CROWDSTRIKE & UKRAINE— How Does Trump Always know - 07-19-2024

CROWDSTRIKE & UKRAINE— How Does Trump Always know - 07-19-2024

Episode Summary:

Former President Donald Trump has frequently questioned the handling of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) server by the FBI and its subsequent involvement with CrowdStrike. In several instances, Trump demanded to know why the FBI never obtained the server, suggesting it was held by a company linked to Ukraine. Trump’s suspicions centered around CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm, which he alleged was connected to a wealthy Ukrainian individual.

According to Trump, the DNC did not allow the FBI to inspect their server but instead handed it over to CrowdStrike, which later became a pivotal entity in the claims of Russian hacking that sparked the Russiagate investigation. Notably, former FBI Director James Comey confirmed that the FBI did not have direct access to the server, relying on CrowdStrike’s analysis instead.

The controversy surrounding CrowdStrike intensified with the assertion that its involvement was orchestrated by the Clinton campaign through lawyer Michael Sussmann of Perkins Coie, rather than directly by the DNC. This revelation came years after the initial investigation, casting doubt on the integrity of the process.

Trump claimed to have foreseen these events, suggesting that he and the military were aware of the situation. He pointed to the impeachment proceedings and the leaked tapes of conversations involving John Kerry, Joe Biden, and Petro Poroshenko as evidence of deeper knowledge.

Trump suggested that the Democrats and certain Republicans tried to undermine his presidency through impeachment, the release of a global virus, and igniting the war in Ukraine to shift the narrative. He asserted that these actions were taken to protect their interests and cover up criminal activities linked to Ukraine.

The situation in Ukraine dates back to 2014, when the US allegedly orchestrated a coup, involving figures such as Victoria Nuland. This backdrop of political maneuvering continued after Trump’s election, with notable visits by John McCain and Lindsey Graham to Ukraine, seemingly in a bid to maintain control over Eastern Ukraine.

Trump highlighted the intense reaction from these politicians and their subsequent efforts to blame Russia for various issues. He claimed that this pattern of corruption and misdirection leads back to high-profile Democrats and some Republicans, insinuating that recent events, including the release of Julian Assange and a major outage at CrowdStrike, indicate a frantic attempt to hide these truths.

#Trump #FBI #DNC #CrowdStrike #Ukraine #Russiagate #Clinton #Comey #Sussmann #PerkinsCoie #Pelosi #Schiff 
#Biden #Kerry #Poroshenko #impeachment #virus #Nuland #McCain #Graham #Assange #outage #coup #globalist #corruption #oligarch #leak 
#hacking #military #conspiracy #coverup #whistleblower #rich 

Key Takeaways:
  • Trump questioned the FBI's handling of the DNC server and its involvement with CrowdStrike.
  • The DNC allegedly handed their server to CrowdStrike instead of the FBI.
  • Former FBI Director James Comey confirmed the FBI’s reliance on CrowdStrike's analysis.
  • CrowdStrike’s involvement was allegedly orchestrated by the Clinton campaign through lawyer Michael Sussmann of Perkins Coie.
  • Trump suggested that the impeachment proceedings, global virus release, and Ukraine war were efforts to protect political interests.
  • The US allegedly orchestrated a coup in Ukraine in 2014 involving Victoria Nuland.
  • Recent political maneuvers and events are part of a broader pattern of corruption linked to Ukraine.
  • Trump suggested that the Democrats and certain Republicans tried to undermine his presidency.
  • He asserted that these actions were taken to protect their interests and cover up criminal activities linked to Ukraine.
Key Players:
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CROWDSTRIKE & UKRAINE— How Does Trump Always know - 07-19-2024

CROWDSTRIKE & UKRAINE— How Does Trump Always know???

🔴 VIDEO #1
• “I still ask the FBI, where is the Server? How come the FBI never got the server from the DNC? Where’s the server? I want to see the server?

The server is, they say, is held by a company whose private ownership individual is from UKRAINE!”

🔴 VIDEO #2
• “it’s very interesting, they have the server from the DNC. The FBI went in and told them “Get out of Here. We’re not giving it to you”…

They gave the server to CROWDSTRIKE, or whatever it’s called. Which is a company owned by a very wealthy Ukrainian [Oligarch].

Why did they give it to a Ukrainian company? CROWDSTRIKE.

🔴 VIDEO #3 (Media Panic. Damage Control)

Take your pick of reports… the MSM ran an intense coverup & distraction campaign.

🔴 VIDEO #4 — Director Comey

• Were you given access to do the forensics on those servers?
—— Comey: We were not. A highly respected private company got access and shared with us (FBI) what they saw there.

In a nutshell…The DNC would NOT give access to the FBI for their servers or John Podesta’s devices, but they would give them to CrowdStrike.

🔴 Details & Puzzle Pieces

• CrowdStrike is the cyberfirm that fabricated the entire claim that Russia hacked the DNC, which began Russiagate.
—— they accused Julian Assange of working with Russia.
—— Assange never revealed his source was, but it’s widely suspected and accepted that Seth Rich was the leaker; and they murdered him for it.
—— CrowdStrike was later discovered to be working for the Clinton campaign.
—— FOUR YEARS LATER, CrowdStrike CEO admitted, his contract was NOT with the DNC, but instead "with Michael Sussmann from Perkins Coie." Retained by Sussman & Clinton.

• The entire Russiagate Investigation started because the FBI relied on CROWDSTRIKE rather than independently investigate the "hacked" DNC servers.

🔴 NOW, How did Trump know when all intel agencies claimed otherwise?

Trump & the Military absolutely 100% knew what was going on and exactly where those servers were.
—— 1. this is evident when Trump admitted to setting a Trap for Nancy Pelosi and and Adam Schif by allowing them to go through with Impeachment Hoax #2. (
—— 2. This is evidence when The Biden Bribe Tapes Were “Leaked” — Calls of John Kerry, Biden, and Poroshenko

🔴 The globalist Dems and Rino’s panicked, tried to impeach him, released a world wide virus, and now there’s a war in Ukraine… voila… narrative changed…

Now all those same Globalist’s can’t stop worshipping Ukraine, because they’re protecting their own interests and criminal activity…

🔴 Let’s not forget what happened In 2014. When The US effectively ran a coup and regime change
—— How The CIA, our US Gov and traitors Obama, Biden, and Nuland (+others) overthrew Ukraine's government in 2014. Nuland was caught on tape planning Ukraines new government shortly after for goodness sake. (

🔴 LET’S NOT Forget how they Panicked When Trump was Elected

• Just after Trump was Elected, McCain and Lindsey Graham went to Ukraine, Desperately trying to get control of Eastern Ukraine since Donald Trump was just elected. (
—— After their Trip, McCain and Lindsey Graham come home and desperately try to blame Russia (

Notice a pattern?

A lot of corruption leads back to Ukraine. Clinton’s, Obama, Biden… I would even argue Bush.

It’s not a coincidence Julian Assange was recently released, CROWDSTRIKE just had a Worldwide Outage, and they just tried to kill the man that’s been sniffing them out since he came into office in 2016. They’re panicking….

They’re Fooked…. Time is running out and They know it…

3:23 PM · Jul 19, 2024 303K Views

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Last modified: July 19, 2024
