DTCC - 07-18-2024

DTCC - 07-18-2024

DTCC - 07-18-2024

Episode Summary:

The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) was founded with significant involvement from a notable three-letter agency. This private company controls the entire US stock market, holding legal ownership of all $87 trillion worth of US stocks. This setup only becomes critically relevant when financial anomalies occur, as stockholders do not have direct legal rights over their shares. The company was founded by William Dentzer, who previously worked with an organization associated with the three-letter agency and later helped establish USAID. Dentzer's background in banking and politics made him the ideal candidate to lead the DTCC, which he did for 22 years. An interview by the Securities Exchange Commission Historical Society provides insights into his life and intentions, portraying him as a well-meaning individual rather than a nefarious actor.

However, the founding of the DTCC is often linked to broader conspiracy theories. For instance, Henry Kissinger's program at Harvard, funded by the same agency, led to the recruitment of Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum. This highlights a pattern where influential individuals and organizations are nurtured to align with certain goals. Similarly, the DTCC centralized the entire stock market under one company, supported by the intelligence community. This mirrors the strategy used in creating the James Bond films, which shaped public perception of intelligence operations.

The DTCC's board comprises representatives from major financial institutions like Citadel, creating a self-regulatory market environment. This board structure inherently includes banking insiders, reinforcing a system where the market's regulatory and operational aspects are closely intertwined with the industry. The nepotistic nature of this setup, originating from the involvement of an ex-operative of the three-letter agency, suggests a deliberate orchestration of influence and control. The intricate web of business deals, corporate connections, and strategic funding forms the backbone of how intelligence operations influence global finance and markets.

Ultimately, the DTCC represents a centralized power structure within the US stock market, where legal ownership is held by a single entity. This has far-reaching implications, especially during times of market instability. The historical context and the involvement of intelligence agencies underscore the complex and often covert mechanisms that shape financial systems and market dynamics.

#DTCC #WilliamDentzer #stockmarket #beneficialownership #NationalStudentsAssociation #USAID #financialinstitutions #Citadel #nepotism #intelligencecommunity #JamesBond #securities #stocktrading #marketcontrol #WEF #KlausSchwab #financialsystem #globalnetwork #regulators #influence #banking #politics #Harvard #KennedySchool #securitization #trading #stocks #market #corporations #businessdeals #deepstate 
#intelligence #corporateconnections #economicforum

Key Takeaways:
  • The DTCC holds and centralizes $87 trillion in stocks, controlling the entire US stock market. DTCC
  • William Dentzer, the founder of the DTCC, was a former operative of a three-letter agency. William Dentzer
  • The DTCC retains legal ownership of stocks, providing beneficial ownership to individuals. DTCC Ownership
  • The DTCC's board includes representatives from major financial institutions like Citadel, illustrating nepotism. Citadel
  • The intelligence community's influence in financial systems is evident in the DTCC's formation and operations. USAID
  • Continued centralization of stock ownership and control within the DTCC could lead to increased market influence by a few major financial institutions.
  • The role of intelligence agencies in shaping financial systems may become more transparent, revealing further connections between financial institutions and intelligence operations.
  • Market instability may highlight the complexities of beneficial ownership versus legal ownership, leading to regulatory changes.
Key Players:
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DTCC - 07-18-2024

Uh, guys, the threeletter agency that shall not be named was involved in founding the company that controls the entire us stock market. I'm not making this up, I swear. I do not try to involve the threeletter agency in every dig, but they keep showing up in the sketchiest places. So I recently talked about how the DTC owns every stock in the entire stock market, which most people don't know that you don't actually own stocks. You own beneficial ownership of stocks.

It's a whole rabbit hole. But all stocks are held by this private company that's the holder that then, like, loans them out to people, that loan them out to you, but they retain the legal ownership of all $87 trillion worth of us stocks. And that's not a huge deal because the markets run how they run just fine when everything's normal. It only really becomes relevant when things start to collapse or explode or go wrong or weird, sketchy things happen, and then, whoopsies. You don't actually have legal rights over this share.

But the really funny thing was when I started researching who founded the Depository Trust company, his name was William Dentzer. And William Dentzer was a card carrying agent for the organization for many years. This was prior to him founding the DTC. And, by the way, NSA here is the National Students association. It was like a college association where he traveled.

It's not the one you're thinking of. He spent, I think, five years in total at that organization. And then after he was part of the founding body that made USAID, you know, the branch of government responsible for all humanitarian and international aid that is currently run by this woman who works at the Harvard Kennedy School. This is the organization that is just pumping money to Ukraine and to Israel and to, you know, just like the DTC. It's an organization that starts from a very healthy concept, an idea that will make the world a better place.

But then, you know, 40, 50 years down the line, like, is that still what that organization is being used by the government to do? Or. Then after Denture help found Usaiden, he founded the depository trust company. He was super tied into banking and politics, and he was totally the right guy for the job. Based on his life story, the job was a very idealistic one at first of, like, the markets are failing.

Cause there's too much paper and there's too much trading and everything's going crazy. And we need a simplified, centralized system to make all of this work better. And he led the DTC for 22 years. One really interesting article that I found was this interview with him by the securities Exchange Commission Historical Society, where he answers a bunch of interesting questions about his life in his own words. All kinds of stuff in there that I'm not gonna get into right now.

But it paints a picture of a man who was doing what he knew best in a way that he thought would benefit the world and was not like some nefarious, secret, deep state actor or anything. That's not how he saw his own life. Unless he's just lying through his teeth about everything he said in this interview, which I doubt. He's like, 90. So now let's get into some conjecture and some conspiracy theory, because it really reminded me of a certain program that Kissinger ran at Harvard that was funded by that same three letter agency, although he didn't know that at the time.

And that program that was funded by that organization is where he met and recruited Klaus, who went on to found the World Economic Forum. See, there's this picture painted of conspiracy theorists and conspiracy theories as though we're all asserting that there's, like, some cabal of influence that's like making all these, like, tactical decisions and everyone's in on it, and it's a great big plan. And that is not how the world works. And if you run the three letter agency, that's not how you run things. You find groups and people that have beliefs and capabilities that will help your ends, and then you nurture them, you fund them, you help them into positions of power where they will do things that are aligned to your goals.

That's just how you influence things in the real world. Anyways, they didn't need to teach Klaus to be an evil sociopath. His dad already taught him that. He just needed to help him build a global network of corporate connections and start his whole world economic forum so that he could do his own thing because it was going to align with their values. And it kind of looks like a similar situation happened with DTCC.

Like, oh, no, this great idealistic banker guy wants to centralize the entire stock market so that all stocks are controlled by the same company. Whatever will we do? We'll give him money, obviously, and help him start that organization. See, the intelligence community funded programs like the James Bond movies in order to paint. And that's a true fact, by the way.

They helped produce James Bond with Ian Fleming, but so that they would create an image of spies that's like this, like, zero zero seven, shaken, not stirred thing. And that is not how intelligence works. World of intelligence is a very complex network of interactions of business deals, of corporations, of banking, of individual actors doing things for multiple reasons, and the biggest players at the top sort of orchestrating their influence to help promote what's gonna help them and help to suppress what's not gonna help them, like certain content creators. And now we just have wound up in a world where the entire stock market is very literally owned, like, legally, technically owned by this central private company whose board of directors is intentionally and officially staffed by a board that represents all of the biggest financial institutions. Cause obviously, they're the ones that know how finance works and how the markets work, and so they should be in charge of it, obviously.

And so you wind up with this board of banking insiders and stock market insiders like Citadel, that are in charge of the organization, that is in charge of huge portions of how the stock market works behind the scenes. And that's not to mention the self regulatory nature of this market that they have created over time, where the regulators that make sure this is all above board are also staffed by people like this from the industry. Nepotism was baked into the cake from the very start. And it's an awfully weird coincidence, obviously just a coincidence that that nepotism that was baked into the cake from the start was started by an ex operative of the three letter agency. Like, at this point, the story kind of just writes itself.

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