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Ep. 2981b – [DS] Has Lost The Narrative, They Are Fighting For Their Lives, Panic In DC

Ep. 2981b - [DS] Has Lost The Narrative, They Are Fighting For Their Lives, Panic In DC

Ep. 2981b - [DS] Has Lost The Narrative, They Are Fighting For Their Lives, Panic In DC

Hi and welcome. You're listening to the X 22 report. My name is Dave. In this episode 2981 BN. Today's date is January 25, 2023.

Amatoga the episode is deep state has lost the narrative. They're fighting for their lives. Panic in D. C look about being prepared. The FBI put out a report the power station to being targeted with gunfire attacks leaving tens of thousands throughout the country without power.

Law enforcement has stated that the attackers knew exactly what they were doing to disable the stations. If the right power stations is properly targeted, it could leave millions without light, heat refrigeration, water, phones and internet. It's shocking to learn how vulnerable our power grid is and how often they're deliberately targeted. That's why it's more important than ever to grab a Light Bug. The Light Bug is an amazing life saving gadget that could save your life in deadly blackout or power outages.

It's an ultra bright portable floodlight powered with built in solar panels and a charging bank. It thrives in low light situations like the outdoors, an emergency like car repairs, fishing, camping, night markets and more. It's no surprise tens of thousands of savvy preppers trust the Light Bug with their life. Protect yourself and your family with the Light Bug before it's too late. This is a life saving gadget you don't want to be stuck without.

Get the Light Bug for 15% off using promo code LB 15 during the New Year's sale by going to or click the link in the description before it's too late. Once again, that's You also get it by visiting the link in description below. Let's get into the economic collapse, political and geopolitical news now the deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech, fake news, the puppetmasters. They have completely lost the narrative and everything is completely falling apart around them.

Remember going back in time when Trump came into the White House? They had complete and utter control. They were pushing Russia, Russia, Russia. They had Avanetti, they had all these different things, the Alphabank hoax and they had control over the social media platforms and the fake news. They had complete and utter control of the narrative.

Now what we see today is something completely different. We see that they have lost the narrative completely. Everything that they were pushing in the past is completely falling apart. And every step of the way the people are learning that those individuals that were controlling the narrative, the FBI, DHS DOJ, the Fake News, the social media platforms, all of these individuals, they were involved in pushing these hoax. And this is getting worse and worse for them.

And basically what's happening right now is that they're panicking in DC. Why? Because think about what's happening with Swalwell, or if we like to call them Fang fang watermelon Head, which is Adam, Schiff and Omar. Think about it. They have been kicked off their communities.

Actually, right now, Schiff and Swalwell they don't have the ability to look at intelligence. They don't have the ability to control and actually shape the narrative. That's what they did when Adam Schiff was in control, when he was the chairman of the Intelligence Committee. He shaped the narrative. He put out false information and he tried to control it, even when Devin Nunes said, listen, I just read the same memo as you.

I'm getting something completely different than what you're putting out there. And basically, what did the Fake News do? They shut down Nunes and they went with Adam Schiff saying, no, he's telling the truth. And now they're in trouble. Now they don't have the ability to actually push this and actually feed this to the Fake News.

So now they're running blind and they're panicking like we've never seen before. Why? Because Kevin McCarthy, he blocked them and rejected their appointments to these different committees. And now they are panicking. Now they're in trouble.

Actually. They're actually threatening McCarthy. Adam Schiff put this out and said, kevin McCarthy, just kick me out and Representative Swalwell off the Intelligence Committee. This is petty political payback for investigating Donald Trump. If he thinks this will stop me, he will soon find out just how wrong he is.

I will always defend our democracy. What is he going to do? Call antifa on McCarthy. What, is he going to put out a hit on him? I mean, this is a threat right here.

And it has nothing to do with investigating Trump. It has to do with what they were doing, what Swalwell was doing. Because actually, Kevin McCarthy was out there saying that he was briefed. And the tapes show that he should not be in this position because there are concerns that he was sleeping with a Chinese spy. And actually, he probably knows a lot more, but of course he can't tell us.

But we could see that all the committees now, they are now all being put together. And yes, the investigations are going to begin and we're starting to see different committees come together. The select subcommittee of the Weaponization of the Federal Government has been put together, and this is who they are. The chairman is Jim Jordan. We have darryl issa, thomas massey, chris stewart, elise stefanak, mike johnson, chip broy, kelly armstrong, greg StuBay, dan bishop cameek and harriet hagman.

So we can see that they're ready to go and they're ready to investigate. Now, think about it. They're going to be doing their investigations. They're going to be looking at how government was working with social media platforms, how the government was weaponized. Yes, there's going to be other investigations into Hunter Biden, and most likely we're going to start to see the connection between all of this because every single day now, we're starting to get more and more information that's coming out.

Think about the indictment that was just brought out, where we had this FBI agent, McGonagle, he was colluding with russia. Now, remember, he was investigating Trump for colluding with Russia, and he was indicted and he was colluding with Russia. But this goes a lot further because this bombshell of indictment this week is alleging that a former senior FBI counterintelligence agent had an inappropriate financial relationship with Oleg Derapaska. And this brings a fresh light on an uncomfortable truth. Washington elites have simultaneously demonized and cozied up to the controversial Russian oligarch over the last two decades.

Even Hunter Biden once crafted a plan to make money off Deer Apasca for seeking a handsome $80,000 fee to dig up dirt on the Russian businessman for an American aluminum company. So this indictment raises immediate questions about how a senior FBI agent in charge of counterintelligence in the Bureau's New York office and involved in the Russian collusion probe would go to work for a Russian oligarch. And then we come to find out that Derepaska hired Steele. Remember Steele who wrote the Steele dossier? He's a former Mi Six agent.

Well, this guy Oleg hired him. Cash Patel brings us up to date, and he put this out on True Social. He said the following. Oleg Derapaska is a Russian Putin ally tycoon. He paid steel during Russia Gate.

Now we learn he also paid the FBI's McConnell at least $225,000. Russia pays Steele for bogus dossier. Russia pays FBI chief intel guy for bogus FISA, thus running the biggest intel op against America in history. Putin is still laughing and the whole world is laughing at our FBI and it's corrupt. Then he put this out.

Is anyone going to subpoena Warner and Burr's phone records? Dear Apasca, some Russian tycoon who pay Mcconaughicle charged FBI intel leave for Russia Gate was in touch with Warner during the same time period. Anyone in this article care to revise their statement? Probably just talking about the price of tea in China. Oh, wait, they're talking all things steel.

The other guy on Derepaska's payroll. So why aren't we looking at Mark Warner? Why aren't we questioning this individual? And why aren't we questioning Burrs right now? I do believe the House needs to get on this also, and we need to ask them some questions.

And we can see that the FBI is corrupt. There's a lot of representatives and senators that are corrupt. We can see the DOJ, the DHS, all of these agencies, and a lot of these individuals that are elected, or we should say installed, they are now corrupt. And this is all coming out into the open where everyone can see this. And this is getting harder and harder for them.

And really think about this. Remember Trump? He's continually telling everyone that Pulitzer needs to remove their award for certain reporters and for these certain news organizations, because now that we're finding all this information out, this is going to look really, really bad for Pulitzer in the end. Because if they do not remove their award and if they don't do something soon, everything that they have done in the past is going to completely fall apart and all credibility is out the window. And it looks like that's where they are headed right now.

And actually Rand Paul's out there saying, listen, we need to clean up the FBI. We need to clean up a lot of these agencies. And he argued that the FBI's leadership has become a political class and that reforming the agency is only going to happen if we get a president who gets rid of the top 10% and brings in some law enforcement people who are not political actors. And you have to remember how the infiltration works. You don't have to infiltrate the entire agency.

All you have to do is infiltrate the top, just like in corporations. Then everyone below you, below you, does what you need them to do. It's the same in the CDC, it's the same in the FBI, the same in the DOJ, the same in DHS and every other agency, the ATF and so forth and so on. If the leadership is instructing the people to do certain things, what are they going to do? They know we're not going to do it.

No. Most of them will follow along and actually say, I need to keep my job, so I need to do what they're telling me to do. But most of the people at the lower levels, they are good people and they just want to do a good job. But the upper echelon, they're the ones who are instructing this and driving this political agenda forward. And this is how you can infiltrate everything.

And I think we're seeing it with the who. I think we see it with the Central Bank, we see it with the World Economic Forum. We see it all over the place. And now people are starting to really understand and starting to understand what's really going on here. Now, the other thing that's very interesting is that all of a sudden today Facebook and Instagram, they decided that they're going to reinstate Trump.

So now he's being brought back onto Facebook, being brought back on Instagram. Why was he ever removed? Because, again, it was a political agenda to censor people because they're trying to control the narrative. The problem now is that they have no control over Twitter. They have no control over true social.

They have no control over anything. So if Facebook and Instagram keep him shut down and censored, it makes no difference because he's getting the truth out on True Social. And people take that truth, they bring it over to Twitter, they bring other places where they're not going to censor him. So no matter what they do, they have lost that ability. They don't have that ability anymore.

And this is what they're panicking over, that they don't have the ability to control the narrative. Actually, they lost the narrative completely. How do you know this? Because think about all the information that's coming out today. Think about what's happening with the FBI.

And I'm talking about Durham. I'm talking about what we just saw with the indictment here. And I wonder if Durham is involved in this somehow, some way. And we can see that this is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. And I do believe Trump, he's letting everyone know that what we're witnessing right now is corruption like we've never seen before.

And actually, yes, he put out a message letting us know that we need to clean this up. We'll be talking about that a little bit later. But first we can see with all these mass shootings and everything that the deep state is doing, they're pushing their agenda and right on schedule, like always, they're all out there saying that we need gun control. It's amazing out in California where they have very strict gun control laws, all of a sudden we have these mass shooting after mass shooting after mass shooting. Of course, it really didn't fit their narrative, but they're going to try to use it anyhow.

And we have Kamala Harris, she's returning to California to push gun control after these mass shootings, right on schedule. Then we have Senator Diane Feinstein. Now she has done this in the past. Anytime there's an event, what does she push? She pushes her assault weapons ban.

Well, guess what she just did. Because of the mass shootings that we're seeing out in California, we need to ban 205 assault weapons. By the way, there's no assault weapons. They're rifles. But again, they need to make it look scary.

They need events to push their bills. How far do you think this is going to go? Yes, they might pass it in the Senate, but then they need the House. Do you think it's going to pass in the House? It's a dead end, as usual.

And everything that they're trying to do and you can see the installed individuals very, very clearly. Anyone that's installed, they go against the Constitution. They hate free speech. They hate the Second Amendment. They hate the Fourth Amendment.

Actually, they hate the entire document. And you can see they always fight against it. They always violate the people's rights. And again, as we fix the election system and the election system is being fixed and I actually do believe that out in Arizona, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Once this whole system is exposed and people see the truth and the election systems, maybe they go back to paper for a time being where everyone can see the counting and it's completely transparent.

You're going to see all these individuals that were installed, they're going to completely disappear. Actually, they will probably get no votes whatsoever. And the elected people, they're going to support the Constitution. Remember, they swore an oath. They said they were going to defend it.

Are they? No, they're not. But you could see the European countries, they are panicking right now, and they're very worried about what Elon Musk is doing because he has control over this and he's allowing free speech. They don't like free speech, even though they tell you we like free speech, except for all this hate speech and this speech over here. So they really don't like free speech.

We're all adults here, and if anyone's going to cry about something that someone says, it's too bad. That's what free speech is. Free speech is I can say whatever I want. Now, if you don't want to listen and it hurts your feelings, that's okay. Shut me off, block me, do whatever you got to do.

But guess what? I can continually say it. The government cannot tell me what to say, what I can't say. They can't say it's disinformation or misinformation because that's not free speech, that's controlled speech. But remember, the other countries, they don't have what we have here.

And yes, they're putting a lot of laws that have to do with hate speech. This is why the EU commissioner out there was telling everyone at the World Economic Forum that there's going to be hate laws, that they're going to curtail speech here in America. No, they're not. Not with all the Americans in this country who support the constitution, who support free speech. This is never going to fly.

And if they try to do it, what do you think is going to happen? Just like everything else they try to do, it's going to be deemed unconstitutional. But the German government officials, they met several times, including secretly with US. Big tech corporations, to discuss how to crack down on the dissemination of information they deemed false and dangerous. So remember, it wasn't just our government here in the United States, and those are the deep state players.

And yes, the deep state players are in the other governments, in other countries. They were all doing the same thing. They were all colluding with big tech to try to control the narrative. And now it turns out that the German government, we're going to find out that France did it, the UK did it, and all the other countries, they did it too. They tried to control what was true and what was false and they wanted to control the narrative.

But we can see that those individuals in government, like the Vice President of the Boondenstag, Wolfgang Kubiki, he's demanding clarifications, saying citizens must expect that the previous federal government under Merkel did not violate Article Five of the German constitution. Well, I think they're going to find out that, yes, they violated the people's rights, the German constitution, and I think the people out in the UK, the people out in France and the people out in Canada, they are going to find out this too, because remember, the criminal syndicate, they work together. How do you control the narrative? You just can't have one country do it. You have to have them all do it.

You have to have the criminal syndicate in sync to shut everything down. But the people now, they're not sitting back saying, okay, you know something, we're just going to let this one slide. They're starting to realize that these individuals, these criminal individuals in government, that the ones that were installed, they're actually dictators, they're actually tyrants. Why do you think you see all the protests out in Peru, out in France, out in all these different countries? Because the people are sick and tired of being bullied around and being told what to do.

And they're sick and tired of these criminals not working for we the People. Look what's happening out in Canada. Every time Trudeau walks down the street, he is swarmed by angry protesters, and the protesters are calling him a dictator, a tyrant. And the people are becoming very upset. And actually, think about the pandemic.

Think about how everyone in these other countries were forced to get vaccinated, and now they see their loved ones becoming very sick. They see their loved ones dying. These people are very angry. And yes, soon these people will not be able to walk down the street. And this is why the Deep State players, this is why they're panicking, because they have lost the narrative.

They have lost control of the people. The people are no longer buying what they're selling, and the people are pushing back, which means they're going to have to take it to the next step. And this is why the World Economic Forum was out there letting everyone know that in the next two years, might even be a little bit sooner, we're going to see a cyber attack. And this is why they're trying to push a war with Russia. They're trying to get a scare event.

Because, remember, part of the 16 year plan was to bring us to war, and this is where they really want us to go. So what is Biden doing now? And what is Germany doing now? They're sending tanks to Ukraine. Biden is sending 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine.

Why? Well, they're hoping that with all these arm supplies to Ukraine, it will help Ukraine seize lost territories, including Crimea. Now, think about it. If they go with these tanks to try to take back all the lost territories, especially Crimea, how do you think this is going to turn out? Do you think Russia is just going to sit back and go, okay, come on in, we give up?

No, they're going to fight back. And this is exactly what they want them to do. They want them to push back. I'm talking about Russia. They want Russia to push back because they're going to make a move and they're going to turn it around and they're going to try to push a war and really think about it.

Everything that they've been telling us about Putin then is completely fake. Is Putin on his deathbed? No, have all the corporations moved out of Russia? Is Russia's economy completely collapsing? No.

Are the soldiers deserting? Are they running away? No. Are the soldiers starving? No.

All of this was a lie. And if everything that they were telling us is all true, russia would be retreating right now, wouldn't they? This entire time they'd be saying, holy crap, look at this. Our soldiers are starving. Putin, he might be on his deathbed.

Should we still be here? Our economy is collapsing. Shouldn't they be running the other way then? Well, they're not. So what are they really trying to do?

They're trying to push World War Three. They're trying to get Putin to do something. This way they can put it out in the news and the fake news to show, look what Putin is doing. He's using these weapons of war that aren't sanctioned, or he's going to use nuclear warheads on the tanks or whatever they're going to do. They're going to try to push this war or this scare event.

And you can see this is exactly what's happening, by the way. The tanks aren't going to the southern border where the real invasion is. The tanks are going to another country to protect their borders. Really think about that for a second and you have to wonder why all of this is happening. Because everything that they have done and everything that they tried is completely falling apart.

Everything isn't working. Which means they're panicking because they've lost everything. They lost the pandemic. They lost the narrative on Ukraine. They lost the narrative on why fuel prices are going up and why the economy is completely collapsing.

They lost the narrative on the border. They've lost the narrative on everything. Now, actually, take this a step further. They lost the narrative on Russia. Russia.

Russia. They lost a narrative on who can have classified information, who can't have classified information. They lost a narrative on vaccines. They lost a narrative on how many people are dying from vaccines. It's completely falling apart.

They do not control the narrative anymore. They have lost it. And now what do we come to find out? The government of the United Kingdom officially declared that it will no longer require healthy people under the age of 50 to receive a COVID booster dose. Why is that?

Is it because they're finding out that people are dying? Are they finding out that people are getting very, very sick? Well, what's very interesting is that we've come to find out that here in the United States that there are 300,000 non COVID excess deaths in the US since 2020, basically since the vaccine came out. Does that make any sense? Is everyone starting to put it together now that the vaccine is causing these problems?

The vaccine is causing COVID vaccine is causing all these problems. I think we need an investigation into the entire pandemic. And it looks like there's a select subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic. The origins and everything else. We have Chairman Brad Wenstrup, who's going to be heading this up.

We have representative Marionette Miller meeks. We have Representative Debbie Lesko, representative Michael Cloud, representative John Royce, marjorie Taylor Green, Ronnie Jackson, Rich McCormick. They're going to be leading up the Coronavirus Pandemic subcommittee. So, yes, we have investigations going on and we can see that their entire narrative on every single piece of the hoax and it was a gigantic hoax if you really think about it, because everything leads to election fraud, everything leads to treason. And all of this fits together and shows how they did it.

They have lost all of it. And now the investigations are about to begin. And what's very interesting is that Deborah Birks, she openly admits to lying about the COVID vaccines to manipulate the American people. Let's talk about being prepared. Over five power stations have been targeted with gunfire attacks, leaving tens of thousands without electricity, say the FBI.

If your local substation falls, it would leave millions in your area without power. I was shocked to learn how vulnerable our power grid is and how often they're deliberately targeted. That's why it's more important than ever to grab a light bug. This amazing device is an ultrabright portable floodlight powered with built in solar panels and a charging bank. It thrives in low light situations like the outdoors, and emergencies like car repairs, fishing, camping, night markets and more.

Get it now for 15% off by using promo code LB 15 during their New Year's sale by going to or click the link in the description below before it's too late. So I think this should be a really big deal because once again, we're finding out all these individuals, they lied about the science. They lied about 6ft apart. They lied about the masks, they lied about the vaccines, they lied about the PCR test, they lied about how many people actually have COVID, how many people died of COVID They lied about it all. And then they lied about the vaccines.

And then they lied about who is getting injured from the vaccines. They lied about how the vaccines are causing myocarditis. They're lying about everything and the people are finding out. And what's very interesting is that Trump, he responded to this news that Deborah Burks openly admits to lying about the COVID vaccines and says the following untrue social one of the greatest privileges I had as president was firing Deborah Burke. The only thing she had going was nice scarves, which is actually kind of funny.

I remember so well when she was lecturing the American people not to leave their homes for Thanksgiving. And then she traveled hundreds of miles to visit her family, who incredibly turned her into the police. The only one who thought highly of her was herself. And he's absolutely right. And all these people, they're compulsive liars.

They cannot help themselves. But to lie then to tell another lie and another lie. And why is this? Because they've been getting away with it for years and years and years. Because they're all part of the criminal syndicate.

And when you're part of the criminal syndicate, you don't have to worry about anyone saying that you're lying because the fake news is going to back you up. The other criminal syndicates in the government are going to back you up. So you never have to worry about it because they're following a different agenda. But when you have the truth tellers out there and the truth tellers are saying, well, wait a minute, we just fact checked you and we have the documents, we have the receipts to prove all this, this is when it all starts to fall apart. And this is what's been happening.

All their lies now are being exposed to the American public. And the American public now is starting to see, wow, the fake news has been covering them. They've been telling the lies. Where's the actual documentation to back up everything that they're saying? It doesn't exist.

It's all been one gigantic lie. Just like antifa. Oh, Antifa is not a terrorist organization. Antifa, they're just people just roaming around. They're going after fascist.

No, actually they're the fascist. They're the foot soldiers for the deep state players. They were protected at one time. Actually, the mapping of Antifa has been has been started a long time ago. Now you can see it's a completely different story.

And they're being exposed. Think about all these individuals that are being exposed. And the latest one is Teresa Yushen, 31. She was one of seven activists arrested in Atlanta last week. And remember, we have certain individuals that are coming from wealthy families.

And this individual actually worked for CNN at one time. And she is the daughter of a New Jersey based pharma China and global diversity expert. So this is very interesting, and we're starting to realize who these people are. And Representative Marjorie Taylor Green says she's going to introduce legislation that declares Antifa a domestic terrorist. So once again, we know that they're a terrorists.

I do believe that the mapping has been going on for a very long time. They're not antifascists. They're actually the fascists. And now they're being exposed. And the American public is starting to learn and understand what this organization is really about.

But remember, these are the foot soldiers. We need to track these people up to the ones who are actually instructing these people. We need to go to the source. And I do believe this is what the military has been doing because think about what has happened in this country with Antifa, with these treasonous people. They overthrew the United States Government.

They overthrew the duly elected president. This is treason at its highest level. And the same thing goes with what happened on January 6. It is the same cast of characters. Confidential human sources, the FBI, the Capitol Police, antifa BLM.

Yes. All of them. And what's very interesting is that more and more information is coming out, videos are being produced, and you can see the difference between the videos. For example, Ray Epps, the FBI put out a video of what happened on January 6. You could see the barriers are being shoved down.

And in the first video, you see a glitch where you can't really make out the people because it's all blurred out. But that video was altered because now we have the original 14,000 hours. Not all of it yet, but part of it. And you can see with the original recording, there was no glitch. And you can see Ray Epps pushing his way through everything.

And this was never before seen video because there was a glitch and you really couldn't see what he was doing. So the video was doctored to cover what Ray Epps was doing. I mean, really, think about this for a second. This is infiltration at the highest level, and this is absolutely unbelievable. And this is why they didn't want the 14,000 hours of video release.

And I do believe Kevin McCarthy is going to do this. And I think people are seeing a very different side of Kevin McCarthy right now. And I do believe Trump was right. Again, I think Trump has him. He has leverage over him.

And he knew what he was doing from the very, very beginning. He knew how certain things had to play out. Remember, they created this plan a very long time ago. And there are certain things that need to be done, so certain things can happen. And I do believe this is exactly what we're seeing.

Just because you don't see it right at this moment doesn't mean it's not happening. I mean, everyone looked at Trump's taxes and said, oh my God, they're going to get him. It's going to be a complete and utter disaster. People didn't realize, and of course we realized this, that he was bringing them in, wanting them to fight for it. He wanted it to go to the Supreme Court because he knew his taxes were completely clean.

He wouldn't have done this if his taxes weren't clean, but he wanted them to set a precedent. And yes, it took a long time, because if you're going to destroy the deep state, you need to expose and you need to actually set certain things in motion and you need to set things up. Because remember, if you're setting up a sting operation, you need to have everything in place and you need everything exposed. You need everything recorded. You need to control what is happening.

And I do believe this is exactly what Trump is doing and has done and continues to do. Now, the other thing that's very interesting is that all these deep state players, the DS and all of them, the fake news is out there. They continually told us that, oh, if we put certain election integrity policies into place, the black people won't be able to vote and it won't be fair. Well, it turns out that this is completely untrue. And remember Stacey Abrams?

She criticized Georgia's updating voting laws, believing they were a form of voter suppression. But the University of Georgia School of Public and International Affairs post election poll shows that 0% of black Georgians had trouble voting. So of black Georgia residents who participated in the post election poll, 0% had a poor experience, and 94.3% were either very confident or somewhat confident their vote counted as intended. So Stacey Abrams was completely wrong. The fake news was completely wrong.

The deep state players and everyone else that was pushing this, completely wrong. Again, unbelievable. Now, the truth is out there. Sometimes you need to see it to actually believe it, because, yes, when they push out propaganda, people go, oh yeah, that might happen. But when you see it doesn't happen now, and it happens in real life, in real time.

Now, you could say, well, we have the proof here, we have the facts, and everything that you're saying is completely fake, phony, and false. Now, the other thing that's very interesting is that out in California, this is Shasta County. It has become the first county in California to eliminate the use of voting machines in its election. The Board of Supervisors in Shasta County voted to terminate the county's contract with Dominion. Now, I do believe every single state and county should remove their contracts with Dominion.

I know a lot of blue states, they're not going to do it completely, but maybe there are certain counties within those states that will actually discontinue the contracts, because if we discontinue the contracts, we can move back to paper ballots. And I do believe we're headed in that direction. Remember Trump, he put out the call to all Republican governors, listen, it's time to stop the mail in ballots. This is the first step. The second step, get rid of the machines.

Let's go to paper ballots. And then we'll see who's really being elected. And the counting at the low level should be done right there and then. And it should be completely transparent, and people should see it firsthand, and there should be monitors seeing how the count goes. And that number then is moved up to the next level, to the next level, to the next level to be reported.

And I do believe in the end this is going to happen. But think about it. First we have to show the people that there is election fraud. And the people are actually saying this because the cases are being built. Think about the manipulation of the election with the FBI.

They held back Hunter Biden's laptop. Think about the manipulation of the DOJ and the FBI in regards to Biden's classified documentation. They waited until after the midterms. The case is being built against them, and it's being built for those people that have been talking about election fraud. So when you start to see what's happening in Arizona, I do believe this is a very, very important case.

And I do believe Carrie Lake in the end she is going to sweep the floor with Katie Hobbes because the proof that she has is completely overwhelming. Tracy Beans put this out on True socially. She said the following maricopa county admits in its pleadings that they didn't count ballots at MC Tech as required by law because there were so many. But there is no exception in Arizona law to thwart procedure because there were too many votes. Got them.

Then Tracy puts this out in her appeal. Carrie Lake is challenging the decision to deny her claim on signature matching because what do we come to find out? That on something like 39,000 ballots the signatures don't match. Now she can go up against this. Now she has proof.

She also put this out. Hobbes is arguing that appeals court must use the same determination of disputed facts as the trial court. That just simply isn't the case. Katie Hobbs is struggling right now. She's panicking because she realized that Kerry Lake has the evidence, she has the facts and her treasonous manipulated election is being exposed and Katie Hobbs is now panicking.

Think about it. We have panic in DC, panic in Arizona. And actually once Kerry Lake wins this case and shows there's election for it and shows how they did this, I do believe there's going to be a lot of other states and counties where they might be looking at their elections and they might be saying, hey, wait a minute, we find the same exact thing, we find the same pattern with signatures. We see they didn't count the votes here. We see that they didn't file the chain of command.

I do believe this is going to start the domino as it pushes over and it's going to hit other dominoes and it's going to be a complete another disaster for the deep state place. And actually this in the end will start to change the laws and start to change everything in every other state. This is just the beginning. The deep state. They are panicking.

And you know what else they're panicking about? They're panicking over the phone call that Trump had with Zelensky because they hid certain parts of it from the American people and they had their impeachment. So let's go back a little bit in time. In May 2019, Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani announced he was traveling to Ukraine to push the current leadership on several investigations, including the probe on the Biden corruption case. Then in July, President Trump spoke with the new Ukrainian leader Zelensky, after Rudy Giuliani announced he was traveling to Ukraine to investigate the Biden crime family.

In the transcript released, president Zelensky brought up Rudy Giuliani and his investigation with President Trump. President Trump did not bring up the topic with Zelensky. The fake news hid this from the American public once again, and it shows that, yes, they were controlling the narrative. Now the truth is out there, and it shows that they hid this, and it was actually Zelinsky who brought up Giuliani, not Trump. And then what did the corrupt politicians do?

They attempted to impeach Trump for this call when it was all completely fake, phony and false. So if you notice going back in time, the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax is just a hoax. The Alpha Banks server thing was a hoax created by Hillary Clinton. And yes, Hillary Clinton was involved in the Russia hoax. We're seeing the impeachment and everything else that the Trump is completely fake.

They hid it. They controlled the narrative. But once again, they don't have control over the narrative. This is how the truth is getting out there. And more and more people are seeing it because now they lost control of their bullhorn.

They lost control of Twitter. People aren't looking at YouTube, they're looking at rumble now. People are looking at true social now they've lost control. They're not even looking at the fake news. So they're in trouble right now because more and more of this information is coming out and this is why they're panicking.

And yes, you need to bring the rest of the country into the fold so they understand what has been happening here and how they were hiding things from you. You were watching Fox at the time. You were watching CNBC, you were watching MSNBC, you were watching CNN. Well, this is what they did. They hid the truth from you so you wouldn't understand what was really going on.

You would only understand their narrative. Now that people are starting to understand this, and the people are saying, whoa, did this really happen in this country? The fake news is pushing propaganda and they're hiding things from us. This is absolutely unbelievable. Then we come to find out that there are emails that show that, yes, Biden was working with Hunter, with his business deals.

And it appears that Hunter Biden was emailing Devon Archer information he received from a briefing his father and Vice President Joe Biden held earlier. Or the information may have come directly from top secret documents. So basically, the classified documents, hunter had access to them, he was using them. And now this is completely falling apart around them. And the people out in this country, they want some type of investigation.

They want a probe into Biden. Actually, CNN did a poll and it's reported that 80% of Democrats support DOJ's probe into Biden's classified docs scandal. Now remember, they're all doing this now to remove Biden. This is why Obama didn't come to his rescue. Yes, this could have just completely gone away, but I do believe what they're trying to do right now is they're trying to move away from him.

Now, this doesn't mean that Biden is on board with this, that Biden is going to say, okay, I'm going to step aside because how would that look? How would that look if he just says, okay, you got me, I'm going to step aside and I'm guilty of all this, that wouldn't look too good, actually. It wouldn't even help the Democratic Party, would it? Even if they brought someone else in and he stepped aside, he resigned, do you think they would have a chance during the 2024 election? I mean, there'd be no chance whatsoever because it would be a complete and utter disaster.

So I do believe what's happening right now in Biden, he's probably going to be very, very stubborn. He probably is not going to want to leave. But as more and more information comes out about him and against him, I think he's going to start to realize, yeah, you know something, I can't ride this out anymore. What I'm going to have to do is I'm going to have to get out of this somehow, some way. Now, yes, the others, the other DS, the fake news, they've already been instructed, go against Biden.

He might push back for a little while and then eventually he's going to start to see the light and start to see what's coming out against them. Especially if the prosecutor or when the prosecutor drops the information on the Hunter Biden laptop. I do believe at that moment, or when they know that's coming, you might see dementia really start to kick in. And if they take him out with the 25th Amendment and they take him out in a way where they can save face, where they can, you know, basically protect the Democratic Party saying, okay, listen, his dementia is kicked in. He's not fit to be president.

Yes, there might be investigations, but they can probably try to build this up enough to try to remove him on just that because they make a whole entire process of showing why he's being removed with the 25th Amendment. And they're hoping that if they do this, they would have the ability to actually still be in the running in 2024. Now, do you really think this is going to work? I don't believe so because I know the Patriots, Trump of the Patriots, they have other plans because remember, this is not just about Biden. This leads to Clinton, Obama and the rest.

And that's why I do believe Durham is waiting in the wings. He's not going to come out right now and do this. I wouldn't be surprised if Durham comes out maybe at the end of this year sometime with other things, maybe in the summer like he did last time, and bring this maybe to the beginning of 2024. So it's fresh in people's minds and to see who's involved in all this and bring out more truth and more facts of what has happened here. Because Trump, he's letting us know that this is just the beginning of the corruption.

This is just the beginning of what we're seeing, and we must clean out the rotten corruption in DC. He's actually building his case for 2024 or maybe even before that. Take a listen to what he says. The new house committee on the weaponization of the federal government is a rare chance to expose the breathtaking corruption of the security state, the media, and the washington swamp. Here are just a few of the questions the committee hopefully will be asking.

Number one who is on the Mueller witch hunt that investigated me and ordered dozens and dozens of cell phones to be wiped clear of all data after the phones were requested by the Office of the Inspector General who, by the way, did a fantastic report on the corrupt FBI and the corrupt comey and all of the rest of them. But they asked that all data on their phones never done this before, be wiped off in some cases. They said, oh, I'm sorry, it was a mistake. Can you imagine what we would have found with page and struck and all of them. All of them.

Who in the mueller team was in charge of leaking secret information and fake news stories to dishonest journalists, of which there are many, to perpetrate? The russia hoax. And that's what it was turned out. It was a total hoax. It was all misinformation.

It was all a horrible thing that was given to the people of our country illegally by a fake press and a corrupt press and by corrupt politicians. Why did numerous FBI and CIA analysts go out and purchase professional liability insurance the day the fake steel dossier was first published? Because they knew it was fake. And they knew that sometime there'd be a guy like trump that wants to go after them. Have any fake news journalists been paid or compensated by us.

Government agencies directly or indirectly, for their role in spreading domestic disinformation like the FBI did with twitter? Paid them $3,600,000 so far that we know of. The FBI paid think of this to twitter over $3 million. And the purpose was to get it wrong, to do bad things to our country. Who orchestrated the FBI's repeated operations to interfere in domestic politics in the final weeks of multiple u.

S. Election seasons, and specifically and most importantly, in the presidential election of 2020. What the FBI did was suppress anything bad about biden and go all out, put it all out there if there was anything at all bad about trump. And if there wasn't anything bad, we'll make it up. What that was is a rigged election just by itself.

What was the role of federal agents and informants and pressing the crowd toward the capitol on january 6? And who is ray EPS? Tell me about ray EPS. Where does he come from? I think we know.

In addition, the committee needs to do a full review of pfizer warrants and any abuse of confidential government databases to conduct political spying on American citizens. They spied on American citizens illegally and they got illegal approvals. The approvals were gotten by lying to judges. The judges should be very upset, but they don't seem to be. We should also get a full report on any domestic surveillance of MAGA supporters that has taken place under Biden or Obama.

And the radical left, joe Biden is presiding over the most corrupt administration in American history. Their weaponization of law enforcement, intelligence agencies, and the deep state is very, in fact, deep seated. It's the greatest threat American freedom in generations has seen. And their collusion with the fake news media is absolutely atrocious. This committee is a vital chance to bring it all to light, begin to heal our divisions and save our beloved country.

I want to thank you for listening, but it's a big problem. We have to do something for it. I also want to pay my respect to James Comer and Jim Jordan for the incredible job they're doing, for the work they're doing, and for the love they have for our country. Thank you both. Now if you listen to what he said, he's using this to his advantage because he knows what's coming.

He knows what's going to drop. He knows that everything will be against them and people are going to see the corruption. And what is he doing? He's giving a solution. We need to get rid of this.

You see what I'm seeing? We're seeing the Biden administration corrupt. Obama is corrupt. Hillary Clinton is corrupt. The CDC is corrupt.

The FDA is corrupt. Everything is corrupt in DC. The FBI, the DOJ, you name it. It's time to clean this out. We've been infiltrated.

He's showing the people that we've been infiltrated. And now is the time this is going to work to his advantage in the end. And he's already started showing the people trump, the Patriots, they have all the leverage. They have everything on them, and it will be used against them. And eventually, what's going to happen, trump is going to bring and the people, we're going to bring the whole damn thing down around them.

Trump, the Patriots, they're in control. Listen, everyone, thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot.