AIPAC: Unmasking the Foreign Influence in US Politics - 08-12-2024

AIPAC: Unmasking the Foreign Influence in US Politics - 08-12-2024

AIPAC: Unmasking the Foreign Influence in US Politics - 08-12-2024

Episode Summary:

The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate examine how AIPAC used billions of dollars to launder attacks on Rep. Cori Bush, a progressive critic of the US-Israeli special relationship, behind a series of stealth organizations that made no mention of Israel or Palestine.

The video discusses the influence and actions of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and its implications on American politics, particularly in relation to foreign interference and sovereignty. One of the key figures mentioned is Max Blumenthal, a prominent journalist and author, who expresses strong criticism of AIPAC, describing it as a powerful foreign agent that undermines American sovereignty. Blumenthal argues that AIPAC should be registered as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) and that a federal investigation should be conducted into its influence on U.S. politics.

Blumenthal further criticizes U.S. representatives, such as Thomas Massie, for their failure to address the issue of AIPAC's influence, suggesting that the fear of AIPAC's power prevents them from speaking out. He also contrasts the reaction to alleged Russian interference in U.S. elections with the lack of response to AIPAC's activities, highlighting the double standard in how foreign influence is perceived and addressed in the U.S. political sphere.

Aaron Maté, another journalist featured in the document, shares similar views, emphasizing the hypocrisy in the U.S. political discourse. Maté notes that while there is widespread condemnation of supposed Russian interference, the significant influence exerted by AIPAC and Israel on U.S. politics is largely ignored or normalized. He argues that this selective outrage undermines the integrity of U.S. democracy.

The document also discusses Cori Bush, a U.S. Congresswoman, who faced significant opposition from AIPAC during her election campaign. AIPAC reportedly spent $9 million to defeat her, which Blumenthal and Maté suggest is indicative of the organization's broader strategy to remove politicians who oppose its agenda. The document includes a discussion on the rhetoric used by White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, who, despite previously criticizing AIPAC, downplays the organization's actions, treating them as a protected group rather than addressing their controversial influence on U.S. politics.

Blumenthal and Maté also explore the potential consequences of AIPAC's influence, suggesting that it contributes to the perpetuation of conflicts in the Middle East. They argue that the U.S. government's unwavering support for Israel, driven in part by AIPAC's lobbying efforts, has led to a destabilization of the region, with the Biden administration failing to impose necessary ceasefires or exercise leverage over Israel. Blumenthal goes as far as to describe the U.S. government as a "Zionist-occupied government (ZOG)," a term he initially considered anti-Semitic but now sees as a reflection of the current political reality.

The document concludes with a reflection on the legacy of the Biden administration, particularly in terms of its foreign policy. Blumenthal and Maté criticize President Biden for escalating conflicts rather than fostering peace, suggesting that his administration will be remembered for its involvement in wars rather than for achieving any significant diplomatic victories. They also express concern over the future leadership of the U.S., with Blumenthal noting that the current political climate makes it undesirable for anyone to aspire to the presidency, given the likelihood of being remembered for overseeing significant loss of life.

#MaxBlumenthal #AaronMaté #CoriBush #KarineJeanPierre #BidenAdministration #ZionistOccupiedGovernment #ForeignAgentsRegistrationAct #USPolitics #MiddleEast #AmericanSovereignty #ForeignInfluence #Lobbying #USForeignPolicy #RegionalWar #PoliticalRhetoric #Sovereignty #Apartheid #USCongress #USForeignPolicy #DemocraticParty #Russia #Israel #Elections #FARA #Ukraine #Neocons #Afghanistan #Ceasefire #BidenLegacy #WarMongering #ForeignLobbying #USIsraelRelations #Conflict 

Key Takeaways:
  • AIPAC's influence on U.S. politics is significant and often goes unchallenged by lawmakers.
  • The U.S. political discourse shows a double standard in addressing foreign interference, particularly in how Russian and Israeli actions are treated.
  • Cori Bush faced substantial opposition from AIPAC during her election campaign, highlighting the organization's ability to influence political outcomes.
  • The Biden administration's foreign policy is criticized for escalating conflicts rather than promoting peace.
  • Max Blumenthal and Aaron Maté argue that AIPAC's actions contribute to the perpetuation of conflicts in the Middle East.
  • The concept of "Zionist-occupied government" is discussed in the context of U.S. foreign policy and political influence.
  • The document suggests the possibility of an imminent regional war due to the U.S. government's failure to impose a ceasefire in the Middle East.
  • It is predicted that the Biden administration's legacy will be marked by its involvement in wars rather than diplomatic successes.
Key Players:
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AIPAC: Unmasking the Foreign Influence in US Politics - 08-12-2024

>> Max Blumenthal: What we need to hear from representatives of the american people who oppose this Genocide is that AIPAC should be registered. As a foreign agent of an apartheid government, and there should be a federal investigation into the israeli meddling in us politics. That's what we need to hear. That's all we need to hear. And they'll never say it. None of them have ever said it. Maybe Thomas Massey is the only one. Who will say it. Meanwhile, the FBI is showing up at Scott Ritter's house, to fish through his computers, allegedly over some publishing deal he had. What AIPAC is doing is just such a titanic abuse of Farah, and the idea of american sovereignty is just a joke as long as AIPAC is there. So I can't even take any.

>> Aaron Mate: Any of this seriously.

>> Aaron Mate: And all these people, including AOC, bought into this scam of russian interference, right? Like they had. Yeah, but they've all, you know, bought into the fear mongering around it, which, even if it were true, which it's not, it amounts to basically stealing emails and putting out memes on social media. The memes part is only part of it. That's true. And even there, it's not even interference, because it's not even about any election. It just dumb memes that a russian social media company put out. But they all bought into that as a huge affront to our sovereignty. But yet when Israel is literally, you know, buying politicians and paying to oust those who stand in the way, they can't even be named. so it's completely normalized interference in democracy to the point where you can't even name it.

>> Max Blumenthal: Yeah, you cannot name it because you're afraid it's so powerful that it cannot be named. Well, it's going to eventually consume you as well. You give them an inch and they will take a mile. I don't think AOC has a shot at statewide election in New York because of this monster. This monster controlled by a foreign entity that you refuse to name. The White House also weighed in. This is a particularly pathetic display of american leadership in the face of foreign meddling.

>> White House Press Corp Journalist: follow up on Cory Bush. She gave us a speech last night, after the results came in, and she said, today, spent heavily against her, I'm coming to tear your kingdom down. Does the president have that statement?

>> Max Blumenthal: So, look, I mean, just the premise of the question, too, is, like, Cori Bush reacts angrily to AIPAC destroying her. And the premise of the question is, Cori Bush did something wrong. Do you condemn her?

>> Karine Jean-Pierre: Has always been very clear. And very recently, after the assassination attempt of the last president about lowering rhetoric. Right. Lowering political rhetoric and the importance of doing that. it is important. Important that we, be very mindful of what we say. this kind of rhetoric is inflammatory and divisive and incredibly unhelpful. and, look, we're going to continue to condemn any type of political rhetoric in that way, in that vein. And so it is important to be mindful in what we say and how we say it. but, we cannot have this type of inflammatory, divisive, language in our, political discourse.

>> Max Blumenthal: It's like she's talking about AIPAC like they'Re a minority group, like they're a protected minority group, and they need to be kept safe, and that Corey Bush is actually going to harm them.

>> Aaron Mate: And she invokes. She invokes an attempted assassination of a former president. Yeah, because if Corey Bush complaining about a foreign apartheid lobby spending $9 million to oust her somehow in line with, like, the inflammatory rhetoric that fuels, the assassination attempt on Trump, it's, you know, and this comes from someone, by the way, Karine Jean Pierre, who in 2019 was critical of AIPAC. she wrote, this is Karine Jean Pierre. In 2019, AIPAC's policy and conference speaker choices aren't its only problems. It's severely racist. Islamophobic rhetoric has proven just as alarming. The organization has become known for trafficking in anti muslim and anti arab rhetoric while lifting up islamophobic voices and attitudes. Okay, so, you know, they just spent $9 million to defeat Corey Bush. So think it's fair to. For Cory Bush to call out this organization that Cory Jean Pierre previously identified as islamophobic and racist?

>> Max Blumenthal: Well, there you have it. I mean, it's all right there. And anyone who's fronting for this administration is a tool of this system, which no one can name. And it's for this reason that the zionist billionaire class has so much control over the Kamala Harris campaign and has funneled so much money into the Democratic party that the Biden administration has no red lines. And we are looking at the very imminent possibility of a regional war. Regional war would have never taken place if a ceasefire had been imposed.

But the Biden administration will be talking about this for the rest of the livestream. Refuses to exercise any leverage. I used to think zionist occupied government was an anti semitic term. Now I'm forced to see it as a pretty accurate description of the reality we live in as one nation under zog. And I don't know how, like, any of very few major journalists can even see this and look it in the. Like, just look it in the face?

>> Aaron Mate: What nation? Under Zog that the term Zion's occupied government. I mean, yeah, I was going to.

>> Max Blumenthal: Call our stream last, our stream, about Netanyahu's visit that. But I decided, you know, we'll probably be demonetized if I do it, so.

>> Aaron Mate: By the way, look at the ten line from the New York Times today. This is Biden's legacy right here. Biden promised peace, but will leave his successor a nation entangled in war. The president has spent much of his tenure mobilizing military might against Russia's invasion, Ukraine, and supporting Israel. So that's the Biden legacy. And anybody working for him, that's their legacy, too. And they have, I don't know what, less than 100 days left till the election. can they accomplish anything that doesn't involve war mongering? Because that's all they've done so far. I mean, yes, they did withdraw from Afghanistan, but because it's almost like the criticism that Biden got for that from neocons. And there was the attack, that killed those american soldiers and many others. But it's like, since then, Biden's been trying to make up for it by just making the rest of the world an incredibly way more dangerous place and killing so many hundreds of thousands of more people.

>> Max Blumenthal: You have to be insane to want to be president at this point. And therefore, Kamala Harris is the nominee, and Donald Trump is the republican nominee. I mean, why would you want to inherit this? You're likely to be remembered as someone who presided over enormous amounts of death.

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