out on truth, and he said, looking forward to welcoming Bibi Netanyahu and Mar a Lago in Palm beach. During my first term, we had a, peace and stability in the region, even signing the historic Abraham Accords. And we will have it again. Just as I've said in discussions with President Zelensky and other world leaders in recent weeks, my peace through strength agenda will demonstrate to the world that these horrible, deadly wars and violent conflicts must end. Millions are dying, and Kamala Harris is in no way capable of stopping it.

And he's absolutely right. And think about what he's doing. He's doing exactly what Obama did to him when Trump traveled around the globe as president, when he was in the White House. He is the commander in chief right now. What happened? Obama followed behind him. He was the shadow president. Trump now has turned the tables on him. And if you notice, all the leaders are visiting him in Mar a Lago. Yes, they're visiting Kamala Harris. Yes, they're visiting Biden. Yes, they're visiting those individuals first. But in the end, what happens? They come and they meet with Trump. I think that should tell you everything you need to know. And Trump, he also let us know that they won't be meeting on Thursday, that BB decided, hey, Friday would be better. So let's meet at Mar a Lago on Friday. So it looks like BB is heading towards Mar a Lago on Friday. And I do believe all of this is in preparation to usher in peace. Remember, Trump has let us know that he knows all the players. He can have peace. So you're going to see Obama, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, if Biden's still with us, you're going to see all of these individuals, plus the fake news and other corrupt politicians. They're going to push war like we've never seen before, and they're going to continually push it, especially when this country's attacked, which I do believe the country will be attacked. I do believe there'll be an event because of the border crisis. And think about it. The borders are now is running for the presidency.

So this will be under her watch. This will be very, very interesting. And I do believe we'll see another attack, maybe multiple attacks, that is going to show that we're heading towards war. Now, of course, you're going to have Biden in office. Maybe they'll be taking him out before this even happens. We'll have to see how this all plays out. But if he's still there, you're going to see how he can't function. And he'll just be talking more. You'll see Kamala, she'll be talking more, and Trump will be on the other side talking about peace. Now, you can see these individuals that he's already met with or Victor Orban had discussion with. You could see that these individuals, they're already primed and ready for peace. Real Mac report put this out and said, Zelensky now says we have to end the war as soon as possible. You think they're all on board with Trump's peace agenda? I do believe so. Now, the other thing that's very interesting is that DHS, they're going to be releasing a report on January 6, and this, this could drop soon, and it could be bad for the Secret Service. Now, I do believe, going back to Obama's term, he pretty much destroyed the Secret Service. Remember, there were reports going way back to Obama's time when secret service, they were having sex in the hotels. I do believe he decided, destroyed the secret service, the FBI and the rest, and bring them under his rule at that point in time. Remember, this is infiltration from within. This is the criminal syndicate. And I do believe we're going to see a report now that's going to be, produced by the DHS. Now, is this going to give us a lot of information of what happened on January 6? I don't believe so. I'm going to, I think what they're going to say is, oh, yeah, since they messed up with Trump, they also messed up there. And that's why we saw this all occur on January 6. But again, they're not going to tell you, hey, by the way, it was an inside job. We planned it. This is what happened. Now, think about this for a second, and Mike Davis put this out. The Biden administration beefed up Secret Service protection for Zelensky and denied beefed up security service protection for Trump.

Joe Biden praises corrupt Secret Service director who nearly assassinated President Trump

I think that tells you everything you need to know. They're protecting their criminals. They want something to happen to Trump. Remember, this was a planned op from the very, very beginning, and they put everything into place. Of course, what they do is they make it look like, oh, no, we didn't know what this, what was going on. Always is back communications. Yes, this is the COVID story. This is how you cover up and up. You make it look like, oh, there was confusion. It was an accident. We didn't know what was going on. That's how you cover it up. And that's exactly what they've been doing. And what's very interesting, and we don't even know this is coming from Biden, which most likely it is not. Mary Ollihan put this out and said, White House issue statement from, Joe Biden on United States Secret Service Director Kim Cheadle because she just resigned. Jill and I are grateful to Director Kim Cheadle for her decades of public service. She has selflessly dedicated and risked her life to protect our nation. Sean Davis responded to this and said, Joe Biden is praising the corrupt Secret Service director who starved Trump. Security detail of resources allowed him to get a shot in the head and nearly assassinated, and then repeatedly lied about it.

Now, remember, I do believe that Biden was going after Trump with everything that he had. He tried all the indictments, and I think his last thing, because he's a manchurian candidate, he tried to take him out, and it completely and utterly failed. And I do believe Obama allowed Biden to finish the entire mission that he put forth. And he probably told by, and listen, if you don't produce results, you're gone. Or maybe he didn't say anything to him. He just waited to see what would happen. And once the emission, fell apart where they didn't assassinate Trump, Obama said, okay, listen, Biden tried indictment, court cases, we tried everything. An assassination attempt. It's time to change things up. And I do believe this is exactly what is happening right now. And again, the director decided to resign. We had Raskin and Johnson put a lot of pressure on her. And remember, Cheadle is a puppet. Raskin? Yes. He signed the letter with Johnson saying, you must resign. But look at, ah, how Raskin voted when he, when it was time to impeach Mayorkas. Mayorkas is the person that is controlling all this. He voted no to impeach. That should tell you everything you need to know. So he has no problem getting rid of the puppet, because again, she makes, she, doesn't matter. But we can't allow anyone to go after the guy who's directing all of this. And, remember, her resignation is part of the COVID up. They want you to stop thinking and asking questions about j 13. So if they get rid of her look, problem solved. Don't ask any more questions. Everything's good to go.

Rick Kamier: Ron Johnson is already producing information that there were multiple shooters

Now, the other thing that's very interesting is that the assassin had a Michigan school shooter's photo, foreign encrypted apps. And this is very interesting. Julie Kelly put this out and said crooks use the same shooting cub reportedly used by federal agencies, including DHS. Cheadle referred questions about a second shooter to FBI. Cheadle testified there is no recordings of radio cubs. Cheadle used encrypted chat apps. Someone who regularly visited Crooks visited a building near the FBI in 2023. This should tell you everything you need to know. Plus, Cheadle admits she knows, but refuses to say how many bullet casings are found on the roof. Now, I do believe there are many different bullet casings. And actually, I do believe Ron Johnson is already producing this information, which shows there are multiple shooters. Like we said from the very, very beginning. Remember, when you look at a operation by the deep state players, they have a patsy. The patsy creates chaos. Then the real shooters, they're the ones who actually do the shooting.

We've seen this time and time again. And remember that individual who's wearing the gray suit? Well, who is this individual? Because he is now shown in video, and there is actually an individual in a gray suit. So who is this mystery man in the gray suit? Was he the conductor of all this, making sure the operation was going well, and if something went wrong, he was there to clean it up? That is very interesting. But we could see their op is completely and utterly falling apart. And the only way to get to the bottom of this is to release the emails, the text messages, to get the information from the encrypted devices, to find out who Crooks was actually meeting with, track down that phone and who was carrying that phone, who went into buildings close to the FBI and who visited crooks. And there are many other players that actually did this. And I do believe maybe Johnson's commission, task force, whatever they're calling it, maybe when they start to subpoena and ask for these records, maybe they can go to the phone company and get these records. Because, again, this is what the deep state does. We might as well just do what they do. Let's go ahead, get a warrant, get this information, and actually find out what the texts say. Find out exactly what the phone call says. And then we're going to start to get our real answers. Yes, we can look at the shooters. We can look at all this other information. But you need the documented proof of how this all came together. Go to the source. And I do believe this is what Johnson's mission is. And remember, we have Mayorkas, who's going to fight against this all the way. Now, Trump, he says once he gets elected, he's going to release this information about exactly what happened. And I do believe he will release the declassified information and let everyone know.

And it seems that Trump, he is now getting closer and closer and letting everyone know exactly what happened. He put this truth out there and he said the Biden Harris administration did not properly protect me and I was forced to take a bullet for democracy. It was my great honor to do so. Is he trying to let us know that this was a hit job? I think he's trying to let everyone know, yeah, this was a hit job. They just didn't, you know, do this by accident. They failed to protect him. They failed to do it because it was an operation to assassinate the president of the United States and it didn't work. And now they are scrambling. And the COVID up always gets you, especially when you release the emails, especially when you release the text messages, especially when people see the source. Now, what's very interesting is that we know that each state players, they will take something like this assassination and they will try to use it for other things. The House judiciary put this out and said Jim Jordan and Representative Daryl Issa raised concerns on the safety of the supreme court justices following the near assassination of Trump. Now, we know they've been trying to get rid of Clarence, Thomas. They've been trying to get rid of Alito. And we know that they want to pack the Supreme Court with liberals, far left liberals. So I wouldn't be surprised if they decide to remove one of these individual, making an attempt on one of these individuals lives. Remember what Rick Grinnell said? Wait two weeks, she will replace Sotomayor. What if they attempt to remove a conservative Supreme Court justice and allow Kamala to take that position? Think about that for a second, because I don't think Kamala is going to make it to the election. I think they have a plan to remove her because since they put her into place, they know that she doesn't have the poll numbers.

They know that she can't pull this off. So if they were just going to plan on losing, they would just keep Biden in there and they would just lose the election and have their chaos. I do believe they're going to try to make a go of it and they needed to bring someone else in. Now, can you imagine if they bypass Kamala? If they said, hey, by the way, we're bringing in Michelle instead or bringing in Hillary instead or anyone else, would people go, wait, what's going on here? Isn't she the vp? Isn't she next in line? So you just couldn't jump over her. It would be too suspicious. So it's much easier to get rid of Biden, then bring in Kamala. She's the placeholder. And then at the right moment, the right time when she becomes the nominee, swap her out. Now, think about what they're doing right now. They always knew that Biden was old. Of course, everyone could see that. Everyone could see that he couldn't function. And since they removed him and put Kamala in, what are they doing? They're now using the age card. Now they're going to say, hey, Kamala is very young and Trump is very old and they've already started to do this. Mark Mitchell, Rasmussen reports put this out and said the democratic spin machine is wild. The day after Biden drops out, they're making the race about age. Why? Because now they have to turn everything onto Trump. But again, I do believe Trump and the Patriots, they're all prepared for this. And I do believe we're going to see certain information come out about Biden, Kamala, where she might have to step down or they might make the case. Hey, look, she's not polling too well. So do you mind if we swap her out? You agreed to this when we got rid of Biden because that was the argument that we made. He's not polling well. Do you mind if we bring in a different candidate? You all agree to that? So again, Kamala is not doing well. We would like to bring someone else in. We would like to swap her out. And is that a problem for anyone? So they might use this type of tactic once again.

It looks like Harris has secure enough delegates to clinch the democratic nomination

But I do believe Trump, he might have other plans. Now, it looks like Harris has secure enough delegates to clinch the democratic nomination. And remember, the delegates are not locked into voting for Harris. And a formal voting for the democratic nominee will not take place until August 1. So she is the presumptive nominee right now, but it doesn't mean the delegates will actually vote for her. And remember, she has a problem out in Wisconsin. So we'll have to see how this all plays out. This is going to be very, very interesting. And also, once she becomes the nominee, I assume, or maybe before this, she will pick her vp. Now, there are many people on the list like Shapiro, Governor Shapiro, governor, Whitmer. We have Arizona Senator Mark Kelly, we have Governor Bashir.

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House Democrats are now trying to silence me about Kamala Harris

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If you're black, you must vote for Kamala. But again, Kabbalah is not black. So that is very interesting. Ed Mokness, again said, brace yourself for the most nauseating onslaught of propaganda ever. Kamala is an icon. Kamala is a phenomenon. Not voting for Kamala is racist. Not voting for Kamala is sexist. Old mission cover up. Biden's health. New mission rebrand, Kamala Harris. So now look what they're doing. They're using all the s and they're trying to convince you if you don't do this, you're a bad person. Do you think the american people are that stupid? Do you think the american people don't realize what's going on? And it looks like they had a fundraiser for Kamala Harris and they raised 81 million in the first 24 hours. Wait a minute. Didn't Joe Biden get 81 million votes and they raised 81 million? Now, do you really think she raised this money? You really think it's the power of Kamala Harris? No. Obama and Hillary Clinton are behind this. This is called money laundering. Colonel Towner Watkins put this out and said 81 million note. Kidding. 81 million money laundering into an account by the same people that generated the 81 million votes. So basically, what did they just do? They used act blue, they used fake people, and they filtered the money into this account. Now, what's very interesting, they are trying to get the war chest of the Biden Harris account. And Sean Cooksey, who is the chairman of the FEC, he actually cited eleven CFR section 110.1 b, three to the democratic party. And it says, if the candidate is not a candidate in the general election, all contributions made for the general election shall be either returned or refunded to the contributors or redesignated or re attributed as appropriate. And then all of a sudden, what happened? Those Democrats decided to attack him, and he put this out. House Democrats are now trying to silence me as FEC chairman for raising questions about Biden giving VP Harris all of his campaign cash. All I did was quote federal regulations. Why are Democrats, afraid of the law? Why are they think about that? Because they don't want to let that money go. They're trying to, wait a minute. Go around the law and take the money. Of course they are. They're criminals. They don't follow the rule of law. They do whatever they want to do, they don't care. Remember, they're criminals. Think about it. And everyone goes, well, how could they be doing this? I don't understand. Who's going to stop them? Well, let me ask you this question. It's against the law to murder someone, but when a criminal murders someone, do they care? No. When they rob a store, they know it's against the law. Do they care? Remember, we have the criminal syndicate in DC. Do, do they care about the rule of law? They're actually, they're actually showing you. Look, yeah, we're criminals. We're not going to follow any of these rules. You know why? Because we got to win and we're going to have to cheat. We're going to have to steal. We're going to break all the rules because we got to win. And that's what criminals do. But Trump, he's letting everyone know that they should be very, very careful. They should be careful with Kamala Harris because once again, something might happen. This is what he put out. Lion Kamala Harris, the Biden appointed border czar who never visited the border and whose incompetence gave us the worst and most dangerous border anywhere in the world, has absolutely terrible poll numbers. Now, he spelled poll wrong. It's Polly. Is he trolling her, saying that maybe she swings from the poll. Remember how she got into politics? She slept with Brown. So let me just continue here.

MSNBC is putting out fake poll numbers saying Kamala Harris is leading Trump

Terrible poll numbers against a fine and brilliant young man named Donald J. Trump. Be careful what you wish for democrats. MAGA 2024. So he's letting everyone know that she's the border czar, so she owns the border. And think about what just happened with Trump. There was an attempted assassination. Do you think Kamala know about this? You think Biden knew about this? You think Obama knew? Of course, they all knew about this. So I do believe he's letting everyone know that something is about to happen, maybe with the border, maybe with text messages. Because if you go back to, post 586, January 22, 2018, it says, be careful what you wish for. And if you go up a couple of lines, it says, what would happen if texts originated from the FBI agents to several internal discussing the assassination possibility of the POTUS or member of his family. What if the text messages suggest foreign allies were involved? Be careful what you wish for. Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed? Think about this. What happens if information does come out? Or what happens if something happens on the border? That is going to be very, very interesting. Now, the other thing that's really interesting is that MSNBC they are now floating the idea that it should be an all female ticket, Kamala Harris and maybe Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama. Let's see how this plays out. But I do believe that there is going to be a change of batter. Something is going to happen. And now at this point, what they're trying to do is they're trying to convince everyone that Kamala is the ticket. She's the one that's going to basically win in the elections. And basically what they're doing is they're putting out the fake poll numbers right now. And you can see the latest polls from political polls. They're saying that Harris is at 42%, Trump is at 38%. But once again, what did they do? They just manipulated everything. That's all they did. They manipulated the numbers. And basically they decided, hey, you know something? We are now going to sample more democrats than republicans and independents, and this is how we can skew the numbers. And this is how they came up with that number. But again, these aren't the real poll numbers. They're just pushing this. And I just want to remind everyone, we need to go back a little bit in time. Remember Jussie Smollett? Remember Kamala Harris was involved in this post 27 68 February 17, 2019 down below, it says Harris and Booker applying political pressure. Chicago PD Smollett false flag case. What bill did the Senate recently pass? Lynching who were the authors of the bill? What false flag event took place just prior to the passing of the bill? It was Kamala Harris and Booker who actually authored the bill. Did the false flag event involve a ah, news? Absolutely. Did the false flag event sway senators in the decision to prevent fake news attacks? Small at case. Did fake news contact many senators prior to vote seeking out pro nay an attempt to coerce using Smollett case as foundation for a possible future smear? What is the mathematical probability of these two events occurring within the same time period? What is the relationship of Smollett and Booker and Harris? Will Rahm Emanuel get involved? Will the Chicago PD cave under pressure? These people are sick. So basically, Harris was involved with this. So was Michelle Obama. So think about this for a second. Trump then put this out and says, lying Kamala Harris destroys everything she touches. Now, this was put out at 1126. This is April 11, 2018. And what's very interesting down below it says a clean, and this is in brackets, bold, capitalized h. A clean house. H is very important. Is Trump trying to let us know that Hillary is going to be coming into focus? Maybe, maybe not. Let's see how this all plays out.

I do believe from the very beginning, they decided to sequester Biden

But the other thing that's very interesting is we can see that Biden is no longer in control. I do believe from the very beginning, they decided to sequester Biden. They took control over his accounts. The staff, some of them were already in on it, and they decided to have the coup. And Biden had no idea what was going on, and they needed to move some of his responsibilities away from him. And all of a sudden, we have this memorandum on the delegation of certain functions and authorities under the building economic prosperity and opportunity for Ukraine's act. So basically, Joe Biden handed off the presidential powers to the secretary of state and the treasury, and they're going to deal with Ukraine. So was that really Biden, or was this part of the plan? Because they were afraid that Biden might find out, which he's going to find out, that he was no longer running, and he might say, you know something, I'm going to expose Ukraine. If I'm going down, you're all going down. So they took this power away from him, and now he doesn't have this ability. Remember, he's not in control right now. And I do believe this is why Trump keeps saying, who's really running the country right now? And we could see that this was a coup because once again, there was a recording of Biden, and Kamala was speaking to him, and she kind of actually messed up. And remember, Biden, when the assassination happened, he said, let's, you know, have calm, cool heads right now. Let's bring the temperature down. But during the call, actually, Biden said the opposite, that Trump is a danger to the community. So 1 minute he's saying calm down, the next minute he's saying he's a danger to the community. And what's very interesting is during this call with Kamala and Biden, Biden was slurring his words. Dan Scavino says, I don't recall Covid making one slur, their words just saying, so that is very interesting. And then we had Kamala Harris say, Joe, I know you're still on the wreck the call, I think she meant to say still on the recorded call. And that is very, very odd. It looks like it was a slip of the tongue. But very interestingly, Matthew Sabia decided to take the recording and actually decided to analyze it and put it into this popular AI voice cloning tool, eleven labs.

And it shows that it's a 98% probability that this was AI. Now, if you go back to Scavino, he says, when did Biden start to slur his words? Well, think about it. He slurred his words when he actually gave speeches, when he was speaking to people because of his dementia. AI replicates that and uses that. So I do believe that might be where the slurring came from. Now, all of a sudden, Biden, he tested negative and they released him from his boarded up room where he was sequestered. And they're now allowing him out because the damage is already done. The coup is now complete. There's nothing he can do about this. And they released him. So now they're filming him going to the airport. And what's very interesting is that the reporters asked him at the airport why he dropped out. He looked at the reporters going, what are you talking about? Just take a, ah, listen to what he says and look at his actions. Why did you drop out, mister President? Why did you drop out of the election? Was it a difficult decision to make? Now, he looks very, very confused. It's like he doesn't even know he's out of the race. I think he, they did this all behind his back and he's just finding out now, isn't that interesting? And they already scheduled him to address the people of this country at 08:00 p.m. from the Oval Office of why he endorsed Kamala. Now he has to come on board, but let's see what he says. This is going to be very interesting, but I want to go back a little bit in time because remember what Trump told us. He said it's a new day. And Joe Biden doesn't remember quitting the race yesterday. He is demanding his campaign schedule and arranging talks with President Xi of China, Putin of Russia, concerning the possible start of world War three. Biden is sharp, decisive, energetic, angry, and ready to go. So Biden, he doesn't remember this because it was a coup. They did it without his permission. And now he wants to come back in and war is starting. And now people are going to be looking at Biden. And again, I do believe that he's not going to be able to function. And the 25th amendment might be in play once again. Why? Because I think they want to get rid of Biden from this spot before October or right around October. Think about that. Think about this being some type of October surprise, maybe just one of many. Why would they want to do this? Because whoever they put in a place of, let's say, they keep Kamala, that would make her the acting president. Would that look better going into the elections? Absolutely. Would that give Obama complete and utter control over everything. Absolutely. Because again, he can control Kamala. So he'll have control over Kamala to start the war. Plus, then they can move someone else into the presidential position. Again, they're going to have to get rid of Kamala one way or another. Jonathan Turley put this out and said the New York Post and other outlets are reporting that Joe Biden agreed to withdraw after Democrats threatened removal under the 25th amendment. That allowed the succession by defense station for Harris, but leaves lingering questions under the 25th. So think about this. They're using this as the COVID story of why Biden gave permission. They're already setting it up so they can use the 25th amendment on him. Think about that for a second. So the 25th amendment is out there. They used it, as a cover story, and this sets it up. And this is why we have Eric Schmidt now demanding the Biden Harris cabinet invoke the 25th amendment. If Biden isn't capable of being a candidate, he's not capable of being president. So they're already building this up. They already put everything into motion. And again, who's running the country? It's not Kamala. It's not Biden. I think we all know Trump. He put this out and said, does Lyne Kamala Harris think Joe Biden is fit to run the USA for the next six months? She must answer the question. Now. It appears Joe is delegating his presidential authority to unelected Washington bureaucrats. He doesn't even trust his vice president, who is running the country. So Biden has to stay in this position for six months. I think Trump is already letting us know that Biden will not be staying in this position for six months.

The feds now have discovered the transcripts of Biden chats with the biographer

And Kamala, she might not be running for president. Now, there's only one post that mentions six months. That's post 1260, April 24, 2018. Down below, it says, what will the text reveal? Moab or precursor? So let's think about this for a second. What happens if there are texts that are released about the border, texts released about the assassination, text about anything that shows that these individuals, Biden and Kamala, they shouldn't be in these positions? Would it make it easier for the deep state to remove them and replace them completely? I do believe so. And it looks like they're already building up the entire narrative to remove Biden from his position, which will make Kamala the acting president. The feds now have discovered the transcripts of Biden chats with the biographer. The Justice Department told a federal judge that it has located the transcripts it previously denied having of Biden. The timing is absolutely amazing. So does this mean they're going to release those audio recordings, the transcripts? Is it going to show that Biden lost it? Then will they release the special counsel, her audio tapes, to back this up, to push the 25th Amendment? It seems that Obama has planned this out from the very, very beginning, and now he's actually removing Biden completely. Now, again, for all this to work, they need everything to go very, very smoothly at the DNC. Now, really think about what's happening at the DNC. They're having it in Chicago. When was the last time the DNC was in Chicago? That was 1968. What happened during 1968? There were riots. And I do believe they're already preparing for something to happen. And I think they're preparing for more than one thing. From Joe Biden's account, which I don't believe this is coming from Joe. This is coming from Obama and his team who's taken over his accounts. It says, sonia Massey, a beloved mother, friend, daughter, and young black woman, should be alive today. Sonia's death at the hands of a police officer reminds us that all too often, black Americans face fears for their safety in ways many of the rest of us do not. Sonia's family deserves justice. I'm, heartbroken for her children and her family as they face this unthinkable and senseless loss. Jill and I mourn with the rest of the country, and our, prayers are with the Sonia family, loved ones and community during the devastating time. I commend the actions taken by the Springfield state attorney's office. While we wait for the case to be prosecuted, let us pray to comfort the grieving. Congress must pass the George Floyd justice and Policing act to increase trust and accountability in America's police force. Are they planning something here? I do believe so. Because, again, how do bills get passed with events? Are they planning something? Maybe in August, maybe. Steve friend put out two posts on accident. It says, the following little birdies are telling me that there's more concern about right wing violence as a response to the Trump assassination attempt than the attack itself. Within the intelligence community, that's probably something Congress should look into. More of my FBI moles are confirming their joint terrorism task force are almost exclusively focusing on anonymous tips about right wing response to the failed assassination attempt. So let's get this straight. They're looking at right wing. They're saying that the Trump supporters are going to be p***** off. They're expecting something to happen. Biden put out this tweet, which he didn't put out. That's coming from probably the Obama organization. And we have the DNC, which is going to be held in Chicago. This is when they're going to be voting. If Kamala is going to be the nominee, do you think there's going to be chaos? You think something's going to happen? I do believe so. Because remember, last time we had the DNC in Chicago, that was 1968, and there were riots during the convention. People were riding against the Vietnam War. And it looks like we might be heading down that path now. We saw the fake polls that they put out there. Remember, they're very, very lopsided. They polled a lot more Democrats than anything else to make everything lopsided. But here are the real polls, interactive polls. Trump up 50%, Harris 41%. Now, if you actually look at the true internal polls, I do believe they're probably going to be much, much different. But once again, you can see the deep state players. They are trying to build up Kamala the best they possibly can because remember, they need her to be the nominee. They haven't completed their tasks yet. And I do believe there was a coup, which there was. Biden wasn't involved with it and they're not finished with it. I do believe this is a multi phase plan and we're going to see this all play out. But I do believe Trump of the Patriots, they knew about this. They've been preparing for this because we were told about it. Plus, we know from the Trump Organization, they knew about this back in May. So this is not really a surprise to Trump. But I do believe we're going to see certain information that's going to be released. And I wonder if all of a sudden Rayenne comes out of his sleep, he awakens and starts revealing certain information of some corrupt individuals within the FBI and many other organizations that might bring this whole thing down. But let's see how this all plays out. This is going to be very, very interesting.

People no longer trust the government, Rasmussen reports say

But the other thing that we know is that the people, they no longer trust the government. And that is very important because the people, they're realizing that the deep state players who set up a criminal syndicate, they have been lying to the people every step of the way. Rasmussen reports put this out and said when government officials speak, how much of the time are they lying? All voters, 15% all the time, 33% most of the time, 40% some of the time, 88% believe that somehow, some way, the government is lying to them. I think we all know that the government lies to us every, every single day, every step of the way, and they're always going to lie to us, because, again, this is not a representation of we the people. This is a criminal syndicate that reports to a different master. And I do believe Machiavelli said it the best. If you haven't figured it out by now, our entire government is a huge mafia who launders our taxpayer money right back to themselves through foreign aid and endless wars. They all hate you and could care less if you suffer and die horrible deaths, as long as they got rich, as long as they were in control. And that is absolutely true. And this is why Trump had to build the counterinsurgency, because he's going up against an insurgency, he's going up against a criminal syndicate. So he needed to build a counterinsurgency, which was the military, that's one part of a counterinsurgency. And the people, he needed both of these entities together working as one force behind him. And I do believe this mission is almost complete. But as we get closer and closer to the presidential election, what are we going to see? I do believe Trump has said it in his post on truth. He said, we are going to be approaching war. And I do believe this is going to wake up the rest of the DS, because you're going to see how Biden handles it, if he's still there, you're going to see how Kamala is handling it. And the people, they're going to wake up pretty darn fast, and they're going to realize that, hey, this is not what we need here. We cannot go into war. And you're going to see, just like Kamala handled the border, how do you think she's going to handle war? Biden, he handled the economy, the border, Afghanistan, how do you think he's going to handle war? No matter which way you look at it, they're not going to be able to handle it. It's actually going to get worse. But again, this is what Obama actually wants, because he's following the 16 year plan. The 16 year plan is to bring us to war. The central bank wants us to enter war. Remember, they're covering up for their economic destruction of their old system. They're covering up all their crimes, and they need everyone to forget about this. But this is why Trump has been building the peace plan, because as we get closer and closer to war and people reach the precipice, I do believe the country might be attacked in multiple ways. The people, they're going to have to make a very hard decision. They're going to have to decide a nuclear war or Trump. And I do believe when push comes to shove, no matter what, people are not going to want nuclear war, especially when they're scared out of their minds, when they see an attack that changes everything. And I do believe sometimes you got to slap the people in the face to wake them up. And I do believe, yes, it's going to get dark. Yes, it's going to get scary. But always remember, this is to wake the country up. This is to take the country back. And sometimes you got to show the people the truth. And I do believe that's exactly what Trump is doing. Why? Because the patriots are in control. Listen, everyone, thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot.

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Last modified: July 25, 2024
